Wire bracelet with her own hands: Master class with photos and video


Women love different accessories very much. Today in stores you can find various beautiful bracelets that will like every woman. Such little things can be both precious metals and from ordinary materials. But the bracelet from the wire will be very original, which will always look unique, besides, you definitely do not meet this nearby. Therefore, you need to learn how to make beautiful bracelets using ordinary wire.

Such decorations are very popular, especially lately. After all, all that is done with your own hands, has always been valued more, and if it is decorations, even more. Therefore, several examples will be presented in this article as you can make a beautiful bracelet with your own hands. In addition, such wire bracelets can be complemented with ribbons, beads and beads.

Wire bracelet with her own hands: Master class with photos and video

Decoration with beads

To make a wire bracelet and beads, you need to have patience and necessary materials. Such elegant bracelestics can be worn both on any events and daily. At the same time, this woman attaches femininity and tenderness. Understanding some tricks of weaving from a wire, you can easily invent masterpieces, with this you can earn good money and have fun.

What we need to create decorations:

  • wire;
  • big beads;
  • Coles connecting;
  • Circumgars.

Wire bracelet with her own hands: Master class with photos and video

Wire bracelet with her own hands: Master class with photos and video

We take a piece of wire and wear a bead on him, after which it is necessary to wrap the wire in the loop with the help of the roundheads, it is necessary so that the beads do not fall out. But on the other hand, take the wire and twist it, and then wind on the bead. The loops must be made more dense so that the bead is not spinning.

Further, as a part of the beads was wrapped, stretching the wire to another edge, and then it is necessary to wind through the loovers that was made before. We must have a blank for our product.

Note. You can change the amount of material. If you do for an adult woman, about 7 beads are necessary.

Wire bracelet with her own hands: Master class with photos and video

Wire bracelet with her own hands: Master class with photos and video

Further, we need to connect the bracelet with rings that can be purchased at any accessories store, but you can also make such rings from the wire. And for those who want to have a bracelet more dense, you can connect beads with each other, which were formed near each bead. To do this, it is necessary to simply blend one loop near each bead.

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Now we need to make hooks with wire. To do this, you need to fold the sections of the wire into two parts and after tightening with the help of the roundheads.

Wire bracelet with her own hands: Master class with photos and video

Thin and elegant

With the help of a wire, you can make very interesting decorations that can be combined with different decorative beads, ribbons, buttons, snacks. This master class will help learn how to make an interesting bracelet with wire.

What you need:

  • 25 cm long wire, the diameter of which should be 1.3 mm;
  • 4 pieces of wire whose length is 16.5 cm, the same diameter;
  • 3 m long wire, the diameter should be 0, 4 mm;
  • flat bead;
  • Circumgars.

Wire bracelet with her own hands: Master class with photos and video

Now we need to take the longest wire, after which you will overtake three times around the wire, which has a length of 25 cm, after we need to retreat by 5.8 cm left, this piece of wire will be serial.

Further, we need to add one of the pieces, which was 16.5 cm long. We put this piece from above from the middle wire, further align all the tips. Now thin wire wind twice around both thick pieces of wire, as indicated below in the photo.

Wire bracelet with her own hands: Master class with photos and video

Wire bracelet with her own hands: Master class with photos and video

Further, we must have a thin wire to wrap one time central, then add the next piece of 16.5 cm long, put it from the bottom from the median. Wrap to overtake a thin wire twice around the lower and median pieces of thick wire.

Then, the thin tip of the wire must be carried out forward, between two lower pieces of thick wire.

Wire bracelet with her own hands: Master class with photos and video

Wire bracelet with her own hands: Master class with photos and video

Wire bracelet with her own hands: Master class with photos and video

Further, we must wrap a thin wire around the upper and median pieces of thick depleting wires. Repeat steps from 3 to 6, it is done until the distance of the length of the section is 6.35 cm. The tip of this segment wrap three times around the median part of the wire. After, the end of the wire must be cut off and spend it inside.

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Now remove the side wires, and on the middle we ride the selected bead.

Wire bracelet with her own hands: Master class with photos and video

Wire bracelet with her own hands: Master class with photos and video

Wire bracelet with her own hands: Master class with photos and video

We take two pieces of wire that have not been used, a length of 16.5 cm. Next, we need to bend a wire thread of 90 degrees, while retreating by 5.8 cm from the end of each piece. We need to repeat everything that we did from the first side, that is, to do steps from 1 to 7, while we use the remaining thin wire. It is necessary to start with the fact that you turn around the middle part of the thick wire three times, and then add the side pieces of thick wire, wept, as it was on the other side, before receiving 6.35 cm length.

There should be another free wire in the amount of 5.8 cm with a thick wire, which we have not yet fluttered, from two sides of the bracelet. If necessary, it is necessary to cut unnecessary pieces for equal length. But we must turn the median wire with a snail on each side of the bracelet, as indicated in the photo below.

Wire bracelet with her own hands: Master class with photos and video

Wire bracelet with her own hands: Master class with photos and video

Now we need to make the shape of spirals and other tips of thick wire. It is easy, so this option is very original.

To give the bracelet another color, there is one interesting method. You need to take a chicken egg and weld screwed. Cut it and put it in a container, next to it put our bracelet. It is not necessary that the bracelet concerned the egg. The egg allocates sulfur, as a result of which the wire darkens. Next must be pulled out of the container and wash under the cold water. After, we must polish the bracelet with a washcloth or a file. And here is our bracelet!

Such bracelestics will fit very well as a gift with memory about themselves a close person.

Wire bracelet with her own hands: Master class with photos and video

Wire bracelet with her own hands: Master class with photos and video

Video on the topic

This article provides a video selection with which you can learn to make bracelets from the wire yourself.

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