The door is not closed in a washing machine: reasons and methods of elimination


The washing machine is the most important assistant in everyday life, so we use our automatic machine often for wear. We do not appreciate this technical miracle and remember its service only when the Mountain of undisposed linen awaits us.

With the technique, and even with the most modern problems always enough, it does not carry it bad handling. The breakdown in the washing machine is also a lot, but only no one pays attention to them, guided by a common opinion: it works, it means. No need to repair. But if with some breakdowns the machine will work, then with an open door - a hatch, it is simply impossible.

The door is not closed in a washing machine: reasons and methods of elimination

Do not close the door what to do?

Why does the door in the car - the machine stopped closing?

Experts suggest that only in three cases, the hatch cannot close:

  • Broken hatch handle.
  • Luke is fixed, but not blocked.
  • The hatch is not fixed.

The door is not fixed when the plastic guide for fixing is broken, without it, the hatch will not close physically. Frequent breakdown of this part occurs due to fragile plastic, which was used for the manufacture and because of our inaccurate handling of the machine. The breakdown is corrected in this case simply: the replacement of the part.

The hatch is not blocked in the case when its thermal blocking is disturbed. The machine will not block after turning on the door, so wash without blocking is also impossible. No blocking - the machine washing does not start. But the repair is performed without problems, the replacement of thermal blocking.

The door is not closed in a washing machine: reasons and methods of elimination

Sometimes the hatch handle may be damaged, especially if this piece is plastic. The breakdown is corrected by the replacement of the handle.

Very often, the owners of the machine guns face the problem when the door of the hatch cannot close to the end, as if something interferes. In fact, the dispensing hinges interferes with a dense cover. Therefore, it is important to check the hinge levels, the density of their screws. One option may be simple tightening. And it can be performed by the owner itself, for example, by photo from the Internet.

Actually, to repair the hatch of the washing machine is often often with almost all manufacturers. Many in the design of the automaton of cheap and fragile plastic, and handicap carefully with the technique, probably, how the manufacturers are counting yet, we have not yet learned.

To prevent breakdowns and unexpected failures of the style of the washing machine, you need to carry out a technical inspection, in which all design elements are checked by the level of wear, and if necessary and replaced with new spare parts.

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The door is not closed in a washing machine: reasons and methods of elimination

Where to start repair?

Repair of the door of the hatch may consist of eliminating:

  1. Troubleshooting hatch.
  2. Troubleshooting closed hatch.
  3. Luke leaks.

It is very important to replace all worn outdoor details on time: loops, handles, glass.

All causes of non-closing doors can be divided into two types of damage:

  1. Problems with electronics. You hear a click, but the lock did not happen, since the second click from electrical equipment did not occur.
  2. Damage to mechanical nature. The door can not lock up, click you do not hear.

If the problem in closing the hatch is connected with electronics, then the modern machine will warn you, designating the error on the display, as the safety of the car owner is above all.

Physical problems are detected by the fact that the machine "does not start." One pleases that there is no breakdown in electronics and breakdowns of parts at the same time.

The door is not closed in a washing machine: reasons and methods of elimination

Mechanical damage to the hatch is errors and inaccurate handling of the machine, for example, with a strong slaping hatch.

Sometimes the vehicle breakdowns are corrected by the owners themselves. Indeed, more possibility of repair depend on the complexity of the breakdown and from human qualifications. For example, when replacing the loop skew, only a screwdriver is needed, but in electronics, the fee is better not to poke your nose. For a blind person, the irregular work of the soldering iron can lead to a mandatory replacement of the entire electrical equipment of the machine.

Therefore, if the hatch has ceased to operate in your machine, then it is better to contact a specialist who can perform diagnostics at home.

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