How to repair the wooden beam overlap on their own


In most old and parts of new homes in the device

An attic (ceiling) or inter-storey overlap was used wooden

beams. There can be several reasons for this: wooden beams overlap

Light, available, easy to install. And can also be applied when

Construction of bearing walls from different materials.

However, wooden beams overlap there is a significant drawback. Namely, the increase in humidity and operational load, inevitably affect the quality of wood, and, as

Corollary on its carrier ability. In this case, it will be necessary

repair work.

How to repair the wooden beam overlap on their own

Repair of wooden beams overlap

Types of defects (damage) overlap beams

In the process of overhaul in the house you need

Inspect the beams of overlapping for various types of defects. To those

You can attribute:

  • Rotation and damage to mold. Especially often occur

    On the beams of the attic overlap. Mold on the ceiling beam appears as a result

    Roof flowing. The appearance of rotten areas is distributed in the venue

    Beams in the wall. The reason is insufficient waterproofing in this place;

How to repair the wooden beam overlap on their own

Rotation and damage to mold of wooden beam overlap

  • wormworms. Wood bug vitality can

    significantly damage the beams of overlapping;

How to repair the wooden beam overlap on their own

Woodwoods on wooden beams overlap

  • Silvering (bundle) - the formation of cracks. Initially, poor-quality beams can be smeared under the temperature of the temperature in the length of the fibers.

How to repair the wooden beam overlap on their own

Cracking beam overlap

If something is detected from the above, it is necessary

Perform the repair of wooden beams overlap. In addition, you need to eliminate

The reason that led to the appearance of defects.

How to identify damage to wooden beams?

Detect the defects of the beam overlap in several ways:
  • Visual inspection of beams. The easiest and most reliable way.

    Apply if the beams are open. To make sure the beam

    It will last for more than a dozen years you need to spend a screwdriver with a screwdriver.

    If there is a slightly visible track, it means everything is in order. If screwdriver

    Leaves a groove - the beam needs repair. And the deeper the groove, the

    Faster it is necessary to start repair work;

  • Detection of external signs of deformation - Sailing

    (sagging) of the beam overlap noticeably even under the trim;

  • Cristrowing. If a deaf sound is heard from the blow, it is

    means that the beam needs repair, i.e. she loses his carriage

    ability. Confirm the suspicion can be drilled by the hole in

    Bake. Further, you can estimate the quality of the wooden overlap.

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It is especially important to estimate the state of the wooden floors in

Places of adjustment to the wall. Most cases of damage have to

these places.

Repair of wooden beam overlaps do it yourself

Restoration (restoration, strengthening) of beam overlaps

You can perform in several ways:

  • Repair of overlap using wooden linings.

The board or timber is used as a lining. In height

They should be equal to the height of the beam, and in width - equal to half the width

beams. Since the lining are installed on both sides of the beam, it turns out,

That overlays are equal to the beam. Mounted overlays close to the beam of overlapping and

Fixed bolts. The length of the bolt is equal to the width of the beam and two linings.

To avoid damage to the lining them should be processed

anti-grab solution.

It should be noted that it is better not to repair wooden

Bay overlap in places of adjustment to the wall using linings. For

These goals are more suitable for steel prosthesis.

  • Repair using a prosthetic - Steel sheets

    or steel bar. Their advantage is that they occupy less space and

    more durable. Steel lining should be treated with anti-corrosion


Important! The rotten part or damaged bug is needed,

If possible, cut and replace to the whole, and reserve places to strengthen overlays.

Repair of wooden floors in the place of adjustment to the wall

performed as follows: the damaged part is removed, and the residue is lengthened with

using lining or prosthesis. Next, with the help of bolts, the beam is fixed to


In case of damage to a significant section of the beam (more than 2/3

Length) Replacing wooden beams of overlapping. Otherwise,

Further exploitation of the destroyed wooden overlap can lead to

Cooperation of the construction of the house.

How to repair the wooden beam overlap on their own

We recommend to familiarize yourself with the detailed description of the technology.

Strengthening wooden beams overlap.

All repair work must be performed using

Dry wood. And the use of special protective solutions is significantly

Extends the operating period of repaired beams of overlapping.

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