Abazhur from Rope - Weaving Technology Macrame


Abazhur from Rope - Weaving Technology Macrame

This vintage lamp turned out of the old discounted lamp with unacceptable manipulations with a knitted napkin and a new flappon. See the birth of the new lamp in pictures. Finally, I propose a master class on weaving lampshar from a rope in Macrame technique.

Abazhur from Rope - Weaving Technology Macrame

Abazhur from Rope - Weaving Technology Macrame

Abazhur from Rope - Weaving Technology Macrame

Abazhur from Rope - Weaving Technology Macrame

Abazhur from Rope - Weaving Technology Macrame

Abazhur from Rope - Weaving Technology Macrame

Abazhur from Rope - Weaving Technology Macrame

Video master class

A new stylish lampshade from the rope in the Macrame technique - how to weave your own hands.

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