Mini christmas tree


Mini christmas tree

In addition to the Great New Year's Christmas tree, your desktop or house you can decorate small in size with homemade Christmas trees that will contribute to the formation of a New Year's atmosphere. We offer you at once four master class, how to make small Christmas trees with your own hands. The final invoice and source materials are different, and therefore everyone can find the figure of the New Year's beauty, which will easily fit into any interior.

Master class number 1: Magnificent Christmas tree of twine with their own hands

Mini christmas tree

From the twine, you can make a small, fluffy and very original figure of the Christmas tree. The twine for this work will have to be treated.


To make a lush Christmas tree of twine with your own hands, prepare:

  • twine;
  • wire;
  • round-rolls;
  • nippers;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • brush;
  • dry sequins;
  • paper;
  • Styrofoam.

Mini christmas tree

Step 1 . To begin with, the twine itself. It will need to dissolve and disassemble the fibers. Dimensions of the Christmas tree you can adjust yourself, determining not only the height of the tree, but the puff. Note, the final appearance of your small Christmas tree will depend on the original type of rope. If you wish to get a Christmas tree of green or any other colors, just paint the twine with food dye, bringing it in the tank to the desired intensity.

Mini christmas tree

Step 2. . Cut a piece of wire tall more than you plan to make a tree. At one of the ends of the wire, start the loop. It will be needed to make it more convenient for you to form a Christmas tree crown. Leave the second end direct, and lubricate the wire itself with glue.

Mini christmas tree

Step 3. . Apply the wire exactly in the middle of the lined fibers. Prescribe it so that the glue grab a little.

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Mini christmas tree

Step 4. . Gently with a pencil or handle Start bending the fiber of the Christmas tree from below around a piece of wire. Gradually, start turning the wire itself, correcting the fibers with a pencil or fingers. You should have such a similarity of the rash.

Mini christmas tree

Mini christmas tree

Mini christmas tree

Step 5. . Cut the rash scissors by giving it a Christmas tree shape.

Mini christmas tree

Step 6. . Now the Christmas tree can be decorated. Brush apply a little glue on the crown of the Christmas tree. Pliers pour on a sheet of paper and carefully, holding the Christmas tree in the ends of the wire, start the collapse in the sequins. After the glue is grabbing, excess sequins.

Mini christmas tree

Step 7. . Cut the loop on the wire. Insert the New Year's craft to the foam base. You can replace it with any other item at your own discretion. It can be a small decorated cork or box.

Mini christmas tree

Christmas tree is ready!

Master class # 2: Christmas tree of threads do it yourself

Mini christmas tree

Another embodiment of the lush Christmas tree you can handle the thick yarn or the same twine. The manufacturer's technique itself, as well as the result will differ from demonstrated in the first master class.


Before making a Christmas tree made of threads with your own hands, take care of availability:

  • foam base in the form of a cone;
  • thread or twine;
  • Slice wire or toothpicks;
  • glue;
  • sequin;
  • miniature pumps;
  • Tassels;
  • scissors;
  • mini garland.

Step 1 . You have thread or twine cut into pieces of the same length.

Mini christmas tree

Step 2. . By smearing one end of the sliced ​​piece of threads in the glue, pinch it tightly to the foam cone. Start filling the surface of the cone threads, gluing them from the bottom up sufficiently tightly so that there is no empty space. Throw the threads.

Mini christmas tree

Mini christmas tree

Step 3. . Throw thread tips so that the Christmas tree gets neat.

Mini christmas tree

Step 4. . In the foam base insert a toothpick or a piece of wire. As a stand for a decorative mini-church, you can use a wooden coil of threads. Just insert the Christmas tree into it the second end of the toothpick or wire.

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Mini christmas tree

Mini christmas tree

Step 5. . Ends of the branches of the Christmas tree neatly lubricate glue with brushes. Plush it with a small amount of sequin. Also on glue, you can plant small pomponic balls of different colors who will play the role of Christmas tree toys.

Mini christmas tree

For realism, you can decorate the Christmas tree mini-garland. Your Christmas tree on this is ready! If you wish, you can change the color of the Christmas tree, painting it with paint from the canister.

Mini christmas tree

Master class # 3: Christmas tree from jewelry and stones with their own hands

Mini christmas tree

A Christmas tree was very unusually created, created from fragments of jewelry, with the addition of decorative stones and halves of beads.


For the manufacture of a Christmas tree from jewelry and stones with their own hands, prepare:

  • foam cone;
  • metal mesh for dishes;
  • nippers;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • stones;
  • Half beads.

Step 1 . First of all, you will need to create the basis of crafts. To create a form, you will need a foam cone, and for the texture - metal sponge. The latter will need to cut and disassemble the threads. At this stage, simply wrap the resulting thread cone, but do not fill it completely, leave empty spaces to which you need to insert jewelry.

Mini christmas tree

Step 2. . Now it is the time of the decoration of the Christmas tree. To do this, use pieces from your remaining earrings or pendants. You can cut off their details unnecessary parts if they are made of plastics. Metal can be completely fixed. If you do not have enough decor, you can find such products in the sewing accessories departments. Stones, flowers and rhinestones just stick to the Christmas tree.

Step 3. . To make a handicraft to make a large similarity with the Christmas tree, can decorate it with halves of beads. You can buy these all in the same sewing fittings department. Halves can take with special fasteners, on a self-adhesive basis or ordinary. Attach them to the Christmas tree. Beads in color take contrast.

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Mini christmas tree

Homemade Christmas tree from jewelry ready!

Master class №4: Little Christmas tree made of paper with your own hands

Mini christmas tree

Cute Christmas tree in the spirit of kraft craft you can also do yourself. Materials for its manufacture you will need the most elementary.


To make a small Christmas tree of paper with your own hands, prepare:

  • paper with different ornaments;
  • The base of the tree in the form of a cone;
  • glue;
  • brush;
  • paint green;
  • pencil;
  • curly hole punch or scissors.

Step 1 . A cone will perform as the main billet for the Christmas tree. It can just be a figurine of foam, from a cardboard sheet or in this case - papier-mache. If you do not have any of the blanks, go through the simple path itself and roll the cone from the cardboard sheet. The edges you can glue it or secure the stapler. The bottom of the figure will need to cut off with scissors so that the cone stood on the table.

Step 2. . Cone color paint green.

Mini christmas tree

Step 3. . Paper with different ornaments, cut into the same figured pieces of the same. It's easier to make it a special hole package. If you do not have any, you will have to spend more time and cut all figures manually.

Mini christmas tree

Step 4. . The resulting paper figures from one end slightly tighten. Lubricate the second part with glue and start gluing pieces of paper tiers to cone, starting below.

Mini christmas tree

Mini christmas tree

Mini christmas tree

Mini christmas tree

Thus, fill out the entire surface of the base blank. Your Christmas tree is ready!

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