Starting profile for siding, its purpose and installation method


Combination of the appearance of the house with the help of siding, it is necessary to conduct preparatory work. Under this implies the installation of the crate to which the installation of siding panels will be carried out. For high-quality protection of the walls of the house from unfavorable weather, it is necessary to pay special attention to the carcass, so today we will look at what profiles are for siding, how the crate is made correctly, which distance should be between profiles, what is the start and finishing profile.

Starting profile for siding, its purpose and installation method

Facing siding

Frame device

Starting profile for siding, its purpose and installation method

Frame for siding

In the system of hinged facades, to which siding belongs, it is understood as the installation of panels on the metal framework. The technology for self-installation is very simple, so even a newcomer can cope with this process. The doom can be performed from wooden bars, but I advise you to use a metal profile for siding. Unlike the wood, the metal bar is not afraid of moisture and is not deformed under this influence, and is also not exposed to mold. Despite the fact that wooden bars can be treated with special impregnations, after a while they will still fall under the influence of negative factors.

On the finishing surface, the lamp is mounted using brackets and profiles. One of the important conditions for the correct installation is the distance between the planks. Normally, this distance between them oscillates in the area of ​​40-60 cm. Do not forget that you need to install a metal profile at the same distance. The lamp serves as equalizing the wall and in the future it allows you to very simply make the installation of siding. For old houses with curved walls, this option will be an excellent and fast way to level the surface.

Important! Stuccoings of walls for houses has long been not so popular as before. On replacing it, the construction market was filled with new finishing materials that simplify the process of design of the facade.

Installation of the crate is performed due to such profiles:

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Installation of the crate is performed due to such profiles:

  • Starting profile - need to perform the lower border finish from siding. The first siding strip is attached to this bar, such a directing profile should be set up with the support of the level and plumb
  • The finishing establishment of such an item is necessary to fix the last panel of siding, which is joined with the cornice
  • Outer angle - Vertical fastening at the corners of the facilities
  • Internal - for niches at home
  • J-profile -For window opening
  • Hinged Planck - is a drainage over the window or basement
  • Coolband - Decorative Frame for Opera
  • Connecting Plank - Docking Siding Panel
  • Sofit - With it, it is separated by a fronton
  • J-chamfer - Decor for cornice

If you decide to install the crates with your own hands, then follow these rules:

  1. The frame must be mounted on surfaces that do not have protruding objects. So all lanterns or platbands must be removed
  2. Old finish, if it peers from the walls should be removed. Metal frame must be installed on peeled surface
  3. Large irregularities of the corners must be aligned as much as possible. The fact is that the installation will be vertical and for large deviations it will be almost impossible
  4. Next, the markup occurs on which the framework of the framework will occur. Do not forget that the collection between profiles will be 40-60 cm

Why do you need a starting profile

Starting profile for siding, its purpose and installation method

Wooden Side Mounting Frame

If the siding frame is equipped with a horizontal position, the starting profile will be at the bottom of the crate. Starting profile is mounted using a plumb and level. Stop the start panel is as soon as possible, thus sets the course for the first panel and all subsequent.

Starting profiles have different length and width. And each of them has its own purpose. In a small table, I made an appointment starting strips:

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Wide starting stripUsed for the fact that the skin fell below the warent base
Steel bandIncrease the rigidity of the lower row of siding. Apply instead of vinylovye
Wide steelFor the reconstruction of the old cladding, which you need to omit at a low distance
Also for the shelter of large holes on the wall

Mount Alta-Profile

Starting profile for siding, its purpose and installation method

Montage siding with your own hands

I want to immediately say that at first the profile of Alta was intended for the base unit. However, now it can be used for complete finishing of facades. By the way, this is an excellent option, since the base material is stronger to any impact of an extraneous nature.

Alta profiles can create simulation not only wooden panels, but also stone or brickwork. Alta stripes are made by way to pour high pressure, you can always choose the most suitable size of width, colors and textures for you. Therefore, even the most individual design ideas can be performed using this material. Before starting the installation of alta-profiles, it is necessary not only to prepare the tools, but also make the necessary measurements. Always purchase material with a margin, as waste may occur during trimming. The installation involves the presence of a flat surface, so if there are some deviations, it is better to eliminate them with a frame.

Installation of Alta Planka begins with fixing the starting strip. For this purpose, a plumb and level use, the laser can also be used. Self-tapping screw or dowel should be applied as fasteners. For them, there are special holes, between which there is no need to pierce new holes. After the installation of the first alto of the bar is made, it is necessary to install all angular elements, and then move to the next row. A cutting profile is allowed using a circular saw or hacksaw with small teeth.

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Starting profile for siding, its purpose and installation method

Obetka for siding

During the design of the facade, you must immediately calculate all possible nuances and eliminate them. When buying a material, it is necessary to check product quality, as well as look at all product quality certificates. The framework, which will continue to be mounted siding must be properly equipped. Between profiles, you need to adhere to a certain distance, and for the very arrangement it is better to apply a metal profile. A starting strip is particularly important, which allows you to install siding panels as soon as possible and securely. Unlike a wooden frame, a metal profile is not subject to negative effects and is completely not afraid of water, as well as mold. The course between frame elements should be either 40 or 60 cm.

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