How to make beds under the strawberry: examples and tips on arrangement


How to make beds under the strawberry: examples and tips on arrangement

Traditional Russian beds on a flat surface or on an earthwood crest for garden strawberries have significant disadvantages with which gardeners no longer want to put up.

Often you can meet the statement that strawberries - picky berry. This is not at all. It does not require frequent irrigation and feeding, perfectly winter, well multiplies and capable of growing long in one place.

All that is needed strawberries for high and healthy harvest: oxygen access to roots without overvolding, good air circulation in the growth area of ​​bushes, illuminated area, fertile soil and no contact of the berries with soil. Create all these conditions will help the correct breaker device.

Parameters of perfect beds and general landing rules

With a good agrotechnik, the strawberry plantation is preserved up to 5 years. Then the soil accumulates pathogens, deplets, old bushes are worse fruit. Requires a selection of a plot or replacement of soil and renewal of plants.

The planting material can be purchased in the horticultural store or use the natural pursuit of strawberries to let the mustache, capturing a new territory. If you get seed from your site, then you need to be confident in the absence of nematodes and the strawberry tick. Disinfection from causative agents of disease is obligatory both for its own and purchased material.

Note! The removable strawberry gives less than the mustache, the aisle longer remain clean. If you plan to multiply your variety, then in the second half of the summer, overlook the flowers, loose aisle and spend moderate watering.

How to make beds under the strawberry: examples and tips on arrangement

Regardless of the type of bed, we note the parameters that are always taken into account to create an ideal microclimate:

  • Girrochka width 80 cm: Plants are planted in two rows with a frame of 40 cm, the bushes are well ventilated, there is a convenient to rope and loose aisle, there is no difficulty with the collection of berries;
  • The garden is focused from east to west: uniform lighting throughout the day;
  • Distance between plants in a row 25-30 cm: The repairful grades form more powerful and high bushes, so for them the distance is increased to 30 cm;
  • The optimal distance between the individual beds is 65 cm: this is enough to drive a garden car to see the garden work freely;
  • The height of the bed in different technologies is taken from 20 cm to 1 m, but even a small lift is favorable for the development of culture;
  • The soil between the beds contains in the dawn (the rustling grass is simply mounted at 5 cm): black soil overheats, and Byrian serves a seatingman of pests and diseases, while low beveling grass and a look is pleasant, and useful for the garden;
  • The seedling is made under the black film (manufacturers supply it with already sliced ​​holes, according to the landing scheme): the absence of weeds, the berry does not come into contact with the soil and remains clean even after the rain, as a result, the spread of gray rot is noticeably reduced;
  • It is undesirable to the neighborhood of strawberries with fruit trees: in some years, strawberry bushes may suffer from attacks of leaf-racing caterpillars.

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How to make beds under the strawberry: examples and tips on arrangement

Options for landing schemes

In the device, the garden cannot be forgotten about drainage and nutritious soil. Well-tired organic (compost, humid, peat) Soil will be able to provide rich harvest for 3-4 years of cultivation without additional feeding. For the prevention of gray rot, the soil in front of the planting seedlings are spilled with a solution of phytosporin.

High beds for strawberry

Fences may have a height of 20-40 or even 90-100 cm. The second option is more convenient to care for plants and when harvesting, irreplaceable in wetlands and with close grounding of groundwater with frequent spring flooding. But he has both negative points: the soil dries faster, the plants are experiencing overheating, the probability of freezing is high in the harsh winters.

How to make beds under the strawberry: examples and tips on arrangement

Here it is necessary to use mulch or black film and winter shelter by spunbond or Loutrasil in regions with frosty winter, as well as desirable drip watering device for uniform moisturizing.

How to make beds under the strawberry: examples and tips on arrangement

For a garden, less than 40 cm is not so scary by weather cataclysms, but to care for them will have to be tilted and attributed. The bed box can be made independently from boards, slate, bricks or order ready-made galvanized beds.

How to make beds under the strawberry: examples and tips on arrangement

At the installation site of the box, the plastic of the earth is filled with a thickness of 10 cm. Then placed the protective mesh from rodents or geotextiles and install the box so that its walls are swallowed by 10 cm. At the bottom of the garden, large branches and broken bricks are folded. At the last stage, the box is filled with nutritional soil from compost, garden land and bird litter.

How to make beds under the strawberry: examples and tips on arrangement

Attention! You can not take the land on the beds after the grated, cabbage and cucumber, as it can be infected with gray rot.

Warm bed for strawberries

The principle of warm beds consists in slow decomposition of organic material with heat release. Such a device is suitable for regions with cool summer and late return freezers. Filling a bed resembles a puff pie. The layers are the same as in the compost pile, only go in the reverse order.

How to make beds under the strawberry: examples and tips on arrangement

Large wood waste is placed on the bottom: chips, thick branches, broken hemp. Next, lined in several layers of pieces of cardboard. Toppers poured wood sawdust and chips, covering everything with a layer of freshly acted grass (excellent, if there are sowing of siturates) and crushed weeds (if you cook the bed in the summer, then make sure there are no seeds).

How to make beds under the strawberry: examples and tips on arrangement

The last layer is overwhelmed by huming or compost. The root system of strawberries is urine and strongly branched. The bulk of the roots is in a layer of 20-25 cm. This must be taken into account when determining the thickness of the fertile layer.

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The average height of the warm bed is about 1 m. If you want to "omit" the fence before installing and filling the box digging the desired depth.

