Laminate in the interior of the children's room: all "for" and against "


Choose flooring for the children's room is always difficult. After all, the main criteria is comfort and safety. Children love to run around the room, can pour fluid to the floor, drop any item. Laminate is one of the main outdoor bases. Consumers attract affordable price, good wear resistance, simplicity in care.

Laminate in the interior of the children's room: all

What requirements are made to the material

In its room, kids spend a lot of time. Parents take care of the safety and health of the younger generation. Therefore, special attention is paid to floor covering:

  • High wear resistance. Skoles, scratches can often drop into the gesting of the kids.
  • Withstand dynamic loads. Small children are very mobile: run, jump, dancing.
  • Resistance to moisture. Kids love to draw paints, and by virtue of age can easily pour water to the floor.
  • The surface should not be slippery to avoid injuries.
  • The ability to maintain heat. Children love to play on the floor.
  • Environmentally friendly material that does not cause allergies and does not contain hazardous components.
  • Good amortization of the joints of the floor covering.
  • Aesthetic and attractive appearance.
  • Easy in floor cleaning.

Laminate in the interior of the children's room: all

Important! When buying a material, check out product certificates and other documentation. There are many fakes on the market.

Advantages of laminate

The product is often used to cover the floor in the room for children. What is the parents worth paying attention to:

  • Strength depends on the class of material. For work in residential premises, 22 and 23 are used. For children's premises, it is recommended to choose a class not lower than 31.
  • The water resistance of the product is achieved at the expense of a special coating. The liquid can be leaked at the panel connections. This leads to the deformation of the floor. Usually, the joints of the junction are additionally processed by a special composition.
  • Easily replace a damaged panel if you select the lock type of fastener. Do not have to transfer the entire floor.
  • The product with antistatic processing is less attracted dust and dirt.
  • Laminate is considered a noisy coating. Therefore, it is necessary to additionally need a substrate absorbing noise.
  • The product is solid and cold. When buying it is worth paying attention to the thickness. The optimal value is 0.7 - 0.8 centimeters. The thicker the lamella, the more stronger and warmer.

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Laminate in the interior of the children's room: all

Recommendation! The optimal solution is class 32 laminate. This is a high-quality coating at a reasonable price. Service life - up to 15 years.

Disadvantages of laminate

Many buyers are confident that the product allocates formaldehyde, melamine resins. It affects the health of residents. It is worth noting that the statement is true for the cheap products. When unscrupulous manufacturers use low-quality material. Check quality certificates.

Laminate in the interior of the children's room: all

When laying a laminate, additional sound insulation is required and an ideal even base. Otherwise, the neighbors from the lower floors will regularly complain about noise.

Flooring is cold, so the carpet will have to sash in the children's room. And also put a sound isolation.

The minus material is a slippery surface. Bumping around the room, the child can fall and get injuries. Therefore, it is necessary to provide additional measures, for example, washing the floors with the addition of a special. The composition gives an anti-slip effect.

Laminate in the interior of the children's room: all

Recommendation! Products must be bought with a margin. Usually 10-20 percent more of the required amount of material.

Buying laminate for the children's room, you should compare all positive and negative points.

Laminate in the interior of the children's room: all

Children's floor (1 video)

Laminate in the interior of the children's (6 photos)

Laminate in the interior of the children's room: all

Laminate in the interior of the children's room: all

Laminate in the interior of the children's room: all

Laminate in the interior of the children's room: all

Laminate in the interior of the children's room: all

Laminate in the interior of the children's room: all

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