Ways to beautifully lengthen the curtains from below


The question of how to lengthen the curtains is right and beautiful, any hostess may appear. The reasons are different for such a decision: after washing the fabric village, a desire to make changes to the design of the curtain, in the new apartment ceilings above and the windows are more, etc. Let's learn how to extend the curtains from below.

Ways to beautifully lengthen the curtains from below

We extend the curtains


Today there is the opportunity to ask for many people for help to professionals. For the correction of your Gardin, a specialist comes to the house who will discuss with you a style and color of the product, and will also make all measurements. However, not everyone has the opportunity to call a designer to the house or want to create a masterpiece to decorate the window. In this case, this article will help you to play with the elongation of curtains.

Another thing, if the curtains are very short. In this case, you will need to find a way to lengthen the curtains so that they look original and beautiful. The main thing is that new curtains make a complete harmony in the overall interior solution. To perform this problem, you can use several ways with your own hands.

Ways to beautifully lengthen the curtains from below

Other fabric

You can lengthen the curtains from below with another cloth. At the same time, they try to use the curtain fabric in one style with the main material from which the curtains are created. If you need to lengthen the curtains by 10-15 cm, it is enough to repeal its bending at the bottom and carefully rejuvenate the edge. However, this option will be suitable if, when you sewing the curtains, the bending was made sufficient length. Supports of the seam, having released the rest of the fabric and well allemented the canvas, changes in the product will be invisible, as in the photo.

If the material from which the curtains are sewn is no longer one year, it can lose its original color. Therefore, a clear contrast will be noticeable between the main web and released bending. In this case, you can completely shorten the curtains and apply them for the kitchen or bathroom, where they will fit more successfully.


If you do not want to part with the length of these curtains, you can distinguish the lower part of the curtain cut and lengthen the curtains from the bottom: the photo shows how to do it beautifully. Women who know how to do this will make an imperceptible new seam. Of course, it is difficult to choose a drawing and coloring of the fabric, which would good coincide with the main web. But you can choose a contrast fabric that will be combined with curtains and look stylish. So, to the bottom of the light curtains, you can add a red binder, and a cloth with a golden or silver tint is suitable for dark garbandes, as shown in the video.

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Ways to beautifully lengthen the curtains from below


Sometimes the Gardenine lacks only a couple of centimeters. This problem can be solved in this way: omitting the corze is slightly lower.

Ways to beautifully lengthen the curtains from below


Very beautiful extension of the curtains are performed using original suspension, which can be found in specialized stores. Such suspensions can be made in the form of bright silk threads, from Swarovski whirlpool, beads and pearls. This method you can lengthen the curtains if it is short and achieve the length that you need. In addition, beautiful pendants will be able to interior your room of a special charm and elegance. You can also make an independently suspension, which perfectly fit into the style of your interior. To lengthen the curtains from the fabric or tulle, you can find the right decision. It remains only to attach these products to the lower edge of the canvas and your curtain will acquire the length you need. This method is not suitable if the curtains are very short. But even in this case, the suspension can perfectly decorate the window opening.

Ways to beautifully lengthen the curtains from below


It looks very beautiful to the ruffles on the curtains, especially on the kitchen window. To this method you need to approach carefully not to disturb the general type of product. If you have issued your room in the style of minimalism, then you should not lengthen the curtains with the help of volanes and lush ruffs below. It is better to create something air and easy:

  • Fabric for rolling It is desirable to pick up so that it is mixed as much as possible not only in color, but also by texture with the main web;
  • Ruffles are strips of fabric that can be different widths;

Ways to beautifully lengthen the curtains from below

  • In order to lengthen the curtain, cut off the tissue strip of the desired length, plus on the binder and for stitching with the main web. At the same time, the length of the tissue strip should be almost one and a half times longer than the width of the curtains;
  • Know that for frills from fine and soft fabric it is necessary to prepare a longer segment of the material than from ordinary tissue. It is necessary so that you can collect the ruffs are more dense to preserve the beautiful type of folds. For pleated rolling, it is necessary to cut off the fabric length three times higher than the length of the feed cut.

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Ways to beautifully lengthen the curtains from below


There are many other ways to beautifully lengthen short curtains with your own hands: With the help of fabric loops, lambrequin, transverse inserts, etc. Any ways you can practice yourself, and your curtains will get the right format, and the interior of the room will play in a new way.

It is worth noting if your curtains belong to the category of gorgeous and very expensive Gardin, should not be engaged in their elongation on their own. Such expensive things are better to give to the restoration of professionals.

You can apply any way to lengthen your curtains. The main thing is that you are fantasized and tried to do work carefully. All methods described above can be applied not only in extreme cases when the curtains need to be lengthened. They will come and for the case when you want to simply change the design of the porter, which have already seen. Moreover, the elongated curtain with their own hands will always look more graceful and male.

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