Coloring Vinyl Wallpaper, Popular Colors


To decorate walls in the house there will be vinyl wallpapers. This is a universal modern material, practical and moisture-resistant, who is able to delight you with his own kind. It remains only to choose a suitable coloring and drawing, like you and suitable to the interior of a particular room.

Coloring Vinyl Wallpaper, Popular Colors

Combination of wallpaper types can be in this form

We would like to tell a little about the most popular colors of vinyl wallpapers, which people choose for their walls, as well as find out what moves them in this choice.

Calm tones

First of all, I would like to consider the group of the most popular colors, these are ordinary pastel tones and a number of calm bright shades.


Vinyl wallpapers on a paper or flieslinic basis can be of a variety of colors, for example, white. Yes, it is quite possible to choose white wallpaper from vinyl hot embossing, because they will be easily laundered, thereby it is easy to return the initial beauty.

White wallpaper is chosen to expand the space, in addition, no one has canceled an associative series with purity. Therefore, the use of white wallpapers in the bedroom is correct and optimally from many sides. In addition, with white, other colors are easily combined, which can be entered into the interior.

Coloring Vinyl Wallpaper, Popular Colors

Spacious bedroom in light colors

If you do not like only white wallpapers, try to choose a cloth with an obvious relief. Such options always come across among vinyl wallpapers on a flieslinic basis.


Beige wallpapers for walls is the most classic finishing option. Choose a web with vensels, stripes and get a comfortable and cozy interior, which has to calm and spiritual equilibrium.

Beige color does not affect the emotional human background, it is neutral in all respects color.

That is why beige tones are found in most interiors, since this color can serve as a basis for other brighter and saturated paints. Classic use of beige wallpapers found in bedrooms and large rooms.

Coloring Vinyl Wallpaper, Popular Colors

Even in such a small room, it is permissible to use wallpaper with venselters

Knowing this, many wobbly factories produce monophonic variants of vinyl wallpaper on a flieslinic basis with background colors in this color. In the wallpaper where the drawing is present, black and brown ornaments are used, they are great for this color.

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Blue wallpapers are very often used for boys and teenagers walls. It is believed that this color is the most suitable for male children. We will not argue with this sustainable statement, we note that blue wallpapers are perfect for a stuffy room. The feeling of freshness comes from wallpaper will compensate for the severity and inadium air.

If you choose wallpaper in the nursery, it is worth considering the paper options, since vinyl can not be quite environmentally friendly.

Coloring Vinyl Wallpaper, Popular Colors

Complex blue pattern on heavy vinyl wallpaper

Blue wallpaper can be perfectly combined with blue and white, and you can go to any room if you, of course, are not embarrassed by sea themes, which this color is attracted.


If blue wallpapers are associated with the interior for boys, then pink exclusively for girls. Such a color is very popular, it is used everywhere.

In addition, pink wallpapers are perfectly combined with many other colors:

  • classic combination with white color;
  • Gray and silver are an excellent addition;
  • Creams are used in the style of Provence;
  • With green, a natural combination of flower subjects is obtained;
  • With dark colors, as a contrast, excluding black tones.

Coloring Vinyl Wallpaper, Popular Colors

It seems that the room is still oversaturated with paints

As you can see, pink wallpapers can be used great in a variety of interiors and combinations.


Many people consider the gray wallpaper mediocre, but modern vinyl canvas on the phliselin-based basis prove the opposite. The use of a distinct relief, a combination of white, create a pleasant, cozy atmosphere in any room.

If you dilute the gray wallpapers with shades of the same color on other decorative objects, furniture and add black inserts, then the original monochrome interior will be. If you need a bright accent, make it anywhere, the gray walls will emphasize him, amplifying the effect.

Coloring Vinyl Wallpaper, Popular Colors

For the kitchen, such a color of the wallpaper is quite appropriate

However, it is necessary to use gray wallpaper carefully, without giving values ​​to details, you can easily break the face of uniqueness and ride in everydayness and real gray.

Before choosing a wobbly canvase, we recommend working out the entire interior for the presence of other colors in it.

Saturated paints

Sometimes I want to see in your room the riot of paints, for which the appropriate wallpaper is simply necessary.


Green wallpapers allow you to create a pleasant atmosphere, capable of smoothing negative emotions, replacing them with positive. This is a natural color, which we are so often lacking in large gray megalopolis, and we strongly strive to fill his presence in our life by any ways.

