Gray walls


When making the interior, it is necessary to take into account the huge number of different aspects - and one of the main ones is color. It is from him that the overall perception of any room depends. We still do not have time to consider fittings and decor, but already seeing exactly what color scheme is decorated.

Gray walls

Using neutral colors when interior design

Colors can apply different, but often we want to choose something more neutral. Then gray tones are used very often. But as far as they really are neutral and how exactly would they cost them?


The use of this color as part of the interior is not an exceptionally new trend. In the 19th century, it was one of the most fashionable colors at the courtyard, the gray was associated with luxury, aristocracy. In France, he was in a special go. In the twentieth century, he came out of fashion, but now it becomes especially popular in various styles of interiors.

Gray walls

Interesting designer solution with frame


Gray wallpapers have a very serious advantage - they allow you to visually disguise the flaws that were allowed when creating one or another interior. Under these flags, it is unnecessary to the contrast or inappropriate color of the decor, furniture and so on.

Gray wallpaper gently smooth these colors and create a general elegance and elegance atmosphere.

More gray wallpapers have a unique property - they are "mimicry" in direct dependence on how common color background is. That is, for example, in the room where almost all furniture is blue, the wall will seem warm, slightly given orange.

Gray walls

Unexpected application of wallpapers in the bathroom

In the room with yellow furniture, the wall will be a little purple. This allows you to expand the necessary color accents and supplementing solutions without a long choice less neutral colors.


The impact of gray on a person is quite ambiguous, because it can influence a very different type. On the one hand, it is considered to be quite neutral, but it is not because it does not act on a person psychologically.

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Gray walls

Change color on the wall depending on the type of lighting

On the contrary, it, with the desired combination with other colors and the desired selection of a shade, can act in oppressing and depressively to the person, and can also exercise and soothing effect.

It is not recommended to select too dark options, they act on a person unnecessarily negatively from a psychological point of view.

However, even the most dark shade of gray (such as, for example, anthracite) still looks more optimistic than the gloomy and tightening attention is purely black.


Gray wallpapers are extremely welcome guests almost in any rooms. Here are some examples of how to actually apply them in various locations of the house or apartment.

Gray walls

Vinyl wallpaper with incomprehensible pattern

  • Bedroom. There is usually a light gray, but you can also apply a dark gray (but not gloomy), then a pleasant soothing atmosphere will be created, which will help fall asleep after a long working day, and will not create a negative mood in the morning when waking.
  • Living room. In this room, which is essentially the most important from the point of view of the design, because it is she asks the total tone of the whole home / apartment, it is better to use not pure gray wallpaper, but a combination of colors, for example, with white, or with warm shades of brown - Both on the wall and in the interior. This will allow the room to give the room that it is required.
  • Hall. It is best to choose such wallpapers in the hallways that are not too small. For small, white, or other blonde colors. The gray will give the hallway to the hallway more traditional classic style when combined with neutral fittings and decor elements.
  • Kitchen. There is also an ideal to combine gray with a little more vivid colors, because the kitchen is not only a functional place, this is the place where the appetite should awaken. So in a pair of gray, you can choose, for example, yellow, or something similar. It will also help to give the interior of originality.

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Gray walls
Wallpaper for gray gray - how to competently use the virtues of gray to get a harmonious and beautiful interior in a large room.
Gray walls
Gray bedroom wallpapers - theory and practice of creating a calm interior in the bedroom with the use of gray, examples of successful solutions.
Gray walls
Gray wallpaper in the kitchen is the creation of a harmonious and practical interior in the kitchen with gray wallpaper, examples of ready-made interiors, successful combinations with gray.


It was mentioned above that the gray color can mimicarize almost for any color, can adjust under any decision, which makes it so universal. But it is important to think not only about gray, but also about other colors that, with a similar combination, can just get lost and looks not so expressive.

Gray walls

Flower themes Great for bedroom

  • Monochrome tones. Gray is combined with white and black perfect, especially if gray wallpapers will be very light, almost translucent. You can, in this case, take the wallpaper with a pattern. You can still make a fairly bright contrast, when some walls are gray, others are white, which looks quite interesting, fresh and very modern.
  • Beige. One of the classic combinations, which is desirable not to take in pure form, but complement with various small elements, parts and accents. Instead of beige, you can safely apply the color of coffee with milk, creamy, caramel and similar tender pastel colors.
  • Blue. This combination is good, because from the point of view of psychological perception, these colors are very similar. Therefore, it is not necessary to avoid such a combination. You can add this combination to other similar accents - pink decorative elements / objects.
  • Yellow. Very interesting and original bright combination that allows you to create an original interior. Few people apply it, but those who apply create at home a truly interesting solution.
  • Red Blue. The gray wallpaper is perfectly combined with these flowers, especially if you choose enough bright accessories and decorative elements.

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Gray in various styles

Gray is dominant in a number of visual styles. For example, in the style of high-tech. This is due to the fact that usually the technique is taken to paint in gray colors - black is too much heated, and the white is not practical enough. In the wallpaper, this functionality, of course, disappears, but the stylistics are withstanding with the analogy with popular gadgets and devices - so if your decor allows you to create a high-tech environment, then it is better to find gray shades extremely difficult. However, this is not the only style in which this color is applied.

Gray walls

Strict bedroom interior

It is applied gray and in retro-style. It is especially well suited when the interior design is carried out using vintage furniture and decor. In this case, a light gray background is used, which does not take care of, but, on the contrary, it allows us to expressively emphasize various interior parts and elements.

Mute, very soft gray can be used when creating an interior performed mainly in the Provence style. In this case, in a pair, it is necessary to select exactly the same soft and inconsimilar colors of various interior elements, it is necessary to use gentle, careless shades, so as not to be created excessive accentuation.

Gray walls

Living room, gray wallpaper with repeating pattern

Finally, the gray color of the wallpaper is the frequent "guest" in the style of Loft. This color is simply ideal, because it is combined with metal and / or chrome surfaces, which are native from business cards of a minimalistic style in the interior.

Gray walls
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You can apply gray and in other styles, nothing prevents it from doing this, it is only important to choose a correct shade that will not strongly draw attention to yourself. After all, it is still a more background and neutral color, which makes it so universal and applicable in most different situations.

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