Metal: a ram for any kind of facades


Metal siding is installed on any facade and protects it from wind and precipitation. Even without insulation, he improves the microclimate in the house. The walls remain dry and better retain heat. The dew point shifts outwards. Metal and rings under the timber cylindered and profiled log creates the illusion of walls from a real purified barrel with precise color transmission and wood pattern. The facade does not require complex care and serves to 50 years.

Metal: a ram for any kind of facades


Metal: Sandwich type coating profile

Metal: a ram for any kind of facades

Metal: ram

Metal siding under the bar is made of high-strength sheet metal. On both sides there is a multi-layer coating. Corrosion protection with zinc is produced by a hot way in the final deformation phase. This ensures strength due to the clutch at the level of introduction into the crystal lattice.

The back side is then covered with chrome and plastic. A primer is superimposed on the front plane, creating additional protection against corrosion and improving adhesion. Imitation of natural material is created by layers:

  • basic coating;
  • Film with texture pattern - imitation of material;
  • lamination polyester;
  • layer of transparent solid varnish.

Manufacturers make their changes to the standard manufacture of metal siding under a rounded and profiled timber, ship and solid board. This improves the technical specifications of the profile. The imitation of the natural material does not differ from the real tree, the volumetric pattern transmits the texture and features of the wood.

The lacquer applied from above, usually heat-resistant and protects the decorative coating from mechanical effects and destruction by fire. An anti-star is added to it, repellent dust. Metal: imitating a rounded bar for a long time remains clean, does not fade in the sun and is easily clean with water from the hose.

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Application of metallic siding

Metal: a ram for any kind of facades

Finishing at home by metal rim under the bar

Metalitying is curly strips with a lock and perforated groove on the sides. It is mounted on the crate to the floating method. The ease of assembly and reliability of the design allows you to separate the facades of buildings of any type. Relief imitation for a rounded timber and other solid wood materials create the image of houses built in the traditional way for Russia - huts from cylindrical and stranded logs.

Metal: finish the facades:

  • small single-storey buildings;
  • multi-storey residential buildings;
  • shopping centers;
  • public buildings;
  • Enterprises.

Sheets on a wooden and metal crate when creating insulation on the principle of the ventilated facade. You can install metalyding just to protect and decorative design of the house outside. At the same time, the air temperature on the inside of the siding rises in the cold for 2 - 10 degrees, and in the heat he decreases.

Facade finishing with metallic siding has advantages.

  1. Walls protected by metal) remain dry during the rain and are not freezed in the frost.
  2. They do not destroy the wind and solar radiation.
  3. The service life of the base and walls is significantly increased.
  4. The cost of repairing outdoor walls is reduced.
  5. The ventilated gap allows you to air the walls and remove the extra moisture out of the room outward. This prevents the formation of mold and fungus.
  6. The house is easier to maintain the optimal microclimate.
  7. The cost of heating is reduced.
  8. The facade has an attractive view of a house of wood or natural stone.
  9. Walls are always clean, do not require special care.

Installation of metal rings and the creation of a solid coating is created using a large amount of good. Start and docking profiles, corners, fits all corresponds to the strips of finishing in color. All elements are made from the same metal as the panels. coverage of all parts is similar. Cutting metal is made by plumbing scissors or hacksaw for metal with a small tooth.

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Metal: a ram for any kind of facades

Facing the walls of the house by metal

The most popular for finishing metal siding under the bar. The imitation of the real tree transmits not only the drawing, but also the color of different varieties of wood. A convex semicircular profile under a rounded timber called a block house. He creates the illusion of a real wooden cut. You can give the original species of buildings from brick, wood, stone and other materials.

Under the tree, siding is produced with imitation:

  • Block House - pinned timber;
  • profiled timber;
  • Reiki;
  • Shipboard;
  • lining.

On the sinking of a massive board, siding l Bar. Miscelled longitudinal profile edges imitate chamfer. Marketers used the consonant name of metal-rising in Russian with the name Elbrus and composed a romantic history. They argue that siding configuration from the end of the profile is similar to the famous mountain. The finishing of metal and all the names came to us from Europe and sound in the original in a different way. Just profile shallows the letter L when it is vertically. Siding has been issued for two classes:

  • economy;
  • Premium.

It has the strength of the base, quality of coating and durability. Budget economy is guaranteed for 30 years. Premium is designed by manufacturers for 50 years.

The advantages of Siding L-Bar in its form. Water and dust are not delayed on the surface. The facade for a long time remains clean and shining. House outside looks like sheathed boards. Most often buyers prefer imitation of golden birch, solar pine. The Mony Oak and Wenge looks luxurious, but only the owners of large in the size of the houses can afford. Finishing transmits not only wood texture. Decorative coating has bits and cracks. The drawing is created volumetric, to distinguish metal trees from the real tree can only be approaching the wall.

Decorative coating under stone, plaster and other types of finishes

Metal: a ram for any kind of facades

Metal: walls for walls

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Move the old wooden house in an old castle will help siding under the aged stone masonry. Make a structure with stylish, glittering novelty can be panels on which the imitation of brick masonry or ground stone is applied.

With the combined finish of the facade of the panel for a large stone mounted on the base. Then the house looks massive and solid. The walls are covered with a profile for a rounded timber, a massive board or brickwork.

Gearing with insulation and just protect facade

Metal: a ram for any kind of facades

We carry out the cladding of the walls by siding yourself

Siding in most cases is used as finishing when insulation. The lamp is done all over the perimeter. The best material is the wooden bar with low thermal conductivity. Metal plate for plasterboard is used as a budget option. The insulation is selected according to the permissible load on the foundation: minvatu or foam, and lay it between the cutting racks.

To create a gap between insulation and siding, take a ram in a width higher than the thickness of the insulation or close on top of the plank with a thickness of 1.5 - 2 cm. Metal trees can be mounted horizontally and vertically. The sheath is placed perpendicular to the direction of the profile. It is attached to the top edge of the strip to it with self-assembly or nails.

When preparing the skin, all openings are closed around the perimeter, taking into account the angle of dawn of slopes. Then the finish, angular, docking profiles are installed. They have a siding stripes. Everything is selected from one collection and coincides with color and drawing.

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