All about hidden doors in an apartment or house


What associations do you have secret rooms? Queen's intrigue Margo, Harry Potter and his secret room. Secret moves, and secret doors existed in the history of mankind always. Yes, that there are rooms - whole secret cities: the ancient underground city of Hettites Derinkovsky, completely accidentally discovered in 1963 by the Turk, who decided to dismantle one of the walls of his home during the repair.

All about hidden doors in an apartment or house

Secret door

Scientists are still incomprehensible, for what purposes the inhabitants died in the second millennium BC is used to our era, goes to a depth of almost 60 meters from eight residential tiers. As it is not entirely clear what to arrange hidden doors and secret rooms in a small-scale apartment. However, lovers of secret doors exist. There are even companies whose products are aimed at meeting the desire of adults to have "secrets".

All about hidden doors in an apartment or house

Here is some kind of mystery ...

Why are the secret rooms arrange? If you are not a drug dealer and not a court one of the French kings, then at first glance, the presence of a room inaccessible to outsiders is questionable. Nevertheless, such premises are needed.

  1. Armory. According to the requirements set forth in the "Arms Law", weapons should be stored in such a way that storage safety, preservation and the possibility of penetration of unauthorized persons was excluded. These conditions meet the premises for secret doors.
  2. Safes. If you have a safe, it is not worth an universal review. Usually in the apartment or in the house are equipped with special places to install the safe. In addition to the execution of the prescriptions GOST R 50862-2005 of the Russian National Standard for Safes on Branchedness and Anchor Fasteners, acquiring special storage equipment, it is worth thinking so that the metal burglar-resistant and non-burning box for values ​​was not available to the outsider.
  3. Storage room of values. If you prefer to store a collection of painting or jewelry in the house, then you should also think about a secret door and a hidden room.
  4. Just storage rooms. In case of values, you store in the safe cell of the bank, and you do not have a weapon, hidden doors and hidden premises will also be useful. No matter how much cabinets and storage rooms in the house will not prevent additional. For these purposes, hidden storage locations are equipped, for example, under the stairs. Of course, this is an unreal secret room, but the door in the storage room can be secret - in order not to break the design.
  5. Hidden doors. In order not to break the design, the hint doors are made completely ordinary sizes, leading at all in secret rooms. Just design is such - in the style of minimalism.
  6. Children. Children love secrets and secrets. Eating a child secret children - child will be delighted. At least for a while. Adults, apparently, of those who, in childhood, the parents did not make a secret children, too love secret rooms. What is just to do in it - secretly from the spouse with buddies to drink beer and root for your favorite football team?

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All about hidden doors in an apartment or house

Make a secret door with your own hands

How can I hide the room, we will not discuss. If you do not live in an old castle, but in the apartment type Khrushchev, then you can do the secret room except in Chulana. Consider how you can arrange a secret door.

All about hidden doors in an apartment or house

To hide safe, it is enough to equip the door in the form of a picture or mirror. The weapon room can be hidden behind the library cabinet, fake wooden wall facing panels. At such products, Creative Home Engineering, which knows about the secret doors, everything and ready to install them in the apartment, in the house or office.

All about hidden doors in an apartment or house

We offer to see photos showing how to quench your passion for secrets.

All about hidden doors in an apartment or house

If Creative Home Engineering products for any reason does not suit, nothing hurts to make a secret door - a bookshelf with your own hands.

All about hidden doors in an apartment or house

For this purpose, you can use the finished wooden door from the array, deleting the panel and using only the strapping. If the finished door was not found, the frame can be made independently. Suitable planed board 45x145 mm. You will need two segments to vertical stoke. Their length must correspond to the height of the hidden door opening. And two segments on horizontal connections. Their length is equal to the width of the opening minus the size of two vertical parts. In order for the design to be stable, it is necessary to connect them in the same way as door strapping details are connected - a spike-groove connection.

All about hidden doors in an apartment or house

From a thinner boards - an incision, make the rack of the desired shape and depth. The width of the shelving is calculated based on the size of the resulting frame. Further step - twist the door frame and the design of the shelves.

All about hidden doors in an apartment or house

For the rear wall of the resulting shelf, you can use the same board, or for simplicity and reduce the thickness of the design, use Paneur. When the door-shelf will be collected, the product must be painted. Depending on the planned design, it is possible to cover the wood with a veil on the tree, and then the surface is to climb. Or paint paint. You can additionally overlap the seam between the shelf and the frame with the help of decorative layouts.

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All about hidden doors in an apartment or house

Take our secret door. Given the massiveness of the design and weight of the objects that will stand on the shelves, the loops need to choose for heavy doors. The principle of settinglery installation does not differ from the installation of the usual.

All about hidden doors in an apartment or house

It remains only to make a castle, opening, as it should be secret locks, if you remove the shelves, a well-known owner, a book.

All about hidden doors in an apartment or house

More The assembly process can be viewed in the photo.

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