Plaid Crochet with Motive Scheme


Plaid Crochet with Motive Scheme

I do not know how you are - I'm just a bastard from a crochet plaid. Now I knit the plaid from square motifs at this knitting scheme. I found another option as you can connect with a crochet, only this time with the monitor of the hexagon motifs.

Such a plaid can be associated from three types of yarn - how it will look, you can rate by photo. Each motive knits from one color of yarn. Connect motifs in accordance with the scheme. The reduced below.

The plaid can be of any size - from the cape on the chair, to the bedspread for a double bed - it all depends on that. How much time and yarn do you have in stock?

You can associate motifs and differently - to use several different colors in one motive, or vice versa - to link the whole openwork plaid from the yarn of one color. Thickness of the thread can also be any - the main thing to pick up the hook of suitable size to threads.

If you choose thick threads, your motives will turn out to be larger, but the plaid will contact faster, and if a thinner - then the plaid will be more gentle and openwork, but you will need to tie more motives.

Motive scheme increases

Connection scheme of motifs of different color

Video on the topic

In this video, the master class on knitting plaid crochet from square motifs is shown.

Article on the topic: Master class on volume weaving from beads Beads "Baroque"

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