How to wash the viscose in a typewriter, iron, and what to do if the cloth


Viscose is a very picky fabric, which is strongly touched, so care for the products from it should be carefully. Wash the viscose clothes must be carefully, because the wrong wash can spoil the thing, and after - and your mood.

So how to put the viscose correctly, dried and stroking so that it retains her original look longer?

How to wash the viscose in a typewriter, iron, and what to do if the cloth

Nuances washed

Any viscose clothing becomes less durable in wet. Thus, she needs a delicate washing, as well as drying and ironing.

The correct sequence of washing viscose:

  • Initially, it is necessary to divide products from the viscose in color schemes (white things are first erased, then you can wash color and black).
  • Before you wash the viscose, mandatory check your clothes pockets.
  • Look carefully on the tags where the laundry features should be indicated.
  • Erasing clothes from viscose in a typewriter, water temperature No more than 30 degrees, as well as install the delicate washing mode.
  • It is preferable to wash the viscose with your hands, since this material is too gentle.
  • Deciding to wash clothes from viscose manually, use the water of the same temperature (up to 30 degrees). At the same time, do not pour very cold water, otherwise the thing may not be removed.
  • Washing viscose is carried out with powder for delicate fabrics. Soak things for half an hour and only after that begin to wash.

What in no case should not be done, it is to rub and pull the viscose, otherwise there may be chances.

In order to squeeze the product, put it on the terry towel and roll together with a thing into a roll, after which they sick slightly and slightly shake.

The wash is ends with drying viscose. You can dry up this easily enormous material in 2 ways: on a flat surface, a wedged fabric, well absorbing moisture or on a hanger.

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I stroke viscose correct

Do not think that this fabric is not needed to iron. The last stage of her care is in ironing.

After washing, this material is taking place, so it will have to stroke it in any case. The main thing is to do it with an iron, which is heated to 150 ° (Silk mode).

How to wash the viscose in a typewriter, iron, and what to do if the cloth

Ironing the viscose should be slightly moistened or do it through the wet gauze.

And last - do not forget that itching the product follows from the wrong side.

Shocked and recovery

The viscose fabric is very sits down, but even if the thing is sat down, you have a chance to save it: for 15 minutes, soak the product in the pelvis with water, after which you download it in the washer ("gentle wash" mode). Clothing that sat down during squeezing stretches a bit. After pressing, get it and try to stretch carefully until the desired size.

If the clothes are very sat down, you can try to influence it using a temperature: on a flat surface, spread the deformed clothes, and on top of it - a wet fabric. Through the fabric it is necessary to iron the product, at the same time trying to stretch it.

What are good viscose carpets

They perfectly absorb and evaporate moisture, reminding the very cotton, and also passes the air. They are also very pleasant to the touch. However, before buying a carpet, you need to make sure that his pile does not climb.

If you are told that the pile climbs, but it is not scary, because after the removal of all the fibers that are not fixed, the product will not lose its freight look - do not rush to buy.

If the pile climbs, in any case it indicates low quality quality.

Designers offer a variety of forms that are suitable for a particular interior. Pay attention to round carpets - they are very organically fit in all rooms.

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Round carpets are quite complex in the manufacture. However, since ancient times, the circle is valued as a symbol of peace and mutual understanding. Such forms in the house will help create a favorable and friendly atmosphere.

However, round carpets will cost approximately 20% more expensive than square. Although their elegant refinement in the interior will make the difference in the price of insignificant.

Recommendations for the care of viscose carpets:

  • Weekly, you can brush them with a dry vacuum cleaner (do not forget to vacuum the carpet also from the inside);
  • It is useful to carry out a product on the air a couple of times a year, especially in winter, when the pile can be cleaned with snow;
  • Spots should be cleaned with sponges and special detergents.

Serious contamination (when to clean with home methods is impossible), mean that it is better to send a carpet to dry cleaning.

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