Design table napkins


Design table napkins

Crafts from napkins on the table will be decorated with any holiday. Beautifully laid out napkins will give the table the completion of the serving and create an original warm atmosphere.

So nice to come to visit and see not only beautiful and delicious dishes, but also a beautifully decorated table.

Do not freeze with crafts. Remember that the napkin should be deployed comfortable.

How to decorate the table with napkins

The magnitude of the napkins can be different:

  • A large napkin for handicrafts 35x35 cm or 45x45 cm;
  • The middle napkin is 25x25 cm.

Small napkins are used for tea drinking, dessert or buffet. Also, these events are primarily selected colored napkins.

Napkins should be combined with the color of the tablecloth and dishes. You can pick up x in one tone or properly combine monophonic colors (green tablecloth - light green napkins or blue tablecloth - yellow napkins).

If you decide to cover the table with a double tablecloth, the color of the napkins should be the same as the color of the main tablecloth.

Typically, napkins are put on the left of the plate or on them. With this location, you can put the napkin into a decorative ring.

Design table napkins

How to decorate the table with napkins, if at hand the most ordinary napkins? Let's look at the example of several interesting options:

  • How to decorate the table with napkins "Table Fan";
  • "Yarny angles";
  • Wipe artichokes.

Any product from napkins turn your holiday into something unforgettable and be sure the guests will appreciate you.

Wood Decoration Napkins "Table Fan"

To make a desk fan, it is necessary to fold the napkin in half the face outside. Collect three quarters of its length in the harmonica and generate down the first fold. Not folded part of the napkin to fold diagonally so that the stand is.

Design table napkins

Decoration of the table "Yarry Corners"

We fold the four-part napkin and flexing its first layer diagonally so that the angle is in the left point. The second layer is reducing 2.5 cm from the first. To repeat the same with all the layers. At the end, bend the parties down and put on the table.

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Design table napkins

Wood Decoration Napkins-Artichokes

We put the napkin with an inlet up and bend all the corners to the center. Once again we will bend all the corners to the center and turn the napkin. Again, bend all 4 corners and pull the tips of the napkins, which were inside the quadrangle. Then pull the rest of the tips.

Design table napkins

How to decorate the table with crafts from napkins

Crafts from napkins Bouquet of flowers

As a rule, artificial flowers look good on any kitchen and coffee table, therefore, let's start with this universal version.

You will need:

  • 10 napkins of any color (you can take several pink and somewhat white);
  • scissors;
  • wire;
  • pencil;
  • a lid with a diameter close to the sizes with a napkin;
  • Green paper for crafts from napkins on the table;
  • Feltolsters (pink and lilac, for example);
  • glue.

We start creating our exposition of colors from stalks. To do this, take the wire, cut it on as many parts as we have flowers, and then wrap it with green paper. In order for the paper to be immediately falling apart, it is necessary to curl it with it at an angle, and in completion to be treated with glue.

It is important to remember that crafts from the napkins at the stage of formation of stalks must have places where buds will be recorded, and it is there a thicker stalk should be made, for example, wrapping it with several circles thin cut from the same green paper. This is done for this to fix the bud.

Next, we take the napkin in folded form, without pacifying it. We apply a cap that makes the size of the napkin as much as possible, and get it in a pencil circle.

Before scissors to cut over, you need to fix the layers so that they do not fall apart.

Then we supply the edge of the already cut napkin with a felt-tip pen. This will help to revive our flowers and give them a more original look.

The bulk of the work was done. It remains for us to find the Buten Center and do a neat hole in it, where it will stretch the seal to the seal site.

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IMPORTANT: The hole should not be too big, it is better to do it as small as possible, otherwise the flower will be fused on the stem, or will fall at the bottom of the stem.

Tip: Colors and types of colors from napkins can be used very different. If you have developed an interior on the sign of the zodiac, it is worth resorting to this method and when creating crafts.

After you put the future flower on the stem, bend the upper part of the stem and proceed to creating petals.

If the exposure falls apart or keeps the form, in some places, fix the layers with glue.

Design table napkins

Crafts from Napkins - Ball

To decorate the room, you can resort to such an idea how to make a ball from the napkins. And not just a ball, but flower. However, if we talk about decorating, many elements in the design of napkins are based on the creation of floral elements.

What do we need:

  • Flowers from napkins;
  • paper ball;
  • glue.

By analogy with the decoration of the table, we make a lot of similar colors. The amount to predict is extremely difficult, because in this case it all depends on what sizes the ball will have. To find on sale a ball, you can look at the store where the stationery and jewelry are sold.

So, already ready-made flowers that we have prepared, we try to doof. To do this, you can attach a white pearl beads to the center of each flower, which will reflect the light slightly and give elegance of the product.

Unlike the option with the colors on the stalk, the flowers for the ball may not be taken edging if you plan to arrange them beads. The main thing is to know the measure so that the product does not look cumbersome.

And the last stage - glue tightly to each other flowers to the surface of the ball. The only thing you can do at your own desire is to attach a rope, with which the ball will be attached to furniture, chandelier, ceiling.

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As for colors that can be used as a base, then there may be a maximum of two different, otherwise the product risks to purchase a ridiculous look.

Design table napkins

Chairs with your own hands, as a rule, are brown, if they are not painted, because there is a room where such furniture is present, it is better to decorated with orange or brown napkins. A very original option will be made a kitchen so that the balls hung over each of the chairs.

Design table napkins

What option to create crafts you would not have chosen, whether it is a Christmas tree, a shape for cutlery, a ballerina figurine or even a picture, a table decoration with napkins can be carried out in accordance with the interior that is inherent in your kitchen.

You should not overload the table by crafts, it is enough just to lay them out in a beautiful sequence and give them the original form.

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