Scheme of weaving macrame for beginners with photos and video


The topic Macrame received a new round of development, when the modern generation "caught fire" weaving phenoshek, funny chains and "hipp" bags with long wide belts. The girls who still do not know how to weave themselves, seek to rather catch up the masters of this type of art. A scheme of weaving macrame for beginners will come to the aid, which will speed up the process of introducing in the rows of needlewomen. Even several basic nodes in the Macrame technique will make it possible to make the first interesting products.

Basic nodes

First of all, you need to learn how to mount the threads. The basis can perform a flat foam pillow, a wooden wand, a plastic ring or a rope itself.

Scheme of weaving macrame for beginners with photos and video

The mount can be different, but the simplest is a locking with a lock inside and the lock is out.

The first species is done like this: folded in half the thread is placed behind the rear of the base, and the middle of the thread in the form of a loop bends on the front side.

Scheme of weaving macrame for beginners with photos and video

Scheme of weaving macrame for beginners with photos and video

Two free end of the working thread are inhabited in the resulting loop. The node is delayed.

Scheme of weaving macrame for beginners with photos and video

Scheme of weaving macrame for beginners with photos and video

Fastening with a lock outward is made by the same way as inside. Only the position of the working thread is changing.

The direct node (Hercules) knits from two threads first on the principle of the lace on the boot, then the threads are second to be intertwined and not quite standard: two left and two right segments are drawn in different directions. This node has a crossbar on the left or right side (depending on which thread leading).

Scheme of weaving macrame for beginners with photos and video

Square node is one of the main decorative elements in Macrame. It is made on four threads, by their double weave and tightening into the nodes. First, left-sided knot, then right-sided: so it turns out the square node (or double flat).

Scheme of weaving macrame for beginners with photos and video

Scheme of weaving macrame for beginners with photos and video

Scheme of weaving macrame for beginners with photos and video

Scheme of weaving macrame for beginners with photos and video

Several square knots woven with each other form a chain.

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Scheme of weaving macrame for beginners with photos and video

If we are weave only the nodes in one direction, then the twisted chain will turn out. This technique is usually used when weaving the suspension fastening of Kashpo.

Scheme of weaving macrame for beginners with photos and video

The rep and node is also an important item in almost any work Macrame. Due to it, a wicker canvas is strengthened. He also participates in decorating the drawing by convex "furrows".

The reps node can be both horizontal and vertical. Horizontal is formed on four threads, as shown in the photo.

Scheme of weaving macrame for beginners with photos and video

Scheme of weaving macrame for beginners with photos and video

Scheme of weaving macrame for beginners with photos and video

Scheme of weaving macrame for beginners with photos and video

The vertical repition node repeats horizontal, but on a vertically-based basis.

Scheme of weaving macrame for beginners with photos and video

There are still diagonal repition nodes. They look very impressive in the product.

Scheme of weaving macrame for beginners with photos and video

Practice in little things

Even knowing only a few basic nodes, you can already enter the theory of the practical component.

For example, weave several multi-colored bracelets with square nodes with the inserts of beads or stones between weaving.

Scheme of weaving macrame for beginners with photos and video

And you can try to pose the bracelet scheme and weigh it in accordance with the pattern. At the same time it will be clear whether the newcomer can read simple schemes or this will have to pay special attention.

Scheme of weaving macrame for beginners with photos and video

You need to take two color threads. Fold them in half and on the bend shape a loop. It will be a fastener. The button with the diameter of the loop is selected.

Scheme of weaving macrame for beginners with photos and video

For convenience, the threads are fixed on a flat surface. From the hinge begins weaving with a simple knot for a length equal to the wrist.

Scheme of weaving macrame for beginners with photos and video

Scheme of weaving macrame for beginners with photos and video

After that, all the threads are collected by the reps node in one bundle, the extra ends are cut.

Scheme of weaving macrame for beginners with photos and video

Just and cute. And you can complicate the task and try to make a pretty key chain in the form of an oak sheet according to the scheme.

Scheme of weaving macrame for beginners with photos and video

For this you need to take two threads. To divide one of them in half and a simple fastening to throw on the middle of the second thread.

Scheme of weaving macrame for beginners with photos and video

The bases of the base are lowered to the center and two reps nodes. Next, the repetitive node is mighty the bases of the base.

Scheme of weaving macrame for beginners with photos and video

Two new threads and the middle jumped to the pillow at the edges of the first. Two repition nodes are formed on both sides.

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Scheme of weaving macrame for beginners with photos and video

Next, you need to use the second ends of woven threads. Now two more brothers are created with their participation (one on each side).

Scheme of weaving macrame for beginners with photos and video

One end is displayed from work. In the center of the product, the right thread of the base will be frowning to the left brida. The extreme threads on both sides are wearing brdis, crossing in the middle.

Scheme of weaving macrame for beginners with photos and video

Additional two threads are joined by the same principle as the previous ones. Two more row of reps nodes are formed.

Two threads are passionate again and brdged down, after which one thread in the center of the leaflet is derived from work.

Scheme of weaving macrame for beginners with photos and video

The last series of reps nodes is created, where the threads are gradually begin to trim.

As this is done: first, in order to accidentally do not crop the base, nodules are made at its ends. Starting from the left edge, the threads are cut off, and each short tip hides under the reps node.

Scheme of weaving macrame for beginners with photos and video

Scheme of weaving macrame for beginners with photos and video

Scheme of weaving macrame for beginners with photos and video

The last four threads are woven into the overall repition node, a leaf stalk is formed.

Scheme of weaving macrame for beginners with photos and video

Oak leaves can be arranged in the form of a key chain for a bag or leave it as a future decorative panel element.

Scheme of weaving macrame for beginners with photos and video

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