How to evan from rubber panda on slingshot and on the machine with photos and video


In our world, crafts made by their own hands are valued more and more. Many young girls learn to embroider, knit or weave. Weaving is not only a good way to develop a fine motility of hands, but also a good hobby. Multicolored Rainbow Loom weaving is very popular among teenagers from around the world. Just a few minutes and beautiful bracelets, rings and other decorations or figures are obtained. In this article, you will learn how to rinse from rubber panda in various inventory, 2D and 3D per pencil.

Weeping figurine on slingshot

The easiest and most popular inventory is a slingshot. Related on the slingshot can not only an experienced master, but also a newcomer. For weaving, you will need a slingshot, gum and hook.

Screw the first black rubber band in 4 turns on the hook. Then put on a pair of black gum and throw the lower row on them. After that, we throw a couple more and remove the previous row from the right and left column.

How to evan from rubber panda on slingshot and on the machine with photos and video

We wear 2 gum, remove the bottom. We do just 2 times. We throw everything on the right column.

On the left column we repeat the first paragraph. Then we throw another pair of black gum and throw all the Rainbow Loom in the middle. We carry everything to the left of the slingshot.

How to evan from rubber panda on slingshot and on the machine with photos and video

Hound on the right column one white elastic band in five revolutions. We throw a couple and remove those rev. Then we ride on such a scheme once with white rubber bands and twice with black. We throw rubber bands on the left column.

One black gum is coiled in 4 turns on the right side. Then a pair of blacks we put on two columns and remove the lower row to the center. Once again, wear a pair of black. According to such a scheme, we inlets two pairs of white and a pair of black gum. We carry the entire design on the left column.

We make 4 turns on the right column of black gum. The technique of "Fish Tail" weave three pairs of black. On the last pair, we throw down the lower gum, as well as the gum, which belongs to the lower element. We put on a pair of black gum and throw off all the elements.

How to evan from rubber panda on slingshot and on the machine with photos and video

To wet your head, take two white gum, put on two columns and throw white rubber bands. We also do two times. We carry everything on the right column.

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On the right side of the slingshot, we will cover 5 turns with a rubber band.

We start the hook into the last black loop, we throw a pair of white rubber on it, stretch through the loop, the second end we put on the hook, and then sketch everything neatly on the left column. We wear a couple of white rubber on the slingshot. And we throw out rubber bands on them from the left and revolutions on the right side of the slingshot. We carry all the work on the right column.

How to evan from rubber panda on slingshot and on the machine with photos and video

On the left column, you will cover 4 turns from the Black Rainbow Loom. We wear a couple of Rainbow Loom and throw only turns on them. Then we wear a pair of white and remove into the center of black and 4 white rubber bands. We put on a couple of white rubber bands and throw down the bottom row on them. Then we carry all the work on the left column.

On the left side we make five revolutions with black rubber band. We start the hook into the last black loop, we throw a pair of white rubber on it, stretch through the loop, the second end we put on the hook, and then sketch everything neatly on the right column. We wear a couple of white rubber on the slingshot and throw rubber bands on them from the left and revolts on the right side of the slingshot, transferred to the left column.

On the right column, you will cover 4 turns from the Black Rainbow Loom. We wear a couple of Rainbow Loom and throw only turns on them. Then we wear a pair of white and remove into the center of black and 4 white rubber bands. We put on a couple of white rubber bands and throw down the bottom row on them. We put a couple of white rubber on the slingshot and throw off all the gum. We wear gums on the hook and tighten the loops.

How to evan from rubber panda on slingshot and on the machine with photos and video

To connect the legs, we start the hook in a row of white rubber bands that started after the legs. We put one white gum, shy and taped the knot. Next, refuel this loop.

Machine to help

Weaving on the machine - absolutely simple, the main thing is to just stick to the instructions. For this work, you will need a machine: place it so that the middle line is a little dupile with extreme. From the following photos you will be able to learn how to soar a multi-colored Pandachka.

