Asian spit knakes: Scarf master class and caps with video and schemes


If you like to knit, but ordinary schemes are bored, we suggest you to diversify your creative selection. Try to perform the product with the Asian Spit pattern. On the finished product, it looks very unusual and luxurious. A set of caps and scarf will make its owner with a bright person, will help her stand out from the crowd and show their skills.

Asian spit knakes: Scarf master class and caps with video and schemes

About knitting

From ancient times, people mastered various crafts. They helped fill the life of the necessary things and diversify life. When knitting like knitting, so far is a mystery. Archaeologists opened the curtain of secrets and told about finds from the ancient tombs. Fragments of simple elements of clothing, knitted, preserved to our times. The drawings of the ancient Greeks and the Romans narrate that they knew how to knit.

Modern story suggests that knitting has spread throughout the territory of Europe during crusades. Knowledge of the craft brought from the East began to use in practice. European ladies knitted clothes and lace, and with the advent of manufactories, this kind of needlework became available and peasants. He helped them survive in times of hunger and wars and brought good income. Knitted stockings with lace finishing were very popular.

Asian spit knakes: Scarf master class and caps with video and schemes

Even the creation of knitting machines and industrial clothing production could not ruin manual work. He is highly appreciated in our day. Many needlewomen do not only replenish their own wardrobes, but also earn good selling their products.

According to customer designers, knitted things are unlikely to come out of fashion. Their collections are annually replenished with not one dozen magnificent hand-knitting models.

Asian spit knakes: Scarf master class and caps with video and schemes

Asian spit knakes: Scarf master class and caps with video and schemes

Cloths with an unusual pattern

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the master class for knitting the canvas with the Asian Spit pattern.

Article on the topic: Fabric Head: Description and application (photo)

Asian spit knakes: Scarf master class and caps with video and schemes

Asian Spit is able to give the product an unusual look, it easily imitates a luxurious fur chinchilla on the cardigan, for which he has gained great love of needlewomen. Take a look at the photo of things connected by this pattern.

Asian spit knakes: Scarf master class and caps with video and schemes

Asian spit knakes: Scarf master class and caps with video and schemes

Asian spit knakes: Scarf master class and caps with video and schemes

Asian spit knakes: Scarf master class and caps with video and schemes

Let's start working! To knit the canvas for the cap you will need:

  • 1 Sokok Yarn Angora RAM (100 g / 500 m);
  • Figures 4 mm.

Type 45 loops and perform 8 rows with an invented stroke - odd rows. Protect facial loops, and even irons. To form a web with slots, check 3 facial loops and close the following 18 loops, repeat again.

Expand the cloth, perform 3 outbuilding loops. Type 18 loops, repeat. Further, 8 rows of invalid stroit are reappeared, and knitting is repeated according to the described scheme. At the end of work, you must form a web with slots, its length is equal to the scuffing of the head. The last two slots need not to attach to the canvas.

Asian spit knakes: Scarf master class and caps with video and schemes

To form an Asian braid, make a loop from the slot and stretch through it the next strip.

Asian spit knakes: Scarf master class and caps with video and schemes

To understand the process of making a pigtone clearly, we recommend that you see this video.


Having learned to make a canvas with an Asian oblique, you can tie a simple hat. Depending on the location of the pattern, you can make a hat with vertical or horizontal stripes. Collect such a headdress is quite simple - perform lateral seam, carefully hiding the spit tails. Collect the top of the cloth on the thread and pull. You can sew the bottom of the band connected with a rubber band. The simplest hat is ready!

Asian spit knakes: Scarf master class and caps with video and schemes

You can make a hat with a double braid strip and a sewn bottom. For this you will need a hook.

  • First, tie a gum on circular spokes. Its length should be equal to scalp. Sing it at the bottom of the canvas with braids.
  • Using the hook, tie a bottom. It is performed by circular rows. In order not to guess with the size, use the following formula: Measure the circle of the head and divide it by 3.14. The resulting digit is the diameter of the circle you need to do.
  • It remains only to sew a bottom in place and decorate a hat to your taste. In this case, crocheted flowers are used.

Article on the topic: Topiaria from Beads: Master class with photos and video

Luxurious hat ready!

Asian spit knakes: Scarf master class and caps with video and schemes

We complement the kit

This pattern, as an Asian braid, allows you to create wonderful scarves. And for this you just need to create a canvas of the desired size and "weave" a pigtail. The result can be an excellent scarf. Just need to progress the tails of the braids and gently sew them. Make a scarf tassels or leave as it is. Do not stop at what happened, experiment! Tie a multi-row cloth, increase or reduce the size of the slots. The result will be great.

Asian spit knakes: Scarf master class and caps with video and schemes

Asian spit knakes: Scarf master class and caps with video and schemes

And the Asian Spit is ideal for stern. Long or short product looks equally luxurious.

Asian spit knakes: Scarf master class and caps with video and schemes

Asian spit knakes: Scarf master class and caps with video and schemes

Video on the topic

From the following selection of video, you will learn the secrets of creating products with Asian oblique, and also get acquainted with its variety - a spike.

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