Weaving Grape Vine Baskets


Weave Baskets made of vine - Beautiful ideas and master class on creating a basket of natural materials. Ensure a basket or kashpo, on this master class, you can not only from the grape vines, you can use any branches for work. And why apply handmade basket - decide for yourself. It is possible to make a decorative composition for the holiday of Light Easter, you can beautifully place a gift for the new year or simply put in the interior with different decorative elements, figures and colors of Handmade.

Weaving Grape Vine Baskets

Weaving Grape Vine Baskets

Weaving Grape Vine Baskets

Weaving Grape Vine Baskets

Weaving Grape Vine Baskets

Before you start watching the photo master class, I want to inspire you on creativity by examples of beautiful compositions in handmade baskets. All this can be weave from grape vines.

Weaving Grape Vine Baskets

Weaving Grape Vine Baskets

Weaving Grape Vine Baskets

And now the master class is on this basket:

Weaving Grape Vine Baskets

To work, we will need a grape vine, thin flexible twigs, garden scissors and a thermopystole with hot glue.

Weaving Grape Vine Baskets

The vine must be blocked or cut into pieces.

Weaving Grape Vine Baskets

From flexible twigs twist two hoops, we will need one for the bottom, the second is for the top of the basket.

Weaving Grape Vine Baskets

Twisting twigs for handle baskets.

Weaving Grape Vine Baskets

We clean the vine from the crust.

Weaving Grape Vine Baskets

Arbitrarily glue the slice of the vine to the bottom and the top of the basket.

Weaving Grape Vine Baskets

Fill the slice of the vine, the entire perimeter of the sides of the baskets, glit with hot glue.

Weaving Grape Vine Baskets

We glue the pallet from the flower pot.

Weaving Grape Vine Baskets

Weaving Grape Vine Baskets

Basket decorate lace or ribbons. And also, additionally it can be painted or covered with varnish.

Weaving Grape Vine Baskets

And a few more ideas for fans of floristics:

Weaving Grape Vine Baskets

Weaving Grape Vine Baskets

Weaving Grape Vine Baskets

Weaving Grape Vine Baskets

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