[Creativity of the house] We make a decor for the house from unnecessary puzzles


Collect puzzles - became a popular activity for adults and children, but small details are often lost and it is difficult to find them, but if they are still at cleaning or by chance, then you should not hurry them.

[Creativity of the house] We make a decor for the house from unnecessary puzzles

We make the decor for the house from unnecessary puzzles

Many unique applications exist from puzzle residues.

For example:

  1. Decuting puzzles on cardboard in the form of a flower, butterfly or other figures you can get a unique pattern. It is not even so important which color will get a drawing, it will still look original.
  2. Printing puzzles on the cover of a book, a cup for pencils or pencils, a good ornament is obtained.
  3. From the collected puzzles you can bookmark for books by sticking them randomly on a piece of cardboard.

[Creativity of the house] We make a decor for the house from unnecessary puzzles

An excellent gift will happen if you make it from the materials:

  1. Puzzles.
  2. Paints of different shades.
  3. Brushes.
  4. Glue.
  5. Picture frame.

[Creativity of the house] We make a decor for the house from unnecessary puzzles

Sequence of operations:

  1. Puzzles flip over and paint different colors.
  2. At the edges of each element, put the white dots.
  3. Leave for drying.
  4. On the cardboard puzzles glue arbitrarily.

Council. Puzzles should not be painted, it is enough to choose pieces of different colors and glued. After a pearl color varnish. It is better to glue items with a displacement, so it will look for the picture volume. The edges of the frame do not need to align, this is the entire design of the design.

[Creativity of the house] We make a decor for the house from unnecessary puzzles

Making a Christmas tree toy

Prepare materials: glue, puzzles, cardboard green, sequins and scissors.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Draw a Christmas tree on a piece of cardboard and cut with scissors.
  2. Stick on the Christmas tree puzzles.
  3. Glue sequins yellow and silver.
  4. Put a loop.

You can hang on the wall or on New Year's beauty.

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Tree applique

To perform work to prepare the following materials:

  1. Puzzle remains.
  2. Paints.
  3. Cardboard, preferably light tone.
  4. Brush and paint.
  5. Single fabric.
  6. Glue and scissors.
  7. Soft paper.

How work is held:

  1. Cut from cardboard the basis for the picture. It may be a rectangle, square, oval and other. It all depends on the wishes of the owner.
  2. Arrange the frame with a cloth by gluing the last over the perimeter of the workpiece.
  3. It is approximately in the middle to glue a crumpled paper. It will be a tree trunk. After gluing branches.
  4. Glit puzzles on the branches, they will perform the role of leaves.
  5. At the bottom of the paintings you can draw grass with green or yellowish color.

The picture is ready, the main thing is not to forget from the other side to glue the loop for hanging on the wall.

[Creativity of the house] We make a decor for the house from unnecessary puzzles

Original boxes of puzzles

Do not rush to throw out the boxes from under shoes, they can come in handy for storing various things. To make the boxes look original and complemented the interior with sophistication, it is enough to stick puzzles on them, it does not matter from which pictures. After gluing the surface, you can paint any paint.

Decoration options

What else can be made from puzzles:

  1. The old coffee table will serve for a few more years if it is placed in puzzles. To do this, it is enough to glue the puzzles of approximately one tone to the perimeter, and the main part is the puzzles of other shades.
  2. Old wardrobes and cabinets can also be reeded with puzzles of different shades. You can choose different tones and perform everything ordered, or glued into no matter what sequence.
  3. The decoration of the vase with puzzles will give the effect of modern design.

It is worth noting. If gluable furniture with puzzles, then the elements should be a large amount.

[Creativity of the house] We make a decor for the house from unnecessary puzzles

The decorations of the residential premises should be carried out thoughtfully so that there were no oarseratuses with tones and paints and in the room could be resting.

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[Creativity of the house] We make a decor for the house from unnecessary puzzles

[Creativity of the house] We make a decor for the house from unnecessary puzzles

[Creativity of the house] We make a decor for the house from unnecessary puzzles

[Creativity of the house] We make a decor for the house from unnecessary puzzles

[Creativity of the house] We make a decor for the house from unnecessary puzzles

[Creativity of the house] We make a decor for the house from unnecessary puzzles

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