Plaid crochet motifs "Mandala". Schemes


Plaid crochet motifs "Mandala". Knitting schemes of the most original, stylish and beautiful (in my opinion) warm blanket or bedspread.

Plaid crochet motifs

Plaid crochet motifs

Plaid crochet motifs

Plaid crochet motifs "Mandala". Schemes

See also previous publication:

Hook "Mandala" Crochet

Using this idea and schemes, you can also associate tack, decorative panels, serving napkins or handbag (very beautiful option in the photo below).

Plaid crochet motifs

Plaid crochet motifs

Plaid or bedspreads in Salado-Yellow Tints:

1 row - brown yarn,

2 - Olive or Salad,

3 - white,

4 - yellow,

5 - white,

6 - brown,

7 - white,

8 - yellow,

9 - orange or dark yellow

10-11 - brown,

12-14 - white,

15 - Olive or Salad,

16 - White,

17 - Olive or Salad,

18 - Yellow,

19-20 - White,

21 - brown,

22 - white.

List of colors for plaid in red and blue shades, see here.

Knitting the face of the front side of a round mandala handbag (work begins with the center, with 3 VP):

Plaid crochet motifs

Crochet design scheme Mandala Motive:

Plaid crochet motifs

The motifs are connected to each other in the process of knitting the last row.

Pill strapping scheme:

Plaid crochet motifs

Plaid crochet motifs

Plaid crochet motifs

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