Application in the interior of swamp color wallpaper


When developing interiors for various rooms, designers use all the color gamut. Depending on the mood of the Creator, the color can be the most bold, original, unique. This article will be discussed in the interior of wallpapers in the swamp color, so popular some time ago.

Application in the interior of swamp color wallpaper

Original bedroom monophonic color

Balt color

Swamp color one of the most calm shades of green, looking at him with a person resting eyes, he calms down. From a long time, people actively used it in their dwellings. The swamp shade was at the peak of popularity in the last century and was often used for the walls of the bedroom, living room, the work office.

Currently, designers do not often resort to its services, since the gamma of color solutions has expanded quite significantly, and the classic tones have not become so claimed. Additionally, repels specialists from this color, the inability to competently pick up the color-companions to it, because the marsh is quite difficult to combine, it does not like bright colleagues, preferring the colors nearby. However, if you drop all the difficulties, you can create an excellent interior in any room, be it a living room or even a kitchen.

The swamp shade belongs to the pleiad of natural, as clearly gives to understand its name.

To get it, you need green colors to dilute with gray, and brown shades. It is gray tones to add peace of mind to natural, pacifying green shades, and brown fix the resulting result. Tandem Natural Silence and Calm creates a unique aura in the interior, in which people of older people are preferred.

Application in the interior of swamp color wallpaper

Living Room Amateur Birds

Features of the marsh color assume its use in the interiors of the apartments of megacities, where there is a large number of stress, fuss, psychological and physical exertion. Wallpapers in this color scheme will build a general background within the framework of peace and relaxation concept, gaining new spiritual and physical forces.

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Note that it is not difficult to choose wallpaper in such a color, because many woeful factories, having many years of experience, know about the qualities of this color, and therefore often use it in their collections. This is usually not avant-garde, designer wallpapers, manufactured by one-time, and basic perennial collections sold constantly over the years.


Since the swamp color is quite neutral, it is quite acceptable to use in all rooms. Designers give the following tips on its use:

  • The bedroom is characterized by a light swamp color, used as a common wall filler. In this room, wallpapers in restraints and relaxation will be more appropriate, so you can even refrain from any accents. If you want to combine, consider companions from the green palette for monochrome design. For a small refreshment and blur space, it is permissible to use white parts, furniture, interior items.
  • In the living room, especially large, you can use the tone more rich, deep. In this case, it is possible to consider olive wallpapers, mustard of mustard colors. Brown tones will perfectly complement the overall picture, they should be used on curtains, furniture. Wooden furniture on the background of marsh colors looks very respectable, entering into the interior of the notch intelligence.

Application in the interior of swamp color wallpaper

Interior with the participation of natural materials and colors

  • In the children's room, swamp shades will be appropriate if the child is inclined to hyperactivity. Similar colors will help him calm down, fall asleep and relax.
  • For the kitchen, the green color was always a good option because it is poorly visible dirt and fat on it, so it will be excellent as a background fill. To create harmony and imparting exclusivity, in the food zone, place bright, accent canvas. They will look great on a greenish background, and promote a good appetite.
  • In the bathroom, the marsh color will also be appropriate, but it does not stand on it to dwell, otherwise it will lead this room to its corresponding name.

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As practice shows, the marsh is more often used in classic interiors than modern styles, he loves a large number of accessories.

Application in the interior of swamp color wallpaper

Bedroom design made with the participation of different shades of green


We have already talked about the fact that this color is difficult to choose a successful companion, but this does not mean that they are not. You should look at the following colors:

Application in the interior of swamp color wallpaper

Provincial interior of a large kitchen

  • White color will help to refresh the room, make it ease. White most often does not even with the color of the companion, but the general linking link of the interior. In the bedroom, his presence together with a swamp shade is very desirable.
  • The bedrooms are always characteristic of the colors of the pastel gamma, so when using the marsh, it is possible to add heat and tenderness to the shades of beige. They will not at all damage the state of rest, but will make it more soulful.
  • Sandy color will create a small contrast, to highlight the marsh as the main one, show its strengths, against the background of its emptiness. With it, you can successfully zonate the space, highlighting important areas of the room, and leaving the minor unattended.
  • Considering a serious contrast combination option, you can stay on brown. He greatly harmonizes with a marsh, does not suppress it, but complements. Depending on the shade of the marsh, the tone of the brown is selected. Light brown harmonizes with bright marsh, and on the contrary, dark with dark. We would not recommend using dark ligaments of flowers in small, poorly lit rooms.
  • If there is a desire to create a bright accent, for example, in a large hall, you can use lilac color. With such a color accent, the interior ceases to be boring-calm, but becomes a drive, charging positive and energy. These are deep green motifs take over you top. With other bright colors, the swamp is bad, so we cannot offer other colors yet.
  • Golden color will be an excellent companion, it may be present as a drawing on the wallpaper. With its help in the classic interior, a proper amount of luxury and wealth will be presented. Golden wallpapers themselves are very colorful, but the golden drawing is not as catchy and energetic.

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Most of the above colors can be used on curtains. Brown curtains, chocolate colors will be placed and contrast. Sand or light yellow curtains on the contrary will dilute the atmosphere with its ease and warmth. It is always relevant white tulle, in our case she can be with a small yellow. If you want to refresh the room space at the root, then try hanging white or creamy curtains from flax.

Use the coloring wallpaper in the swamp range is primarily an adult, confident to people who are required from home primarily peace and aura of relaxation. To gather with the forces in the premises, where the wallpaper is too bright, or the opposite is very dull, it will not be as comfortable as with the walls in the gray-green gamma with the addition of brown.

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