How to insulate the inter-storey overlap - on the floor and ceiling


Today, energy-saving technologies are introduced everywhere. There was no exception and private construction. In a country house or cottage, heat leaves in all directions: through roof, walls, floor, windows and doors. And information on the insulation of the named elements of the house is enough.

And what about those who have a basement under the first (1) floor, a two-storey house or house with an attic? Who is looking for an answer to the question, how and how to insulate the inter-storey overlap? After all, many

It is believed that there will be outdoor insulation.

This is true, but only if the roof is well insulated. And the attic or attic is used constantly. Otherwise, intergenerational overlaps need insulation. Because, reliable insulation of the roofing rods will save from the outlet of heat outward, but not in the unheated upper room. Paul also need to warm, because the cold rises from the basement.

How to insulate the inter-storey overlap - on the floor and ceiling

Before starting the warming of floor overlaps, you need to find out

What kind of overlap is dealing with: overlap beams or monolithic stove. BUT

Also, that is used as the flooring material: concrete, metal or

wood. From this will depend on the choice of material, and its thickness, and the way

insulation (on the ceiling or by floor).

Warming slabs overlap between floors

The overlap of the monolithic reinforced concrete plate is insulating


Technology of insulation slab overlap by floor

  • The stove is aligned. For this, used

    Cement-sandy solution. If there are deep cracks in the stove, you need

    Make funnels or V-shaped grooves. So the solution will fully fill the emptiness. Then

    Apply the mixture and dissolve. On the floor it is easier to do it.

  • Parosolation film is stacked. Facial part of the film

    Directed in a warmer room. Sharing the film must be braced. If a

    The room temperature is the same, the film can not be applied.

  • Thermal insulation material is stacked. Here and lies

    trick. The insulation must be selected such that can withstand point

    and constant loads and at the same time maintain their original geometry.

    Therefore, in this case, you can perform insulation of the ceramisite overlap,

    sawdust, polystyrene foam or basalt wool high density. how

    Option, you can install wooden lags, and lay the insulation between them. On the

    Laggers, the draft floor is stuffed.

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How to insulate the inter-storey overlap - on the floor and ceiling

Warming slabs overlap between floors

Tip: Near the chimney and other heating elements

The refractory insulation must be used.

  • On top of the insulation, spread the waterproofing film. Also


  • Stir a draft floor. As such is suitable concrete

    Screed or flooring plywood.

  • Flooring a clean flooring.

Technology of insulation slab overlaid on the ceiling

Sequence of work:
  1. slab alignment;
  2. Parobarrier;
  3. Insulation - foam or polystyrene foam. In this case

    No restrictions on stiffness material, but soft or bulk for insulation

    The ceiling on the stove is simply not suitable;

  4. Grid (reinforcing, polymer or fiberglass) +


  5. Plasterboard or wooden lining.

It is worth noting that due to the complexity of the work such a way of insulation

It is very rare.

Warming overlap over wooden beams

How to insulate the inter-storey overlap - on the floor and ceiling

Warming overlap on wooden balkhamis popular material for intermediary

Overlapping in the house is a tree.

Wooden beams are good that they are easier to mount, they are available. And, which is important, they skip much less heat than concrete.

Therefore, we will dwell on how to warm overlaps

on wooden beams.

Technology of insulation beam ceiling beams

Sequence of work:

  • Prepare beams. Those., Inspect the fungus,

    Beetle Coroed and other troubles. If there are problems, they need to be eliminated.

    If the house is old, then before performing the warm overlap warming between

    Floors need to enhance the beams.

  • Attach the waterproofing film or superdiffusion

    Membrane. The film is attached to the label to the warmer wall. Advantage

    The membranes are that it is at the same time a hydrobarier and a parobararier.

    Do not pass water, it is capable of passing steam.

