How to lubricate the door so as not to creak


In the daily life of many, such a phenomenon is very often found as a creaking entrance door. As a rule, this creak is not among the pleasant sounds, which means that it needs to get rid of it as soon as possible. There are cases where the owners of the house or apartment are already accustomed to hearing the door creaking, but ... not always, neighbors get used to this screen. What to do in such a situation?

How to lubricate the door so as not to creak

Lubrication loop door

What can be used to lubricate the door?

If you encounter such a phenomenon as a creaking door, first of all, you should lubricate all the elements that, one way or another, come into contact with each other and are the cause of the screens. In most cases, it is a loop.

As a lubricant, any oil for automotive engines can be used, lubricant for sewing machines, as well as special purpose lubricants, such as cyatim, solidol and others. The only nuance is the fact that experts do not recommend using lubricants, which include graphite.

How to lubricate the door so as not to creak

Another, quite effective means is a special fluid that motorists are very often used - WD-40. If it lubricates the loop, the effect comes quickly enough.

Of course, if after lubrication everything fell into place, and the creak disappeared, it means that you can continue to engage in everyday affairs and forget about the unpleasant incident. Unfortunately, not always everything is obtained from the first attempt. For example, if the loops were not lubricated for a very long time, then oxide can form on them, or, in any way, rust. In this case, the oil or other lubricant helps extremely rarely. How to do in this situation?

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What if the hinges rusted?

If you saw that hinges are covered with rust, do not despair. In most cases, this problem can be solved quite quickly.

First of all, you need to take any oil and a small rag. Next, we are well wetting the tissue with oil and apply as much as possible to places covered with rust. Considering the fact that the rust removal process is quite long, the washed fabric should be left for a while.

How to lubricate the door so as not to creak

After about 3-4 hours, and sometimes more, you can remove the fabric and look at the loop state. If the rust starts to form relatively recently, it will simply delete it. If the oxide appeared a few years ago, it may take a very long time to get rid of it.

If you still managed to completely neutralize the oxide, then you need to think about that it does not appear in the future. To do this, take a few simple measures:

  • First of all, that the door does not creak, it is necessary to regularly lubricate all moving parts using a conventional pipette or oil, as shown in the photo;
  • If the hinge takes place, then such a way out of the situation is allowed as the setting of the tvaouth. To do this, drill a small pass-through hole and cut the thread. Further, a special tv-vehicle is screwed into the cooked hole through which, in the future, the oil can be added to the cavity so that the door does not creak.
  • If the factory lead suit will not be at hand, it is possible to simply fill in the inner space with a lubricant and screw the plug, which is suitable for a small bolt.

How to lubricate the door so as not to creak

Why does the door begins to creak and how can it be eliminated?

There are several main reasons, due to which the entrance door begins to creak. Consider them in more detail:

  • The most common cause is the wrong manufacture of the door itself. For example, the loops are incorrectly welded. This problem can be solved on your own, or refer to specialists. As a rule, for high-quality rearrangements of loops, the door must be temporarily dismantled and made the necessary work. Experts strongly recommend, not experimenting with independent digestion of loops, because this process is quite important for further operation;
  • There is no lubricant in the loop. This problem is very easy to eliminate with your own hands. The door leaf is slightly lifted on the hinges, and the grease is added to the resulting grease. If everything is done correctly, the creak fade very quickly;

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How to lubricate the door so as not to creak

  • Incorrectly chosen lubricant. A bright example can be considered the use of conventional solidol for lubricating the input outdoor door. The fact is that at low temperatures, some types of lubricants begin to thicken and turn into a classic abrasive. If you do not fix this problem in a timely manner, a very large development will appear on the hinges, which can cause their forced replacement;
  • There are no balls in the loop. To eliminate this problem, the door canvas must be carefully removed from the loops, put in the loops of small balls and install the door leaf into place;
  • The door leaf lining hits the loop. The most relevant solution of this problem is a neat "fit" of cladding. As a rule, this can be done using a conventional knife. In some cases, before fitting, the facing is required to remove.

Recommendations of specialists

Experts strongly recommend adhere to several simple rules.

First of all, we are talking about new doors that the manufacturer's warranty is applied. There is often a situation when the door begins slightly after installing the door.

How to lubricate the door so as not to creak

Most often, the installers assure the owner of an apartment or a house where the door is installed that the creak will be held very soon, since at the moment the loop is still completely new and the lubricant was not fully lubricated. In fact, new loops will not creak, and therefore, it is necessary to immediately inform the store about this disadvantage.

The next important nuance is an independent reinstalling loops. As mentioned earlier, this work is better to entrust specialists. The fact is that for proper functioning, the loops must be located clearly along the axis. The slightest deviation will lead to very unpleasant consequences, and all the efforts will be unsuccessful.

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