Bracelet-wubble with your own hands from threads for a child with photos and videos


The object is considered to be the subject that is capable of protecting a person from an evil effect of outside. In addition, such talismans are capable not only to have a protective effect, but also to attract good luck, finance. A lot of people who live a public life or have large amounts of money, have certain protective thing with them. So why buy for big money what can be made independently. In the below, the master classes will be described how you can make a bracelet-wubble with your own hands. At the same time, the creation of such a magic symbol will not be much labor. And when it is already used to be appointed, it will be able to protect the house from various negative impacts, a car and even for a child.

In the process of manufacturing a bracelet charges with a certain energy of its creator. Therefore, during the creation of this decoration, it is worth having pure thoughts, a positive and faith that he will have the defense that a person is counting on. We are accustomed to the fact that basically protective bracelets may look like a red thread, then it is not. Such accessories can still be done in such a way that they decorate the wrist of their owner.

Bracelet-wubble with your own hands from threads for a child with photos and videos

Bracelet-wubble with your own hands from threads for a child with photos and videos

Protective embroidery

It is believed that the stronger bracelet is believed to be the strongest. Since ancient times, a large number of protective symbols were created, which is also used in chambers. Such symbolism is very often used in any champs and not only in bracelets, but also when embroidery clothes, necklace and other. Such methods are often resorted to protect the child. After all, it is children clean and defenseless, and it always attracts any ill-wishers. When creating such a bracelet, it is worth paying special attention to what the master thinks in the process of work, because the energy force of protective decoration will depend on it.

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To create it is necessary:

  • Linen material of blue color or gray canvas;
  • threads in the color of the linen of flax or chlorine;
  • Wood beads to make a fastener.

We take the material so that it is 16 cm long, and the height was 24 cm - cross. The length of our product can be adjusted depending on the size of the hand, we leave 1 cm for the fastener. We begin to embroider, while retreating 2 crosshairs from the seal from above and on the left side. From below, we also have to stay 2 crosshairs. We finish the pattern at the same distance, as in other parts.

Bracelet-wubble with your own hands from threads for a child with photos and videos

Pattern embroider with a cross according to the scheme.

The essence of such a weaving is to master several nodules to fix the string at the time of the beginning of creation and at the end. In our case, you need to learn how to make direct and reverse nodules.

We take string of two colors, mostly it is red and white, the length should be about a meter. On the table to decompose the threads and consolidate for convenience with the help of Scotch. You can use other method of fixation, which will be more suitable for everyone.

The region leave untouched, we begin to make nodules with such a sequence, as indicated in the scheme. When the pattern is performed to the end, on both sides of the bracelet braid braid for the convenience of tying.

Bracelet-wubble with your own hands from threads for a child with photos and videos

Decoration from thread

It is believed that those bracelets that are fulfilled independently carry the same energy that can protect a person. In the people there is an opinion that it is overlap on hand made from threads of only red, in themselves the strongest protection. But modern masters have learned to make elegant bracelets from several tones of threads. So in our master class we will use not one color.

What do we need:

  • string of different colors;
  • scissors;
  • Scotch.

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Bracelet-wubble with your own hands from threads for a child with photos and videos

From each glider, stretch equal threads and drive to the elbow and cut off. Now we need to decompose the threads in color, each has their own preferences. Fix a string to the table with the help of a scotch.

We will use the easiest way of weaving. We take the first string and make ordinary nodules with each subsequent thread as long as the working thread is last. According to the same scheme, knit the nodules and with the second thread, it will be the second row.

So we work with each thread. When the first thread again turns out to be primary, we repeat everything again.

Bracelet-wubble with your own hands from threads for a child with photos and videos

Bracelet-wubble with your own hands from threads for a child with photos and videos

The number of rows that will be with the nodules will be the front part of our overag. Now that the desired bracelet length is formed, the remaining threads are gossip in the form of braids. This must be done for the convenience of tying on the wrist. Be sure to try the resulting bracelet. When the length is satisfactory, at the end of the weaving we form a knot and cut the string.

Video on the topic

This article presents a video selection, with which you can learn to weave the bracelets-wubbles with your own hands.

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