Wish's bracelet with your own hands: Master class with photos and video


Increasingly on the wrist of people you can see a thin red thread. Slightly understandable to her destination, which is rooted in deep antiquity. On the appointment of this subject and how to make a bracelet desires with your own hands, will be detailed in detail in this article.

Wish's bracelet with your own hands: Master class with photos and video

The appearance of bracelets

Among the most common decorations of modernity, the first place was rightfully received a bracelet. The history of this subject is so ancient that scientists suggest his appearance in the Stone Age.

Wish's bracelet with your own hands: Master class with photos and video

With the development of the techniques for the production of bronze, a person learned how to create the progenitor of the modern bracelet. It was a massive metal construction worn on the wrist for protection in battle. A little later, the bracelets were modified and began to wear aesthetic character, that is, turned into jewelry. Gradually, these accessories assigned the role of the subject of religious and even mystical. In addition, the bracelet spoke of a person's belonging to one or another religion, his hobbies and wealth. Nowadays the same trend is traced. The abundance of materials from which the bracelet can be made is so great that the fantasy of the masters there is no limit. However, there are also such items that not only serve as an ornament, but also help their owner. One of them is the red thread. What it is and what is noteworthy this bracelet, you will learn in the next section of the article.

Wish's bracelet with your own hands: Master class with photos and video

Legendary Obereg

Red thread appears in the legends of many countries. She is honored by the Chinese and the Japanese who believe that every person is connected with his second half thin red thread of fate. It can be transformed in every way, but never breaks. Gradually, this invisible subject provides two people together. In the photo below you can see that only a close person is observing such an amulet.

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Wish's bracelet with your own hands: Master class with photos and video

In a modern sense, the Red Thread takes his beginnings from Judaian Kabbalah. This teaching is based on a mixture of religion, astrology and magic. According to Legend, Lilith, the first wife of Adam, after expulsion from the Eden Garden became a demonice. She walked around the world for a long time and kidnapped human babies. When Lilith flew over the sea, three angel surrounded it, asked to stop the abduction of children. She gave them a promise that no longer grown babies called by her name, which in translation denotes "red". Since then, the Jews began to be tagged on the wrist of the kids red thread, guarding the cut from evil.

Wish's bracelet with your own hands: Master class with photos and video

Both in the east and in Israel, the creation of this unusual accessory is considered a special magical ritual. The Chinese and Tibetans create a convergence ceremony of people. Jews read 7 prayers, for each tied knot of the bracelet. Their content directly depends on the goals delivered to the overag - protection, bringing good luck, health, well-being.

Be that as it may, the red thread took the robust position among unusual decorations. She even worn by world and domestic stars - Madonna, Lolita, Philip Kirkorov. Stars argue that such a bracelet helps them get rid of negative. It absorbs negative energy and bursts after overflow. According to reference, when the thread fails, the desire to be molded during its tying will be fulfilled.

Wish's bracelet with your own hands: Master class with photos and video

Wish's bracelet with your own hands: Master class with photos and video

Red thread

The real red thread is told in Israel at the Wall Wall. It was the bracelet that brought from this country has the most magical force. Make an analogue with your own hands is quite simple. Specialists argue that the main thing in this case is a positive attitude. Whether you want to use a bracelet as a decoration or really believe in his magic force, and try creating such an unusual thing worth it.

Wish's bracelet with your own hands: Master class with photos and video

Essay bracelet desires from red thread can be in various ways. The most important part of this accessory is 7 nodules or 7 beads. This number is a mystical character. The simplest option is to have a bead in a pigtail of three threads. To fulfill your dream, make it necessary correctly:

  • Select Clear and Meadow Day, stand at dawn.
  • For weaving bracelet, remove into a secluded place.
  • Immerse yourself in thoughts in your desire and highlight the 7 main stages of achieving the goal.
  • From the ball of woolen yarn of red, cut three threads. Their length should be equal to three turns around the wrist.
  • Secure the thread by the knot - it symbolizes your desire.
  • Thinking the first step of the path to its execution, peck the pigtail 1/3 of the wrist. Then, inlet first bead.
  • Repeat the visualization of the planned until all of the 7 beads are full and tie a node.

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Ask a close person to put on a red thread to you on the left wrist. When the thread itself fails, your desire will be fulfilled.

Welcome a beautiful bracelet with sacred meaning in any scheme.

Wish's bracelet with your own hands: Master class with photos and video

Wish's bracelet with your own hands: Master class with photos and video

Wish's bracelet with your own hands: Master class with photos and video

Complete the accessory with a beautiful suspension. David's star look great, Hamsa (Rachel's hand), blue eyes, natural stones.

Wish's bracelet with your own hands: Master class with photos and video

Wish's bracelet with your own hands: Master class with photos and video

Wish's bracelet with your own hands: Master class with photos and video

Bracelet from childhood

Many of the child's magic bracelertors desires from ordinary ropes and beads. The meaning of such a bracelet is similar to the Red Thread, only does not carry a deep sacred character. People simply believed that when the magic bracelet would pass and wear out, he would fulfill his conceived when creating it. We offer you a master class, which will help make a bracelet desires. For the manufacture of the accessory, you will need:

  • ropes;
  • scissors;
  • Beads with a big hole;
  • Positive attitude and innermost desire.

Wish's bracelet with your own hands: Master class with photos and video

Cut the three ropes in two clashes of your wrist. Tie them to the nodule and make your desire. Glowing pigtails with a length of about a third of the bracelet.

Wish's bracelet with your own hands: Master class with photos and video

Put on one of the ropes of the bead and stick it in the product.

Wish's bracelet with your own hands: Master class with photos and video

Continue torsion beads. Their number can be any, but most often choose the magic number seven.

Wish's bracelet with your own hands: Master class with photos and video

Wish's bracelet with your own hands: Master class with photos and video

While the ends of the bracelet node.

Wish's bracelet with your own hands: Master class with photos and video

If the beads do not turn outward, then the appearance of the decoration will become more interesting.

Wish's bracelet with your own hands: Master class with photos and video

It remains only to put the accessory and wait for its wear. It will become not only an decoration, but also a constant reminder of the achievement of the goal.

Video on the topic

This selection of videos will tell you about the stages of creating a bracelet of desires.

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