[Plants in the house] Dendrobium orchids at home: Popular views and care


The dendrobium orchids with impressive blossoms are increasingly decorated with window sills and miners of exotic vegetation lovers. In popularity, they are able to compete with Falenopsis orchids, which is considered a favorite of flower enthusiasts.

[Plants in the house] Dendrobium orchids at home: Popular views and care

At home, species varieties and tropical flower hybrids are grown.

[Plants in the house] Dendrobium orchids at home: Popular views and care

"Nobile" (Dendrobium Nobile)

Massive culture height up to 1 m, relatively unpretentious to the conditions of cultivation. On the shoots of last year, flowerons with several buds are formed. The flower basket diameter varies within 10 cm. Gybrids of varieties bloom more than once a year.

[Plants in the house] Dendrobium orchids at home: Popular views and care

One of the popular Vobile varieties is Apollon - blooms about 3 months, flowers are white with gentle fragrant petals with golden zev. The hybrid is unpretentious to the ambient temperature, loves high-quality lighting with multiple light, in winter needs backlight.

On a note! Derdrobiums in nature are predominantly epiphytes, attaching to the trunk of wood crops. A small group of squad representatives - Lithophytes - adapted to life on the stones.


Japanese representative of the family of orchid highs no more than 20 cm. Under the appropriate conditions of detention and proper care, you can enjoy the bright beauty of the blurred buds for 12 months. White-purple petals exude a pleasant fragrance.

[Plants in the house] Dendrobium orchids at home: Popular views and care

"Monilform" is relatively easy to adapt to the conditions of air humidity, it is well tolerates direct sunlight. The irrigation of the miniature guest from the tropics is performed by soaking the roots 2-3 times a week.

Attention! Dendrobium "Monilform" likes to receive a dose of ultraviolet daily, being 1-2 hours under the sun.


Blooms in February-March white-pink baskets in diameter about 3 cm with specks on the lobs of petals, the smell of vanilla. The height of the plant - within 35-55 cm, on the flower view to 7 buds . Flowering orchid "King" continues month. For better culture decorative, it is important to ensure the difference between the temperature mode of the medium day and night. Also the flower is demanding of fresh air. Watering a plant after a complete slope of the substrate.

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[Plants in the house] Dendrobium orchids at home: Popular views and care

"Berry Ode" - Hybrid "King" - blooms from February until June. It may re-dissolve buds with snow-white petals with gentle pink overflows in the autumn months. No less luxuriously looks a hybrid with saturated raspberry flowers.

Dendrobium "Faleenopsis"

The flower is named in honor of the orchid of the same name, as the appearance of the favorites of florists and flower enthusiasts is spectacularly repeated. Buds with petals of a saturated-burgundy palette begins to bloom in late autumn. Old pseudobulb bloom several times, the duration of the phase is about 2 months. Culture is less demanding in care than other dendrobiums.

[Plants in the house] Dendrobium orchids at home: Popular views and care

Nuances of care

The dendrobium hybrid form orchids are easily adapted to the content conditions due to the successful operation of breeders. For bright and prolonged flowering of exotic culture, it is recommended to provide high-quality lighting modes, watering and feeding. It is also necessary to take into account the following nuances:

  • It is worth putting a dendrobium into a clay pot, as its roots prefer constant temperatures;
  • In the flowering phase, the flower cannot be rearranged, since the change in the nature of the illumination will easily trigger the foaming of buds;
  • It is required to regularly ventilate the room, in the summer of orchids it is desirable to endure on fresh air.

[Plants in the house] Dendrobium orchids at home: Popular views and care

According to florists, a slight decrease in temperature before the phase of the bootonization contributes to the stimulation of the dendrobium to the massive emission of the floweros.

Orchid dendrobium Nobile care at home (1 video)

Addroobium orchids at home (7 photos)

[Plants in the house] Dendrobium orchids at home: Popular views and care

[Plants in the house] Dendrobium orchids at home: Popular views and care

[Plants in the house] Dendrobium orchids at home: Popular views and care

[Plants in the house] Dendrobium orchids at home: Popular views and care

[Plants in the house] Dendrobium orchids at home: Popular views and care

[Plants in the house] Dendrobium orchids at home: Popular views and care

[Plants in the house] Dendrobium orchids at home: Popular views and care

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