Wallpaper Clouds: Interesting ideas for beautiful design (+38 photos)


Competent and proper interior design is a rather difficult task. To create a truly home and hospitable atmosphere, in which you want to return after a difficult day, psychologists recommend using in the design of heavenly colors. Wallpaper The cloud ceiling is able to create a peaceful and relaxing situation, which will allow you to relax and tune in to a positive way.

Varieties of heavenly wallpaper

Modern wallpapers for the ceiling of the sky are several types:

  • Cloths with clouds - One of the most popular types of ceiling design, which shows a gentle-blue sky with snow-white clouds floating on it. It looks pretty simple, but at the same time beautifully, air and unobtrusively. Often this option is used in small rooms, which will allow you to visually increase the space and lift the ceiling.

Wallpaper with clouds for visual expansion of the room: Tips for choosing and pasting on the ceiling

  • Dynamic images - Have a certain element that attracts views and creating a feeling of movement. This element can be the rays of the sun, airplane, birds, and so on.

Wallpaper with clouds for visual expansion of the room: Tips for choosing and pasting on the ceiling

  • Availability of bright colors - This type of wallpaper is used to refresh the interior, bringing a lot of color and positive into space. The effect is achieved due to the presence of bright elements on the canvas, such as balloons and rainbow. Similar images bring a sea of ​​positive emotions and are often used for a bedroom and children's room.

Wallpaper with clouds for visual expansion of the room: Tips for choosing and pasting on the ceiling

Popular popularity in our time, wallpapers with night-sky, who fascinate with their beauty and charm. Additional elements such as the Northern Lights and various constellations may be present on the canvas. When arranged above the bed, such images help tune in to strong and deep sleep.

When using wallpaper with a rainbow, if you extend this element on the walls, you can achieve a significant expansion of the boundaries of the room.

Wallpaper with clouds for visual expansion of the room: Tips for choosing and pasting on the ceiling

You can highlight the explicit advantages of using wallpaper with clouds:

  • The ability to use in any interior stylist, since the image of the sky is not binding to any era and always looks well, it is advantageous completing the overall design.
  • Heavenly wallpapers on the ceiling are perfectly combined with a natural landscape located on the walls.
  • The clouds look unobtrusively and beautiful, creating an air atmosphere indoors.

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Wallpaper with clouds for visual expansion of the room: Tips for choosing and pasting on the ceiling

On video: Wall mural on the ceiling with clouds and not only.

Tips for choosing wallpapers with clouds

The color scheme must first depend on the parameters of the room. Pastel tones are suitable for a small room, for example, wallpaper for walls with snow-white clouds or the image of the sky at dawn. The spacious children's room will look beautifully with a contrasting coating, with an image on a cornflower background of palm branches, directed into the sky.

When choosing clouds with clouds, you need to consider the type of lighting in the room. With a harmonious combination with a color scheme, you can create a beautiful and picturesque interior.

If you need to visually increase the height of the room, wallpaper should be in one tone with the ceiling. Decorative elements in the form of a starry sky or sunset will make the room more volumetric. A lightweight atmosphere can be created if you use the image of the sky in the design.

Facing procedure

To save the picture and the integrity of the image, the pasting should pass with caution and attentiveness.

To work will need tools:

  • Roller or brushes for applying glue;
  • Roulette, pencil, stationery knife;
  • building level;
  • ladder;
  • Dry piece of fabric.

Wallpaper with clouds for visual expansion of the room: Tips for choosing and pasting on the ceiling

For correctness and good results, it is recommended to observe a certain sequence in the work, namely:

1. Using a knife and level, you need to cut a white line that is on each canvas. This is done to obtain a seamless pattern.

2. On the wall with a pencil, marks are made to accurately apply the canvas.

3. The floor is covered with polyethylene or newspapers to protect against glue.

4. Adhesive weight is applied to the wall. Depending on the type of wallpaper, glue can be applied to their surface. In this form, the wall should have to breathe about 10 minutes.

