Openings of the knitting needles: diagrams and description for palatine with photos and video


Handwriters who are fond of knitting have the opportunity to create unique items of their wardrobe. Even if you use outdoor outdoors, the schemes and the description of which are taken from public sources, the result will still be unique. After all, the manner knit each needlewoman, and the choice of yarn will play a big role. It is enough to choose a thread of another color than those specified in the source, and your product will become unique.

Aerial needlework

The spokes allow you to create both a dense canvas and light and air. The ancient Greeks and Romans were familiar with the azami. Their products did not differ in diversity, because then there were no techniques for openwork mating.

They appeared much later. Since the beginning of the XIII century, the crusaders began to go hiking and bring knowledge borrowed from other peoples to their homeland. In the same way, knitting needles appeared in Europe. It conquered the hearts of European ladies and became actively developing them. The reason for this was the convenience of the products created.

Great popularity in those days had stockings that sewed from the fabric. They constantly slipped and spoiled appearance. Knitted products firmly faced her leg. There were no less in demand and lace, because it was them that they were decorated with stockings and many other clothes of rich people. First, knitting was available only to secular ladies. But with the introduction of industrial processing and manufacturing of yarn, the thread stopped being expensive. The peasants have suffered mastery and could offer their lace even royal policies. It helped them in times of hunger, because the pair of the king stockings was equivalent to the annual salary of a simple artisan.

Openings of the knitting needles: diagrams and description for palatine with photos and video

Gradually, needlework became a massive hobby. The masters created new patterns, schemes and descriptions. I did not die knitting even under the urnet light industry. This largely contributed to the continuity of needlework. Thoughtful grandmothers teach their children and grandchildren to keep traditions.

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Openings of the knitting needles: diagrams and description for palatine with photos and video

And even global couturiers use knitted things in their collections.

Openings of the knitting needles: diagrams and description for palatine with photos and video

Knitted clothes

Although knitting and used to create item items, for example, plaids, curtains, but it got more distribution in the manufacture of clothes. This needlework allows you to create:

  • Upper clothes - coats, cardigans;
  • Different types of COFT - sweaters, jackets;
  • Hats;
  • Accessories - belts, sinds, scarves;
  • T-shirts, Tops of Blouse;
  • Skirts, dresses, trousers;
  • Swimwear, underwear;
  • Clothes for children.

Openwork patterns help needlewomen doing things very beautiful, thin and light.

Openings of the knitting needles: diagrams and description for palatine with photos and video

Openings of the knitting needles: diagrams and description for palatine with photos and video

Openings of the knitting needles: diagrams and description for palatine with photos and video

Sample according to the scheme

Even an inexperienced master who barely learned the main techniques of knitting can create an intricate openwork. We invite you to consider the knitting process by creating a trial sample according to the scheme.

Samples are used to calculate the amount of yarn, determining the density of the canvas. They can clearly see the compatibility of the chosen thread and the scheme.

The work process Consider on the example of this scheme, in which you can also see the main techniques of knitting loops.

Openings of the knitting needles: diagrams and description for palatine with photos and video

Pattern rapport is 6 loops in length and 8 rows in height. This means that you need to pick up the knitting needles to the needles 6, plus 1 loop for symmetry and 2 edges.

  • Based on the scheme, 1, 4, 5, 8 rows should be knitted with facial loops.
  • Rows 2 and 6 Knit off the hinges.
  • To form a picture in 3 and 7 row, all the loops are tied with triple faith.
  • The fourth row knives like this: 1 facial loop, out of 5 loops 5, 1 facial, out of 3 loops 3 loops.
  • To perform from 5 loops 5 you need: to penetrate 5 loops facial. To do this, enter a working match for 5 loops and alternate them alternately, alternating with Nakid.
  • In 8 row, perform 3 loops of 3, 1 facial, 5 of 5, facial, 3 of 3.
  • Continue to repeat vertical rapports until it seems to be 10 cm with a sample sample.

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As a result, you will get such a complex and intricate openwork.

Openings of the knitting needles: diagrams and description for palatine with photos and video

If you use the reception of hinges, you can get such a canvas.

Openings of the knitting needles: diagrams and description for palatine with photos and video

It will become an excellent background for palatine.

Selection of patterns

We offer you a large selection of openwork patterns that will allow you to create a unique outfit with your own hands.

Openings of the knitting needles: diagrams and description for palatine with photos and video

Openings of the knitting needles: diagrams and description for palatine with photos and video

Openings of the knitting needles: diagrams and description for palatine with photos and video

Openings of the knitting needles: diagrams and description for palatine with photos and video

Openings of the knitting needles: diagrams and description for palatine with photos and video

Sometimes you want to get a thing that will not be exactly anyone. Using models from Italian magazines, you will significantly expand your collection of patterns. We offer you a small selection of popular foreign outlook.

Openings of the knitting needles: diagrams and description for palatine with photos and video

Openings of the knitting needles: diagrams and description for palatine with photos and video

Openings of the knitting needles: diagrams and description for palatine with photos and video

Openings of the knitting needles: diagrams and description for palatine with photos and video

Openings of the knitting needles: diagrams and description for palatine with photos and video

Video on the topic

Looking at the selection of video provided below, you can learn to knit openwork patterns with knitting needles and learn many ideas to create a unique wardrobe.

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