Sunflowers Quilling: Master Class of Circle


These bright and almost like alive sunflowers are made in a quilling technique.

Sunflowers Quilling: Master Class of Circle

To perform Sunflowers Quilling, it suffices to follow all the advice of our master class, which tells in detail all the steps of doing this work.

First of all, you should prepare all the necessary materials: black and yellow paper strips for queening, a special pattern with circles, sewing pins, tool for queening, glue, colored paper and cardboard, wire and frame for panel.

Please note that the sunflower consists of two rows of petals, the number of which can vary from twelve to fifteen pieces. To make one such petal, take a strip of 60 cm long, if you have 30 cm strips, they must be pre-glued together.

Now this strip twist the traditional method quilling and fix the diameter of the prepared preparation to thirty millimeters. When the tip of the strip is glued, the workpiece should be given an extended form resembling a drop. At the same time, the center of the detail should shift to one of the edges.

Sunflowers Quilling: Master Class of Circle

Further, the part is fixed using a pin, and in the displaced center we drip the glue drop. When the center gets dry, the tip of the petal should be given the sharpness for which the scissors can be used. Perform further as many petals as expected in the entire composition.

For the sink of sunflower, it is necessary to cut a circle with a diameter of three centimeters from black paper. It should be pasted with small rolls that have a slightly convex form. These rolls imitate sunflower seeds, so they should fill in the entire space of the black circle.

Sunflowers Quilling: Master Class of Circle

Sunflower stems consist of wire cutting the required length. Wire is wrapped with a green material, which can be used a floral tape.

Sunflowers Quilling: Master Class of Circle

All the basic elements of the composition are ready, the turn is to compile the layout of the product. It is best for this with a hot glue gun, if there is no one, you can assemble colors on a template in the form of a funnel. To do this, you will need a cardboard from which you need to cut the circle of diameters of three centimeters. Cutting the circle on the radius, glue the funnel. After it dried well, I fix the stem of the sunflower on the reverse side.

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Sunflowers Quilling: Master Class of Circle

To properly fold our flower, you should stick one row of petals on the edges of the funnel, then a black middle, and the completion of the second row of petals. From the side of the stalk to the funnel, a fear of green leaves should be placed.

The leaves are performed from the usual green paper, and the streaks can be drawn with a felt-tip pen of the corresponding color.

Sunflowers Quilling: Master Class of Circle

Thus, after performing several leaves of different sizes, place them on our composition.

You can take a frame for photos as a basis of work, slightly patting over a common background.

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