How to weave "Decorations fist": Step-by-step instructions with schemes and video


Among the many there are rumors that the knot "Decorations of a fist" has some special magical power. If you consider other nodules-talismans, then, compared to them, "Kulak Monkey" has a special shape in the form of a ball. Such an unusual name knot received due to its similarity with a small fist of monkey. Back in the distant past it was used as a rope while saving the ship. The knot served as a crayler, because the kernel was placed inside. Make such a node is easy, you will need literally thirty minutes for a beginner. Therefore, in this article we will tell you how to weave the "monkeys of a fist" with their own hands. Such a decorative node is most often used as a decoration for key fob, handbags or keys. Also experienced craftswomen can make earriors or a pendant.

How to fly

Debriefing technology

The weaving scheme of this node is very simple and is shown in the following photo:

How to fly

But we will consider examples of creating a decorative knot "Kulak Monkey" with a ball and without. The manufacturing process will show us a step-by-step instruction with a detailed description and photo.

In order to weave this node, you will need a parakord or any other cord of 100 cm long.

First of all, take the cord and secure it on your hand in this way: leave 10-15 cm in front, then throw the cord on the outer part of the hand, shake the second end between the middle and the nameless finger.

How to fly

We make several revolutions around three fingers with a long end of the thread.

How to fly

Then we carry out this end through the other side of the palm.

How to fly

Stretch it completely.

How to fly

The next step is taking turns with a long end across.

How to fly

First turn.

How to fly

Then make the second.

How to fly

Here is what should be obtained. The photo shows a side view.

How to fly

At this stage, insert the ball into the decorative node.

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How to fly

We carry out the long end of the cord between the ball and the upper part of the weaving.

How to fly

That's it turns out.

How to fly

Then turn the cord and spend it through the bottom.

How to fly

That is, the thread is now under the ball.

How to fly

Again make three turns around the ball. First.

How to fly


How to fly

And the third.

How to fly

At this stage, the process of winding the ball approached the end.

How to fly

Drech for all the loose ends of the cord, thereby the canvas firmly adjacent to the ball.

How to fly

You can finish the decorative node using a diamond node, which we shake on the remaining ends of the cord.

How to fly

Take two end of the cord and form a loop from one of them.

How to fly

Then make a loop from the other end of the cord that should be across the first.

How to fly

We carry out the second end of the cord between the first loop, as shown in the photo.

How to fly

Now it is forbid it through two loops. In the photo below the arrow indicates the direction.

How to fly

How to fly

That weaving turned out as a result.

How to fly

Then pull all the ends of the cord to each other.

How to fly

Take the first end in the direction of the blue shooter.

How to fly

This is how it should happen:

How to fly

Then we carry out the second, the direction is indicated in the photo.

How to fly

How to fly

That's what it turns out.

How to fly

Tighten the node.

How to fly

How to fly

How to fly

"Kulak" without a ball

The process of manufacturing a decorative node can be traced on the example of the master class.

To work, we will need a cord with a length of ninety-cm, knitting needles and, as not paradoxically, our hand.

How to fly

We leave somewhere 15 cm of one end, press it to the palm, so that he does not prevent us.

How to fly

We make several revolutions through the thumb and a little finger.

How to fly

All make five turns.

How to fly

During the sixth turn, turn the end of the cord around the maiden.

How to fly

How to fly

We get for weaving, make five transverse revolutions.

How to fly

We again turn the thread and take five vertical turns again.

How to fly

How to fly

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the latest turns must be mastered that threads, which came the little finger.

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How to fly

How to fly

Remove weaving with thumb.

How to fly

Take turns tighten the loops.

How to fly

How to fly

After we pulled the first five revolutions, it is necessary to remove the product with a mother's.

How to fly

How to fly

How to fly

And again tighten the loops. The main thing is to do it gradually. You can use the needle for convenience.

How to fly

How to fly

How to fly

Fully tighten the node. We make a "diamond node" upstairs. And that's what we did:

How to fly

Video on the topic

We propose to consider a selection of video to create a decorative knot "Decorations of a fist".

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