Vertical beds from the pipe: closer to the sun

The idea of ​​vertical beds seduces savings in the garden and decorativeness. This option is suitable for sites with any soil, and the Groke can be located directly in the recreation area and enjoy the aroma and taste of the sleeves of the sleeve berries, lying in a hammock. But still such a technology is good for a wet and soft marine climate, and not for the arid Volga region or the harsh suburbs.

How to make beds under the strawberry: examples and tips on arrangement

A small volume of soil mixture dries quickly, so the built-in semi-automatic irrigation system is required. To increase moisture intensity to the substrate add hydrogel.

The process of manufacturing vertical beds from a plastic pipe includes the following steps:

  • In the pipe of the desired length, cut holes with a diameter of 10 cm;
  • The first lower hole is located from the edge of 80 cm (this part of the pipe will be broken into the soil)
  • At the bottom, we put the plug with drainage holes;
  • The cylinder in the center establishes a watering tube with holes, wrapped by agrofiber or burlap or drip irrigation tape;
  • The pipe is filled with a substrate simultaneously with the seedlings;
  • Plants can overheat greatly, so it is desirable to cover the planting by white sponbond.

How to make beds under the strawberry: examples and tips on arrangement

For the winter, vertical designs in the middle band of Russia are either transferred to a horizontal position and is thoroughly covered, or they are entered into a closed room.

How to make beds under the strawberry: examples and tips on arrangement

Another nuance of the vertical plantation: it is impossible to collect planting material to update landings. Therefore, it is recommended to leave several bushes on the traditional bed to preserve the collection of varieties.

Interesting variants of beds for strawberries do it yourself

In this section, consider ideas for mobile beds that can be positioned in any solar portion. You can make them from cheap primary materials. In order for the plants to develop and be fruitful, the designs are filled with a substrate enriched with organic. During the growing season, feeding with an ash solid, an infusion of bird litter or mineral fertilizers. Hydrogel is added to increase moisture-holdback.

Even with the corresponding care, mobile beds are short-lived. Save the high-level yield will allow the full replacement of the soil every 2 years.

Plastic bottle bed

For the full development of the strawberry bush requires a volume of at least 2 liters. At the bottles cut the neck, but do not throw away. From it we will make a drainage device: remove the lid and lower the resulting funnel to the bottom of the bottle, wrapped in a thick layer of burlap or agrovoche; At the bottom of the bottle, retreating 5 cm, we make a round hole for the drain and evaporation of excess moisture with a diameter of 5 cm.

How to make beds under the strawberry: examples and tips on arrangement

To ensure a systemic watering at the bottom of each bottle, we make several holes through which the water will come from the top bottle into the bottom. You should not do too high bed, a fair chain of 4-5 bottles.

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Seedlings are planted into the hole with a diameter of 5-8 cm. Bottles are installed on each other, securely fasten the wire to the wooden frame.

How to make beds under the strawberry: examples and tips on arrangement

This option is well suitable for creating an annual decorative garden. It can be placed near the playground so that children can get a clean berry and have not spoiled the main beds.

Horizontal gardening from PVC pipe

The essence of the idea is: in a large diameter pipe, a holes with a diameter of 10-15 cm are made at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other, filled with nutrient soil and installed on high supports. Drainage is small pebbles.

How to make beds under the strawberry: examples and tips on arrangement

Watering is carried out through an internal tube with a diameter of 40-50 mm with holes, for a uniform distribution of water, the pipe is turned around by observer material. A more efficient, but costly drip watering is.

Girling from old car tires

Not the most eco-friendly option, but actively used. You can create a column, placing the tires of the same diameter to each other. Either make a pyramid using different diameter tires. Consider the first way, since he has some nuances.

How to make beds under the strawberry: examples and tips on arrangement

In the upper part, cut the square holes 10x10 cm, between the holes we make an interval at 15 cm. We must not forget about drainage. At the installation site, the garden-column needs to be pulled out a shallow 7-10 cm of the pit and fill it with sand and rubble. In the bottom in the circle of each tire, the drill is done by the holes for water drain.

So that the soil was loose enough and breathable, add peat and perlite.

Strawberry in suspended bags

This is a great option for growing for the balcony, terrace or in a gazebo. It is also worth viewing as an addition to stationary beds. Seedlings are planted in bags with pockets or in separate small bags. They can be sewed alone from dense fabric or buy ready-made in the horticultural store.

How to make beds under the strawberry: examples and tips on arrangement

Here it is not necessary to think up the drainage, because the water itself will be flushing through the burlap. Plant care includes frequent and not abundant watering, feeding and evening spraying of leaves.

Wooden strawberry pyramids

Environmentally friendly and durable beds can be made of wooden boards. First knock down several boxes with a different perimeter so that it is possible to collect a pyramid.

How to make beds under the strawberry: examples and tips on arrangement

Then they fall asleep with a nutritional soil and plant seedlings. The low pyramids with the shelter well tolerate Russian winter.

How to make beds under the strawberry: examples and tips on arrangement

Crickerel-designer from blocks

Among the submitted materials in the country, there are very often various building blocks that can be perfectly used to organize a bed and flower. The hollow block offers more features than standard full-time or brick, serving only the fence.

Like the design elements, such blocks are folded into a variety of structures, and their emptiness is filled with strawberry bushes.

How to make beds under the strawberry: examples and tips on arrangement

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