How to evan from rubber panda on slingshot and on the machine with photos and video

How to evan from rubber panda on slingshot and on the machine with photos and video

How to evan from rubber panda on slingshot and on the machine with photos and video

How to evan from rubber panda on slingshot and on the machine with photos and video

How to evan from rubber panda on slingshot and on the machine with photos and video

How to evan from rubber panda on slingshot and on the machine with photos and video

How to evan from rubber panda on slingshot and on the machine with photos and video

How to evan from rubber panda on slingshot and on the machine with photos and video

In order to make a figure, you just need to hide the loop: Tighten the hook inward figures, grab the gum and pass it into the figure.

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How to weave our animal without the help of a slingshot or machine? We will help the people's inventory, which has every home, namely weaving on the fork. In the video filed below, you will see a clear and affordable explanation for each scheme, where experienced masters specifically explain this type of weaving for beginners. Our pandosk can be weave not only in black and white colors, but also in others. Use your fantasy and create!

Little tool

To make a bulk pad on a small Monster Tale Machine, you will need: 35 black gum and 64 white.

We put on the first pair on the middle pegs of the machine. We put the next pair horizontally: 1 row column, which is closer to you, and 3 columns, which is further. And two more on the adjacent diagonal: 3 columns of a number, which is closer to you, and 1 on the line that is away.

How to evan from rubber panda on slingshot and on the machine with photos and video

For the next row, we will also need 6 rubber bands, we put them in pairs on the first, 2, 3 pegs of each row. That is, the first pair we put on the rightest pegs, the second in the middle, and 3 on the left. Next, remove the bottom layer inside.

To make the ears, take a black gum and get it three times on the hook. Next, we take another black gum, we twist it on your fingers twice and reset the turns on it from the hook, put it on the hook.

How to evan from rubber panda on slingshot and on the machine with photos and video

Resetting the resulting ear on a couple of white rubber bands. We put your eye on the extreme columns. We also do another. The ears do not look inside. We put on the columns that are in the middle, a couple of white rubber bands. We descend the lower layer of rubber band.

To make eyes, screw on the hook a black gum in 4 turns. We will make the same manipulations with another elastic band. Next, take one white and throw black momentum on it, and the gum itself will place in this way: we put one half with one glazing on the first column, in the second to the last, while the central column should be between halves of gum.

How to evan from rubber panda on slingshot and on the machine with photos and video

We put on two more gums for every two column. We descend to the center first, the Rainbow Loom, on which there are eyes, and then the bottom layer.

We make a spout: I wrap on a hook of a black elastic band in 4 turns, then throw it onto white strained and place it on the extreme columns of the line, which is further from you. Central pin on touch. We put on another row of pairing rubber bands and throw off the bottom. We put on another row of rubber in 2 pieces and descend the lower row.

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We transfer all rubber bands to the middle row, first from one, then from the other edge. We put on 6 gums on medium pegs, we descend all six gums to the center. We make an extension: To do this, the upper pairs of the gum are placed on extreme pins.

To make a panda paw, wear a pair of black gum on the hook, twisting eight. Next, we throw these revs to the next pair. We repeat the same work 4 more times and cling to these gums on extreme columns. We bring the hook to the very first loop of our handle.

How to evan from rubber panda on slingshot and on the machine with photos and video

We cling to the column on the other hand a couple of black rubber bands and throw off our handle on them, which is on the hook. We engage this pair to the adjacent extreme pin. We put on the center a pair of white rubber bands and descend to the center of the lower layers. We draw the next row and throw on the pin, which is opposite. Moving the paws inward the machine and return the gum into place.

We stretch across one white gum, and then we throw as usual pairs of gums on the columns. We finish first into the center one white gum, and then the bottom layer. We make two more such series. We make the lower paws in our panda, like the top, and wear in the same way. On the middle columns we wear two white gum and descend the lower row to the center. Next, we wear one white gum across and six more rubber bands, throw off the transverse, and then the bottom pair of Rainbow Loom. We carry gum from extreme columns to the central one. We descend the two bottom cutters from each column, and then we transfer everything to the right pin. Next, we start the hook in the inside of the knife, we draw a white rubberry, stretch through the column and make a loop. Our bear is ready!

Video on the topic

In order not to get confused in weaving, we advise you to see these videos. Such a charming animal weave and without a machine. In the video, it is available for beginners to begin the process of weaving a cute animal in various techniques using a machine, a slingshot or ordinary fork teeth.

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