Watering can do it


Watering can do it

Watering can - an indispensable attribute of the household plot, a dacha block of land, cottage house and even apartments. Way to not just play your functional role, but also combined with a landscape design or an interior of a new-fashioned apartment, you need to understand exactly where you will use it.

Lakes made with their own hands adorn the interior and useful in use. Each hostess loves her flowers and cares for them. Lake and is an assistant in this matter.

Watering can

If the apartment will be a permanent fag for watering, you can take the already existing watering can or get the easiest option, and then paint it into a homogeneous color. However, this option is surprised, because a monophonic watering can be bought in the store, so why then spend time and strength on her color?

Watering can do it

An excellent and simple version will be a beautiful bright sticker that is applied to the surface of the watering can. It is possible to completely go to it, but it is worth understanding that paper stickers will quickly get into and rupture, if, of course, you do not stick tape on top of paper. It is necessary to do this throughout the perimeter of the picture so that there are no gaps left, because water can get into things and leak into the depths.

Watering can do it

As you know, plants in the interior play a very big role. Some of them need special care, they cannot be watered excessively, which can happen if you pour water from a bottle of a large jet. You can also damage the barrel of the plant, even if you do not notice it, but the plant will suffer.

Many home deciduous flowers love when they are watered from above, creating the effect of rain. Drops are formed on the leaves, and this also feeds them. There will be a wage that can be combined with a sprayer.

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Watering can do it

However, it is also worth remembering that this rule applies far from all the domestic flowers, and for some of them the upper irrigation marks the beginning of the disease and rotting the leaves. Therefore, before using a watering can, read the Internet, how to pour certain types of colors.

How to make Luck

Let's think about how to make a watering can do it, so that she does not just help you in watering, but also looked interesting and unusual.

The first and easiest option is to take a plastic bottle and make a hole in its lid with a selection. In order for this option, it does not look too ordinary and banal, you can take a bottle of an unusual form, after examining the entire proposed range of drinks in the store.

It will be difficult to save such a bottle, because if its color does not suit you, it is advisable to use the paint. However, such a maneuver applies to bottles, whose surface is dense and not bend, otherwise the paint cracks quickly.

However, the variant of the cracked paint is also not bad, because it is also interesting and unusual, but is suitable for you if you use the canoe, for example, in the country. For the apartment version it does not fit, because the peeling paint under his feet is a little not what we achieve.

Watering can do it

Watering can do it with a glass of glasses

Watering can be done from a glass with his own hands. It will be more difficult to process, but this option can last much longer and will look much more aesthetic. For such a device, you need to take some glass or even a mug of ceramics, as well as a drill.

You should be very careful with the drill, because during work on creating a hole, a mug can burst or small cracks will appear on it. So that this does not happen, the hole is worth drilling neatly and slowly.

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Next, we act like this:

  • We take the plastic tube, which we prepared, in accordance with the thickness of which created a hole;
  • Color the tube and the glass itself in one color;
  • insert the tube into the glass under the watering can;
  • Fix glue so that there is no zazorina, through which water could be leaked.

It is desirable if you choose such a mug that has an unbroken neck, since it will be inconvenient to cope with the wide upper hole, and so that water does not pour out, it will be necessary to pour too little water in the already not capable circle.

Watering can do it

Unusual watering can

If the option with the original small watering can not suit you, but in your plans - watering a large number of colors planted in open ground, you will probably use the idea of ​​a large original watering can.

Take a bottle from some detergent, apply chaotic lines on it using ordinary paints. You will have an interesting awangure wage, on which dirt will not be too noticeable. So that the drawing is not washed away, cover the watering can be lacquered. Such a watering can be left in the yard, if you have an alpine slide, the decorative elements look perfectly.

Watering can do it

However, the watering can be a simple decoration of the interior or landscape design of the site. Even if you have only artificial flowers, not trouble, you can put a watering can near them, it will only decorate and give an atmosphere of aesthetics.

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