Master class: how to sew a lambrene for curtains


Labreken is the final detail in the window design. It gives the completeness of the whole composition, complements the curtains and curtains. When creating an interior in the palace style, do not do without luxurious curtains with lambrene. Invent a sketch and sew them himself is not as difficult as it seems at first glance.

Master class: how to sew a lambrene for curtains


Types of Labreken

There are many types of lambrequins. Their appearance is limited only by the designer's fantasy. There is no identical curtain, since each mistress chooses its own fabric, creates its design, and also selects a special finish.

All lambrequins can be divided into two types:

  • tough - sews from dense tissue, do not dramatically;
  • Soft - can have various folds, swans, drapery.

The first view does not imply the presence of an unusual design. Usually it is just a strip of dense tissue that closes the top of the curtains. The window has a beautiful careful look as in the photo.

Master class: how to sew a lambrene for curtains

The second type is more popular. There are many types of drapery that you can decorate the window. You can also use assemblies, pleate, bantle folds, Falda.

The role of additional finishes can be:

  • brushes
  • fringe,
  • harnesses
  • Appliques,
  • openwork patterns
  • Figure edges.

Master class: how to sew a lambrene for curtains

When choosing a design, remember: the more folds and additional finishes at the curtain composition, the more difficult it is to care for it. Inevitably, dust will inevitably settle on the fabric, and therefore the curtains and lambrene will have to shoot and wash.

Master class: how to sew a lambrene for curtains

The easiest lambrene even a beginner needlewoman can sew her own hands. On the video you can see how to sew curtains with lambrequins on patterns.

Master class: how to sew a lambrene for curtains

Calculation of fabric

To sew a lambrene with your own hands, you need to decide on the cloth. It can be the same fabric as for curtains, contrasting or the same as the furniture trim in the room. Beautifully looks a combination of light air curtains and heavy lambrequin.

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Master class: how to sew a lambrene for curtains

Fabric length for lambrequin is 1/6 part from the height of the ceilings in the room. This is the easiest calculation for standard hard-type. If you plan to make drapery, multiply this value by 2. But it is best to make the calculation individually, based on your sketch. You can contact a consultant in the fabric store, it will help you with the calculation.

Master class: how to sew a lambrene for curtains

For the living room

The simplest soft lambrene is a horizontal strip of fabric, draped in two places, with horizontal folds. How to sew it with your own hands:

  1. Calculate the width and length of the finished drapery. Consider the number and magnitude of the folds, then you can figure out the width of the necessary tissue. The length of the finished product is the windows width. You can spend these calculations, laying the folds on the fabric.
  2. Cut the desired piece of fabric, leaving the allowance on each side of 1.5 cm.
  3. Divide the cut in length into three equal parts with chalk, two strips should turn out. On these stripes, launch the lines with wide stitches on the sewing machine. Leave the ends of the thread of 10 cm.
  4. Threads make an assembly, fasten the ends.
  5. At the top edge, the curtain tape.
  6. Lower edge decorate with fringe or brushes (optional).
  7. Bocle over and leave straight or drape, as in the middle.

Sew such lambrequin is not difficult. It is possible to complicate it with additional strips of beautiful fabric on the sides that will fall down along the curtains. Patches for such a simple design are not needed. But if you want to sew the decoration for the window more complicated, you can independently draw them on paper. To come up with the most beautiful design, see the photo for inspiration.

Master class: how to sew a lambrene for curtains

For kitchen

Simple lambrequins and light curtains usually choose to the kitchen. For example, you can sew a beautiful composition of the Tulle of two colors. For this, one color is taken for curtains, the upper layer of lambrequin, jabot (decorative strips that look out below). The second color is selected to pick up the curtains, the lower layer of the lambrequin and the jabot finishes. You can see options in the photo.

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Master class: how to sew a lambrene for curtains

How to sew curtains with lambrequins on the kitchen step by step:

  1. Draw patterns for jabot. The length should be approximately 1/4 from the curtain length. They can be semicircular or with sharp corners.
  2. Suppose you chose two colors - white main and green extra. From white tulle cut the curtains, a narrow strip for lambrequin and jabot. From green - pickups for curtains and lower wide layer of lambrequin. Do not forget to leave the battery allowance and on the bending of the seams.
  3. Excellence and sew vertical curtains. To the top of the curtain tape.
  4. The lambrequin stripes are treated with low threads in tone, smash the side sections.
  5. Jabages treat green tape.
  6. Sust together two parts of the lambrequin and jabot along the top edge, enter the curtain tape.
  7. Sust with the curtain pickups.

Master class: how to sew a lambrene for curtains

The composition for the kitchen is ready.

Performing all actions step by step, you can draw the patterns themselves and sew all parts for the window composition. Even beginners will cope with this work. As soon as you finish and hang everything on the window, you can admire the most beautiful composition every day, which they did it yourself.

Master class: how to sew a lambrene for curtains

Now you know how to sew a lambrequin for curtains with your own hands. It is easy to do it yourself if you have a sewing machine. You can draw patterns or find ready-made. You can also look at the video, how to sew beautiful curtains with lambrequins, and do it yourself.

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