Openwork blouse made of thin yarn knitting with photos and videos


Today we do not render our wardrobe without knitted things. Knitting needles have always been and remains a very popular kind of needlework. Probably, in each family, warm, beautiful and cozy things connected with his grandmothers and mothers are preserved. Since childhood, you are surrounded by knitted wear, which was having fun and was practical and indispensable: scarves, hats, mittens, socks, sweaters, vests. Today, clothes became easier to buy in the store, but still many needlewomen create the only and unique things in which they invest the part of their soul. In this article we will tell you how to tie a fishnet blouse from thin yarn with knitting needles.

Openwork blouse made of thin yarn knitting with photos and videos

Openwork blouse made of thin yarn knitting with photos and videos

But first let's talk a little about the history of knitting on the needles and interesting facts. We rarely think about where knitting came from, and who was the first to make a loop from a thread with the help of the spokes.

A bit of history

Knitting on the spokes is an ancient kind of needlework. Nobody knows reliably, who guessed that with the help of twisted threads, various clothes can be knitted with sharpened chopsticks. The history of needlework calls only approximate data, but still some historical facts are known. In the ancient written sources mentioned knitting. This craft knew even in the era of the Trojan War. When excavations and research on the territory of Egypt, the Coptic tombs found many knitted things.

Openwork blouse made of thin yarn knitting with photos and videos

Openwork blouse made of thin yarn knitting with photos and videos

In the Middle Ages wearing knitted things could afford only people from the highest class. Queen Elizabeth wore stockings, knitted with soft thin yarn. At that time, the first knitting schools appeared in England and this craft was rapidly developed. Knitted stockings were exported from Britain to Germany, Holland, Spain. In Scotland in the 17-18th centuries, whole families were involved in the manufacture of knitted clothes. At that time, the necessary thing for fishermen from the Scottish Islands was warm sweaters associated with coarse wool. It is from there that the famous Aran knitting takes his roots.

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Openwork blouse made of thin yarn knitting with photos and videos

It is believed that it was from Europe that the sea travelers brought knitting skills to the Scandinavian countries. During the French wars, women were going together and knitted socks, mittens and other warm things for soldiers. This was practiced during the first and second world wars. In different parts of the world, various types of knitting spokes originated, which were distinguished by models, ornaments, color combination of threads.

Today, many vintage knitting techniques with French and German names are very often used.

Openwork blouse made of thin yarn knitting with photos and videos

Nowadays, you can find a lot of knitting information on the needles on the Internet, as well as watch video lessons for beginners. We will learn to knit openwork blouse for full female needles.

Getting to work

We offer you some photos of blouses made of fine yarn related specifically for complete women:

Openwork blouse made of thin yarn knitting with photos and videos

Openwork blouse made of thin yarn knitting with photos and videos

For knitting openwork blouses 46-48 size, you will need: circular spokes (number 3.5 and 4.5), 450 grams of fine yarn. Knitting is made with a scribbling. Knitting scheme in the photo below.

Step-by-step job description:

  • Knit back. First, score 98 loops and knit the handle as a scheme. Then we retreat for the trace from the beginning of knitting 46 cm, close on each side of 5 loops, and then in each second row, it first 1 times 3 loops, then 2 times 2 hours. Next, at an altitude of 64 cm, close the average 10 loops, and after each side it is completed by separately. In this way, we form a neckline. To round, in each 2 row, close 3 loops twice. Close the 26 remaining loops at an altitude of 66 cm from the beginning of knitting.

Openwork blouse made of thin yarn knitting with photos and videos

  • Knit front part. The technology is the same as knitting the back, only for the cutting of the neck to close the average 10 loops. Close at an altitude of 58 cm from the beginning. Further, each side ends knit on separateness. To round, it is necessary to close 1 time 3 loops in each second row, then 2 loops once, and 1 loop once. Finish knitting with closing 26 loops at an altitude of 66 cm from the beginning of knitting.

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Openwork blouse made of thin yarn knitting with photos and videos

  • Knit sleeve. We recruit 50 loops and knit tight viscous 4 rows and continue the pattern according to the scheme. In order to get a SCOS, you need to add from two sides of each row 12 times 1 loop. There should be 74 loops. Rates 42 cm from the beginning, 5 loops close for OKAT from two sides. Then to close 2 loops in each second row. At the end, close all the loops, reaching a height of 57 cm.
  • Build product. For this you need to perform all the shoulder seams. Score 96 loops on circular needles and knit around the edge of the neck 15 cm. The loop in even rows need to knit as for the front side. In order to complete the mating, it is necessary to tie a handful viscous 6 rows. The loops can be closed, but not to tighten. Finish work with the implementation of side seams and seams of sleeves.

Photo of finished blouse:

Openwork blouse made of thin yarn knitting with photos and videos

Next, we propose to see the selection of educational video.

Video on the topic

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