Tips for using foam for insulation walls


Modern insulation for walls are represented by such "giants" of building materials as mineral wool with different characteristics in composition and thermal insulation properties, and polyfoam plates are isolated among insulation. Both options are excellent materials in order to insulate the walls. But there are a lack of them, they are expensive, and the process of their installation is technologically complicated, whether the case is a foam for insulation of the walls, it has almost indistinguishable characteristics and at the same time its use is much simpler, and the price is much more affordable.

Of course, the cost of the foam itself can be connected to the need to use special foaming machines that need to be used when working with large areas of the surface treated. But, even considering this, the price is aligned, but the convenience of applying this type of thermal insulation remains.

In addition to the convenience of applying, insulation with a foam has many more advantages, which are characteristic of each type of insulation under consideration. Let's go around for each of them, and find out what is a foam for insulation of walls.

Types of foam and their advantages

Shared advantages for each type of foam insulation:

  1. The thermal insulation is sometimes ten times more than the indicators of mineral wool and foam, the same applies to the characteristics of noise absorption;
  2. Foam sticks to any material "tightly", the surfaces of the surface and its material practically does not matter, the exception is except with polyethylene;
  3. This insulation is almost eternal. With proper application technology, many years can serve without the need to replace;
  4. Ecology. After solidification, the material does not allocate any harmful components into the air that could harm human health;
  5. Protects the metal from oxidation, due to the complete sealing of the surface;
  6. If you use foamy insulation on wooden surfaces, they will protect it from the occurrence of fungi and prevent rotting;
  7. It can be applied and used with extremely low and high temperatures.

With the benefits figured out, but it can not be so that there are no flaws? That's right, can not. Personally, only one lack of foamy insulation comes to mind, this is bad tolerability of ultraviolet. Under its influence material, first changes the color from yellowish to bright orange, and then, completely destroyed. To prevent it, the material must be isolated from direct sunlight.

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Tips for using foam for insulation walls

Also, the insulation after solidification needs to be secured from moisture from entering, as its foam absorbs very well. In a word, a foam insulation cannot be left uncovered, it needs extra cladding.

According to the composition of foam, it is one and two-component and divided into three main types:

  • Assembly;
  • Foamizole;
  • Polyurethane.


The insulation of walls by assembly foam is produced in small areas, as it is economically unprofitable to use it on large areas. All because the mounting foam is sold in a limited amount in cylinders of 200, 350 and 750 ml. One even the largest balloon is inexpensive, but it only grabs it for 1 square meter. m. insulated surface, provided if the layer thickness is up to 8 centimeters.

Wall insulated with mounting foam has thermal insulation much lower than when using foamizole and polyurethane foam, since this material, when frozen, has the ratio of closed and open cells 5050, while the polyurethane insulation can boast 90% closed pores.

Tips for using foam for insulation walls

Foaming of the mounting foam occurs due to the supply of it to the surface under pressure, as well as due to the reaction with moisture, which is contained in the air. Apply a mounting foam mainly for sealing, slopes in window frames and when installing metal-plastic doors. Wall insulation can also be insulated, but only if the area is small, for example, on the balcony or loggia.


This composition is already more complicated by mounting foam. Available, oddly enough, in the form of plates, and very like a regular foam, but is not it. In liquid state, this material is already brought directly on the site where work is carried out. This is done using a special car, which under pressure melts the material and mixes it with a resin.

Wall insulation by foamizol is made by applying it to the surface with a construction gun. Foaming occurs already inside the car, after applying the wall hardening for 15 minutes, the full frost occurs in two to three days. This composition would breathe faster if the resin was not included in it.

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Due to long drying, it is mainly used for the insulation of the brickwork, and the creation of the heat insulating layer by filling the formwork through a special hole. Wall insulation by foamizole is widely used in frame houses.

Tips for using foam for insulation walls

The composition of this thermal insulation foam includes carbamides and formaldehydes. Because of this, many believe that this material is distinguished by harmful substances after frozen. I responsibly declare, this is not the case, this property of formaldehydes in the construction foam is fully stopped and does not pose a threat to human health.


Polyurethane foam for wall insulation is thermal insulation material for professionals. Since it is a two-component and consists of isocionate and polyol. Foaming occurs just due to the reaction of these two components. The wall before applying foam thermal insulation practically does not need preparation, you only need to properly dispense the amount of foam applied.

Tips for using foam for insulation walls

It is easy to do if you use a special building pulverizer and a machine that under pressure will be supplied to the finished solution on the wall surface. After applying, polyurethane foam freezes within a few minutes, increasing in volume in 40, and even 120 times, filling out all available space, even in the most hard-to-reach places. Dana thermal insulation is ideal for use on large areas due to the high degree of expansion and filling.

When working with large walls, keep in mind that to apply a polyurethane foam, in this case it follows several layers. If you do everything in one layer, the foam can lie unevenly, and due to a large pressure can break any construction design, for example, a frame.

Filling foam - instruction

By and large, insulate the walls of foam from the inside is easy, but there are times to pay attention to. First of all, this is the safety of work. Whatever the type of foam is not insulation, you must be closed in a protective suit from polyethylene, since only to this material, the foam does not stick.

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Tips for using foam for insulation walls

The costume must be with a hood, for, if the solution falls into the hair, they will have to be cut. Also included gloves, glasses and respirator, to protect hands, eyes and respiratory tract, respectively.

The respirator is required, because when expanding and freeing the foam, gas is distinguished, which should not be breathing if you do not want to get health problems, in addition, small particles of material may be present in the air.

The second point relates to the method of applying foam between the boundaries of the insulated area, they can act as two walls and a special frame that separates the wall to the zones. Methods are two, with the help of a construction pistol and a pressure spray. The second option, as you probably guess concerns the use of mounting foam.

Tips for using foam for insulation walls

When using a construction pistol, you need to charge the desired composition of foam, polyurethane or foam, and apply a uniform layer on the wall. The wall is insulated, it must be up from the bottom, it will be much easier to control the expiration of space. According to the result, the wall should form a kind of foam coat with a slight embossed surface.

Working with the mounting foam, you need to remember that the cylinder needs to keep a strictly bottom and not allow its heating above +25 degrees, otherwise his explosion is possible, it will not be able to protect you a protective suit.

The third time concerns the thickness of the applied layer. If the insulation size exceeds 8 cm in thickness, its application must be divided into parts. Each foam layer must dry completely before the next one will be applied. Usually, for full frosting the foam you need up to 24 hours.

As mentioned earlier, the foam should be applied in several layers, due to the fact that the pressure exerted by the insulation during expansion may well break the frame structure, regardless of whether it is made of the wood or from the aluminum profile.

Video "Polyurethan. Spraying and fill »

The video clearly demonstrates the effect of polyurethane foam when applied to the surface. It can be seen with the naked eye, as it expands and fills all the necessary space.

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