5. The first strip is glued to the surface, based on the previously made marks.

Article on the topic: Choose modern wallpapers for the arrangement of the children's room

6. Using the roller you need to drive out the air and smooth out all the irregularities on the strip.

7. The next cloth is glued to the flange for combining the pattern.

8. Upon matching the wallpaper, you need to make an exact cut along the entire length. To do this, use the stationery knife and ruler.

9. After pasting at the final stage, the canvas can be missed with water-repellent properties, which will save the material from moisture, evaporation, as well as ultraviolet.

10. During the drying period, the wallpaper is extremely undesirable to open the windows or to air the room.

Wallpaper with clouds for visual expansion of the room: Tips for choosing and pasting on the ceiling

Wallpapers clouds for walls help in creating a beautiful and easy interior. Heavenly azure with light clouds will give any airiness room, sunshine and visually expand the boundaries of the room. If this design is applied to the ceiling and wall finishing, you can get a room that does not have faces.

Ceiling options with clouds (2 video)

Ceiling design with clouds (38 photos)

Wallpaper with clouds for visual expansion of the room: Tips for choosing and pasting on the ceiling

Wallpaper with clouds for visual expansion of the room: Tips for choosing and pasting on the ceiling

Wallpaper with clouds for visual expansion of the room: Tips for choosing and pasting on the ceiling

Wallpaper with clouds for visual expansion of the room: Tips for choosing and pasting on the ceiling

Contemporary ceiling in children: Ceiling surfaces and designer techniques

Contemporary ceiling in children: Ceiling surfaces and designer techniques

Wallpaper with clouds for visual expansion of the room: Tips for choosing and pasting on the ceiling

Wallpaper with clouds for visual expansion of the room: Tips for choosing and pasting on the ceiling

Wallpaper with clouds for visual expansion of the room: Tips for choosing and pasting on the ceiling

Wallpaper with clouds for visual expansion of the room: Tips for choosing and pasting on the ceiling

Wallpaper with clouds for visual expansion of the room: Tips for choosing and pasting on the ceiling

Wallpaper with clouds for visual expansion of the room: Tips for choosing and pasting on the ceiling

Wallpaper with clouds for visual expansion of the room: Tips for choosing and pasting on the ceiling

Wallpaper with clouds for visual expansion of the room: Tips for choosing and pasting on the ceiling

Wallpaper with clouds for visual expansion of the room: Tips for choosing and pasting on the ceiling

Wallpaper with clouds for visual expansion of the room: Tips for choosing and pasting on the ceiling

Wallpaper with clouds for visual expansion of the room: Tips for choosing and pasting on the ceiling

Wallpaper with clouds for visual expansion of the room: Tips for choosing and pasting on the ceiling

Wallpaper with clouds for visual expansion of the room: Tips for choosing and pasting on the ceiling

Wallpaper with clouds for visual expansion of the room: Tips for choosing and pasting on the ceiling

Wallpaper with clouds for visual expansion of the room: Tips for choosing and pasting on the ceiling

Wallpaper with clouds for visual expansion of the room: Tips for choosing and pasting on the ceiling

Wallpaper with clouds for visual expansion of the room: Tips for choosing and pasting on the ceiling

Wallpaper with clouds for visual expansion of the room: Tips for choosing and pasting on the ceiling

Wallpaper with clouds for visual expansion of the room: Tips for choosing and pasting on the ceiling

Wallpaper with clouds for visual expansion of the room: Tips for choosing and pasting on the ceiling

Wallpaper with clouds for visual expansion of the room: Tips for choosing and pasting on the ceiling

Wallpaper with clouds for visual expansion of the room: Tips for choosing and pasting on the ceiling

Wallpaper with clouds for visual expansion of the room: Tips for choosing and pasting on the ceiling

Wallpaper with clouds for visual expansion of the room: Tips for choosing and pasting on the ceiling

Wallpaper with clouds for visual expansion of the room: Tips for choosing and pasting on the ceiling

Wallpaper with clouds for visual expansion of the room: Tips for choosing and pasting on the ceiling

Wallpaper with clouds for visual expansion of the room: Tips for choosing and pasting on the ceiling

Wallpaper with clouds for visual expansion of the room: Tips for choosing and pasting on the ceiling

Wallpaper with clouds for visual expansion of the room: Tips for choosing and pasting on the ceiling

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