How to Estim from Rubber Toy 3d Crochet For Beginners


As you know, an experienced master will cope with the work of any complexity, including with toys. Weaving from rubber band is a popular look of the hobby. Wicker products can be left for memory, give a close person. Toys can be big and small. Little more often serve as keychains, and big toys serve as an interior decoration. So let's look at how to rush out of a gum of toys of different sizes.

How to Estim from Rubber Toy 3d Crochet For Beginners

Learning to work with the machine

The simplest toy that can be created on the machine is "Ferby". Weaving technology is relatively not complicated, so it is perfect for beginners.

How to Estim from Rubber Toy 3d Crochet For Beginners

The work must be performed in two gum, and the middle row of the machine must be slightly shifted before. During the banding of the rubber band, it is necessary to combine the first and medium, medium and left column. Next, down five steps. Lower side columns must be connected to the central. To create a volume for a future toy, you need to weave 2 chains. They must consist of three paired rubber bands. With the help of them to connect the middle pegs of the extreme rows from the outside.

To create the ears, it is necessary to use 2 gum, which were twisted in advance eight. They ride them on 4 central columns and connect with side. During weaving, it is necessary to shift the lower loops to the previous ones. It is necessary to fix them with a loop of a rubber.

To get a foot, it is required to make a 4 hinge around the hook, then shifting on a folded gum. Such an action must be repeated 4 times. Upon the same analogy, it is necessary to make eyes and nose. After all the elements were fastened with each other, it turned out beautiful 3d toy.

Weave on the machine - this is a solid pleasure. In addition to such a toy with the help of a machine, you can weigh many unusual products of different complexity.

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How to Estim from Rubber Toy 3d Crochet For Beginners

How to Estim from Rubber Toy 3d Crochet For Beginners

How to Estim from Rubber Toy 3d Crochet For Beginners

Variety options

We can weave without a machine with a slingshot. On the slingshot you can weigh a light toy owl.

How to Estim from Rubber Toy 3d Crochet For Beginners

Before starting work, you must prepare all the materials. For weaving a cute Sovice prepare:

  • slingshot:
  • hook;
  • 44 orange rubber bands. This is the main color of the product;
  • 8 white - for the tummy;
  • 4 yellow for paws and 2 black for eyes.

The entire weaving process will be performed in 2 stages. Initially, on a flat surface of the rubber, it is necessary to make a future work scheme. After that, you can proceed to weaving the body.

Work start with orange. The first gum rinse into three turns on the right column of slingshot. After that, on both columns to simultaneously wear 2 gum. The initial loop take off so that it is in the center of the top. After that, all the gum moves to the left column so that the right is completely empty.

Now you can start the foot of the future toy. For this, yellow rubber band 4 times wrap the right peg of slingshots. After that, drive a pair of primary color. Yellow rubber bands to remove to the rest. From the left column to the center to transfer 2 pairs of orange gum so that the future foot be on the right side. Then we ride a new pair again, and the lower at this time to transfer everything to the center. Again we ride the gum, the whole mass of the lower moves to the center. After that, all gum must be transferred to the right side. Crochet introduce into the very first pair of rubber bands and cross them on the left column.

After that, it is necessary to start weave the belly. To do this, it is necessary to ride the first pair of white rubber bands. Triple gum must be transferred to the center. We again ride and descend to the center a couple of previous white rubberar. Similarly, repeat with 3 and 4 pairs. All white rubber bands on the left side must be transferred to the right column. Using the hook, you need to transfer the first loop to the left side.

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Orange rubber bands come into operation again. But they are rid of two piles at the same time. 3 turns that were on the left side must be sent to the center. At this time, another foot is made on the left column. We dress on both columns orange gum, and in their center reset the paw. From the right casside, throw off the top pair of gum so that they find themselves in the center, and the foot should be on the left side. We ride and remove to the center again. We repeat two more times. With the help of the next pair, the body is connected, and you can proceed to weaving the head.

We ride a couple, throw off the previous ones. Then we ride and throw off again. Gum on the left side must be transferred to the right. Right peg 4 times wind with black rubber band. Then again we ride the main gum and drop four loops on it. Once again, they throw everything and move everything to the center. On the left side, all gum moves to the right side. We introduce the hook to the initial loop of the head and introduce 2 yellow gum into it - it will be a key. We ride 2 gum and discard all the previous ones to the center.

All on the left side gently move to the right. We again introduce the hook in the first gum of the head. We throw a pair of redhead on the head of the hook. From him gum rinse on the left column. We ride the gum and descend on them 2 pairs of previous. And begin to make a second eye by analogy to the first. After that we ride the gum and in its center we descend all the previous ones. Tighten everything with a gum. More details with weaving technology can be found with the video.

A selection of photos that will inspire:

How to Estim from Rubber Toy 3d Crochet For Beginners

How to Estim from Rubber Toy 3d Crochet For Beginners

How to Estim from Rubber Toy 3d Crochet For Beginners

Video on the topic

Video creation to create toys on a machine and slingshot:

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