[Plants in the house] Conplanting room colors: When and how best?


The beauty and health of indoor green pets depends on the right and timely care, which lies in watering and feeding. Creating a favorable temperature regime, maintaining humidity and control over the duration of the daylight has a beneficial effect on indoor plants. An important role is also played by the transplantation of plants, which is necessary for several reasons:

  • replacement of soil to more nutritious
  • growth of plants, increasing the root system,
  • breeding,
  • disease.

[Plants in the house] Conplanting room colors: When and how best?

When it is necessary to transplant plants

As it were, carefully did not care for a green pet, feeding and fertilizing the soil, the soil is gradually occurring. The plant grows, becomes stronger and the absorption of nutrients from the soil occurs more intensively. The roots gradually grow up, filling free space, crowding out the soil.

[Plants in the house] Conplanting room colors: When and how best?

Important: a signal that the plant requires a transplant, becomes slowing growth and development.

Visually, the problem is determined not only in foliage and stalk, it is possible to notice it on the ground in the pot. The intensive growth of the roots is accompanied by the rapid absorption of moisture after irrigation, but the flower does not grow, slowly formed shoots or the flowering does not occur. In the critical situation on the lower branches, foliage dries and crept.

Important: Roots that through drainage holes made their way out testify to the need to transplant a plant in a larger pot.

[Plants in the house] Conplanting room colors: When and how best?

By purchasing an exotic plant, you should familiarize yourself with the recommendations for transfer . Some guests from warm countries are hardly transferred to the shift of the pots, so they need to replant only once a few years if the root system filled the entire container. Some representatives of the tropics allows you to change the top layer of the soil, and they need to be transferred to another container without damage to the land of the earth, otherwise they will be sick.

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Time for resetting

Flower-lovers and professionals are unanimous in the fact that the best period for replacing the capacity is a period of rest of the plant. Whatever good intentions, the transplantation is always stressful for the room plant, after which it takes time to adapt and resume the previous functions by the entire colors.

[Plants in the house] Conplanting room colors: When and how best?

Important: The replacement of the soil or transplantation in another pot occurs until the starting period of the buds and the beginning of flowering.

The end of winter or the beginning of spring is considered the best time to reset. A natural increase in the daylight activates awakening and enhanced development, so the plant is easier to root and cope with stress. If buds appeared, then work should be postponed before the end of flowering or until next year.

[Plants in the house] Conplanting room colors: When and how best?

Do not worry about cacti, they grow great in one place for 6 years. Perennials, as a rule, transplanted every year or a year later. Large wood plants transplant every three years or as the root system grows.

It is important: so that green pets are better to root and fit in a new place, it is worth working on a growing moon.

[Plants in the house] Conplanting room colors: When and how best?

Rules of transplant

  • Capacity selection for a pair of centimeters is larger in the diameter of the previous one,
  • Pour a layer of drainage to the bottom,
  • Nutrient mixture corresponding to this type (combination of acidity, density and nutritionalness, without pests)

[Plants in the house] Conplanting room colors: When and how best?

Before transplantation, the plant is abundantly watered, it is desirable to do this on the eve . Drainage, small layer of soil poured into the pot. The plant is neatly removed from the pot, remove damaged roots, check for pests. Coot cuts are washed with manganese solution and sprinkled ashes. Roots neatly placed in the center of the tank. Pop the remaining earth, slightly pressed and watered. It is impossible to put on the sunny side until adaptation to new conditions will be passed. After the land is falling, add primrate and place on a permanent place.

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[Plants in the house] Conplanting room colors: When and how best?

Tricks when landing or transplanting indoor plants (1 video)

Features of the transplant of indoor plants (8 photos)

[Plants in the house] Conplanting room colors: When and how best?

[Plants in the house] Conplanting room colors: When and how best?

[Plants in the house] Conplanting room colors: When and how best?

[Plants in the house] Conplanting room colors: When and how best?

[Plants in the house] Conplanting room colors: When and how best?

[Plants in the house] Conplanting room colors: When and how best?

[Plants in the house] Conplanting room colors: When and how best?

[Plants in the house] Conplanting room colors: When and how best?

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