How to remove the trim from the door of the car


The cover with the door of the car is removed when the need for repair work arising from any damage. Also, this procedure takes place when installing sound insulation or audio columns. Remove the specified cladding component is quite simple due to the presence of a relatively small number of fasteners, which are screws and various clamps.

How to remove the trim from the door of the car

Removing door trim

The trimming is removed by the following tools:

  1. Cross screwdriver.
  2. Special tool for removing clamps. This device must be made of plastic, since the metal clip is able to damage the layers of paint and varnish applied to the door. Moreover, the clamps that are to be removed by the said tool are made of plastics. When exposed to a metal heavy device on them, they can break even before they are dismantled, which is extremely undesirable.

The removal process involves creating the necessary conditions. First, the air temperature in the work room must exceed fifteen degrees. In this case, you can conduct any operations with plastic without a special risk of damage.

The photo shows the car door with a facing existing on it.

Remove the trim from the door of the car

Each machine has its own characteristics of the design of such elements as the door and its skin. However, despite this nuance, there are between the different models of the car and something in common. Consider these moments.

  1. Before you begin to carry out the task of removing the door trim, you must completely de-energize the car. In order to disable the power supply of the machine, it is enough to simply disconnect the minus brand of the battery.
  2. After the machine remains without electricity, it is necessary to unscrew screws with a cross-shaped screwdriver using a handle that has built-in windows.
  3. In the case when the skin is removed from the front door, it is necessary to remove the decorative lining of the mirror with plastic locks, which displays the back plan.
  4. If the door of the car is equipped with a glove compartment, it is also necessary to remove the plastic clamps with a clipstore and unscrew the bolts. To do this, in the arsenal, the motorist is present mentioned above, cruciform screwdriver.
  5. The skin is attached to the car door with bolts, which are located at the bottom of the specified design detail. Again, by means of screwdriver, they need to withdraw, otherwise removing the desired item will not work.
  6. The lock that blocks the door is also subject to elimination because it is an obstacle to a successful planned operation.
  7. After all these elements safely left the places of its permanent dislocation, it is necessary to arm a plastic clip, which is gently inserted into the trimming and a car door. Thus, the process of disconnecting plastic mounts, or, as they are still called clips.

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How to remove the trim from the door of the car

The location of the specified fasteners, as well as their number, is necessarily indicated in the instruction manual and repair that any machine has. The fact is that these indicators are individual for each model.

The covering that adorns the door of the machine and makes it more functional, categorically should not be removed at the minus temperature of the surrounding air. This is due to the feature of the plastic to change the properties at various temperatures. So, if the air is not enough enough, the covering of the automotive door can crack with the intensive effect on it from external factors.

The covering, dressed on the back door, is removed similarly.

The photo shows the fragments of the automotive door finish.

Some nuances associated with work.

How to remove the trim from the door of the car

It should be noted that in some models of cars, along with the trim, you also have to shoot insulation. In any case, all the indicated manipulations should be made extremely cautiously, in order not to damage the door nor the trim. In addition, it is necessary to carefully monitor small details that can be easily understood. They can fall under the seat or, even worse, to the ground, where they are threatened with the possibility of damage. In the latter case, the need to acquire new, and this is sometimes quite difficult to make due to the fact that they are expensive or rarely appear on the market.

How to remove the trim from the door of the car

It is important to know that it is quite easy to remove the skin, but put it in place, sometimes, very difficult. As you already know, the skin is attached to the door with the help of special plastic clips. In the process of dismantling the mentioned facing element, it is necessary to remember the placement of these clips. Only in this case, the casing will be fixed quickly and without much difficulty.


Remove the specified element of the car door finish is recommended in a special room, in order to not arise any unpleasant situations with loss or damage to parts, as well as other problems associated with the instability of the atmosphere.

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This is not a rule, but acting in a similar way, you can save your nervous system from extra and completely unnecessary experiences. Moreover, it is possible not to be afraid that it will be unexpectedly to rain, having suspended the process.

How to remove the trim from the door of the car

As for the winter period, in this case, which was mentioned above, must be fulfilled in obligatory.

In conclusion, you can view the video that will give you answers to questions that could arise during the familiarization with the real text.

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