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Green wallpapers are sold in a large assortment, moreover, it is this color that has many popular shades. For example, with the help of emerald, a luxurious interior is created, and the light green shade is created, on the contrary, it helps in creating strict design.

Coloring Vinyl Wallpaper, Popular Colors

Juicy green wallpaper with impaired ornament

Among the manufacturers actively producing green vinyl quality wallpaper on a flieslinic basis, we would have allocated the Germans, French, Italians. Russian woeful factories do not lag behind such trends and also create their green wallpaper options.


Yellow wallpapers are very specific, they are recommended to use together with the colors of a relaxed palette, then the room in which they are cruel, will be filled with comfort, it will be nice to be. Yellow wallpapers are glued in a variety of rooms: living rooms, bedrooms, children's, they are used everywhere.

Vinyl wallpapers on a fliesline basis very often have yellow elements in their colors. They are easily combined with other traditional colors, such as blue, red, green, black.

Coloring Vinyl Wallpaper, Popular Colors

On yellow wallpaper, white drawings look good

One of the most popular colors used in the finishing materials everywhere - gold, is one of the shades of yellow. Black with gold wallpaper looks luxurious and rich.

Yellow interiors are widely represented in many fashion magazines, if you do not believe, make sure that yourself.


Red wallpapers are used everywhere, it is one of the most popular and beloved flowers. Shades of the Red share this love with him, the burgundy interior is considered luxurious, and pink gentle and light.

Red wallpapers are glued in living rooms, bedrooms, kitchens, hallways and even bathrooms. For wet and highly polluted premises, durable vinyl wallpapers on a phliseline basis are used.

Coloring Vinyl Wallpaper, Popular Colors

Red wallpaper with monograms always associated with luxury

Contrast options look great, where bright red wallpapers are diluted with white drawings or inserts. It turns out an unusual, but balanced interior.


We have already considered a blue color, it is simple and easy, but blue is more confident in itself and bright, it is necessary to use it more reasonably. Blue wallpaper is used carefully, diluting them with lighter shades and even white wallpaper. In such a combination, the interior looks elegant and to some extent refined.

Coloring Vinyl Wallpaper, Popular Colors

Deep blue looks just great

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Blue wallpaper is better in household rooms, they will perfectly fit into the interior of the kitchen, will be appropriate in the toilet, well, in the bathroom, sticking of this color is always relevant.


Lilac wallpapers are not a frequent guest in domestic interiors. The use of this color implies the presence of a successful color of the companion that it is possible to pick up catastrophically difficult.

Most often on sale there are lilac wallpapers with floral patterns, since this color is associated with the first spring flowers. But also such options are cloths on shop windows a little.

Coloring Vinyl Wallpaper, Popular Colors

When creating a full-fledged interior with lilac wallpaper, colorful furniture will be required.

Therefore, if you have seen lilac wallpapers, try to pick up an additional option to them, and after already acquire. Special attention is paid to the quality of the texture of the material, because, for example, you should not pick up a paper companion on the vinyl wallpaper on a fliesline basis. For the living room, kitchen, children's lilac tones are not the best choice, but in the bedroom this option is suitable.


Brown wallpapers are one of the most popular today. They are used as an addition to the canvas of pastel colors. In a compartment with natural wooden furniture and good fabrics, brown wallpaper helps to create a comfortable and pleasant interior, perhaps even in a business style.

One of the most popular shades of this color is a chocolate, which is often used with a direct tint of beige-cream.

Use brown wallpaper must be carefully, try not to overdo it with the gloom of this color.

Coloring Vinyl Wallpaper, Popular Colors

Elegant brown wallpaper with floral pattern

The black

Black wallpaper is practically not used solo, bright companions are required for them. Black and white tones are a classic strict combination.

Black wallpaper must be used very carefully so that the room does not work out. Always plan to use bright or bright tones as an additional or even basic. Black elements are perfectly looking at many color wallpaper: black stripes, monograms, geometry figures.

Coloring Vinyl Wallpaper, Popular Colors

In the evening in this room very dark

It will not be an exaggeration approval that the black color is basic, without it is not a single wallpaper collection.

Vinyl wallpapers on a flieslinic basis are made in a wide variety of colors. Interesting colors are usually used by French industrialists, when as the Germans and Italians most often prefer classic options. Russian vinyl wallpapers are produced in a variety of color solutions.

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