How to insulate the inter-storey overlap - on the floor and ceiling

Warming wooden overlapping should also be wrapped in film. At the same time, the edges of the beams need to be left free by 10-15 mm. Thus, the natural drying of wood will remain.

Tip: The film can be seized only between the beams, and the beams themselves to be treated with a primer or other mortar.

  • Fix the insulation. On the ceiling most often produced

    Hearth overlap overlap, due to stiffness of material, or mineral


  • After mounting the insulation, the ceiling finishes are performed.

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Warming of inter-storey floors of foam

Performed in the following sequence:

  • the distance between the beams is measured;
  • The insulation is cut in size for a minus 1 cm (for

    Further fixation). Can be cut into size, but then you need to fix the sheet

    with umbrella dowels, glue or special adhesive foam;

  • The insulation is fixed by pegs. For this wooden

    The pegs are clogged between beam and foam;

  • The locations of the joints and connections with the beam of overlapping

    mounting foam;

  • After drying, the extra foam is trimmed;
  • The polymer film is fastened. In the event that it is planned

    Putty ceiling.

The process of mounting foam on the ceiling is shown in the photo

How to insulate the inter-storey overlap - on the floor and ceiling

Insulation of inter-storey floors of foam - step-by-step instructions

Insulation of inter-storey overlap of Minvata

The second method of insulation is the insulation of an inter-storey

Wooden overlap using mineral wool. Work is carried out in

Such a sequence:

  • the distance between the beams is measured;
  • The insulation is cut in size.
  • Wat stacked in space between beams. Wherein

    If the beam is height more than the height of the insulation. You need to sash cotton in

    Two layers.

  • The insulation is fixed on the ceiling with wire.
  • The membrane layer is stacked.
  • finishing such a ceiling is better to perform

    Plasterboard, suspended ceiling or wooden clapboard.

The installation process of minvati on the ceiling is shown in the photo

How to insulate the inter-storey overlap - on the floor and ceiling

Warming of inter-storey overlaps Minvata - instruction

Technology insulation of wooden floors on the floor

Make the warming of overlap in a wooden house

Wooden beams or by reinforced concrete monolithic plate, on the floor is much

easier. Basically due to the fact that all work is carried out on the floor.

Heat insulation is performed using:

  • foam plastic, polystyrene foam

How to insulate the inter-storey overlap - on the floor and ceiling

Insulation of inter-storey floors on the floor - foam

  • Mineral Wat

How to insulate the inter-storey overlap - on the floor and ceiling

Insulation of inter-storey floors on the floor - Minvat

  • Keramzit, etc.

How to insulate the inter-storey overlap - on the floor and ceiling

Insulation of inter-storey floors on the floor - Ceramzit

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Sequence of work:

  1. The floor is leveling;
  2. Stelbye vapor barrier. Necessarily brassiness;
  3. The insulation is stacked. For bulk and hard insulation

    Film is not needed;

  4. The hydrobarrier is stacked;
  5. A concrete screed is satisfied or the draft floor is made of

    Plywood, OSB or natural board.

Those who appreciate the environmental friendliness of thermal insulation material

You can advise the insulation of overlapping sawdust or straw. At the same time near

structural elements that can be heated should use another


How to insulate the inter-storey overlap - on the floor and ceiling

Insulation of inter-storey floors on the floor - sawdust and straw

And in conclusion, we will provide you with some regulatory

Documents (SNIP insulation of overlaps), relying on which you can correctly

Select the view and thickness of the insulation, taking into account all the factors that affect

Heat insulation in the house.

  • Snip 2.01.07-85 loads and impact;
  • SNiP 2.03.13-88 floors;
  • SNiP 23-02-2003 Thermal protection of buildings;
  • Snip 3-04-01-87 insulating and finishing coatings;
  • SNIP 2.04.14-88 Thermal insulation of equipment and



Relying on this instruction you can perform insulation

inter-storey overlaps do it yourself for all the rules and significantly reduce

Heat losses in the house.

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