6 myths about the interior design in which you should not believe


Most people know about interior design from TV shows and fashion magazines. This is something expensive, strange, intended for famous people. In fact, these are all stereotypes. A beautiful and thoughtful space is not a luxury, but necessary for each thing.

6 myths about the interior design in which you should not believe

Interior design is expensive and long

The designer services refuse for two reasons: expensive and long. In TV programs show sofas, cost per monthly salary, finishing of rare materials. All this is accompanied by the words "designer", "exclusive", "manual assembly". If desired and sufficient budget, the designer will enjoy the best furniture from around the world. But if the customer is going to equip the interior from the products of local construction hypermarkets and budget furniture, then the task of the specialist is to meet the named amount.

Important. Private specialists offer services at democratic prices. In addition, you can not order unnecessary services, for example, visualization or designer supervision.

6 myths about the interior design in which you should not believe

If the customer knows what he wants to get from the room or at home, then the designer has no accuracy of the project. Several productive meetings - and everything is ready. And the nuances can be discussed by telephone or in messengers.

The designer is needed only for elite journal interiors

The first task of the designer is to make space convenient for the customer's life. This is the selection of a convenient sofa for long-term viewing of the TV, calculating the desired number of outlets in the kitchen for lovers to cook, selection of persistent and non-commercial materials for owners of pets, selection of furniture of the right sizes for small apartments. The specialist takes into account many little things that are invisible to most people. Competently designed space significantly improves the quality of the life of the owner.

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6 myths about the interior design in which you should not believe

Designer's ideas are rarely embodied by the efforts of the builders.

It is believed that the interior designer is a creative profession close to artistic. A beautiful sketch or visualization of the perfect interior is created. Then they look at the workers who will directly perform repairs, and laugh. No specialist will sacrifice the functionality of the premises for the implementation of impractical personal waters . No one will make a breaking wall of the house for the creation of a fashion studio.

6 myths about the interior design in which you should not believe

Important. Ideally, the designer develops the project along with the workers. Thus, it is immediately clear that you can easily implement, and from which ideas you need to refuse. In addition, experienced repairmen can determine the problems of the premises and provide valuable design guidelines.

All interior items must be perfectly combined.

It is believed that in design everything should be adjusted to the shades and forms of decor. Furniture from one collection, pillows and curtains from one fabric. And even decorative candles and frames for photos of strictly defined geometry. In fact, all fashion editions promote the idea of ​​permanent experiments. Collect the whole room from the items of different shapes and colors or buy one very escaped chair - all this makes the interior of truly individual. Collect heterogeneous furniture in a single style - not easy, but an interesting task.

6 myths about the interior design in which you should not believe

White color is impracticious, dark turns the house in the basement

Any color like the owners is practical and appropriate . Modern coatings are easily cleaned, so the white interiors will remain white. In addition, it is this color that serves as "canvas" for experiments. On his background, minimal changes in the color of pillows or replacing the light decor on dark perceived positively and interesting.

6 myths about the interior design in which you should not believe

Rich colors even indoors without windows can be appropriate. You should work on lighting, bring more bright parts to the interior, and the room will never look like a basement. Bright colors are diluted with neutral, accents are added to the natural palette. Even the most controversial elements can fit beautifully in the design, if you specify such a goal.

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6 myths about the interior design in which you should not believe

Typical Apartments - Typical Projects

Most people live in typical apartments. Sometimes their layout is not entirely successful or does not fit the style of the owners' life. In addition, all different hobbies, household habits, preferences, ideas about beautiful. The interior design should adapt the space for the needs of specific people. . And at the same time, the house should be a place where it is pleasant to be and nothing annoys. Typical interiors are not suitable for everyone.

6 myths about the interior design in which you should not believe

10 techniques for the interior design that I do not use (1 video)

Myths about interior design (8 photos)

6 myths about the interior design in which you should not believe

6 myths about the interior design in which you should not believe

6 myths about the interior design in which you should not believe

6 myths about the interior design in which you should not believe

6 myths about the interior design in which you should not believe

6 myths about the interior design in which you should not believe

6 myths about the interior design in which you should not believe

6 myths about the interior design in which you should not believe

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