No fittings on kitchen cabinets: "For" and "against"


Modern design and functional solutions can be seen in everything. Medical equipment, cars, household and industrial equipment. Even the furniture did not cost without the introduction of innovations and a variety of "lotions". This is especially true for kitchen heads. Laconicity is especially valued in small rooms. But conservative views constantly find the disadvantages of such solutions. Consider thoroughly all the advantages and disadvantages of kitchen furniture without fittings.

No accessories on kitchen cabinets:


  1. Laconic design . In the modern interior, furniture without unnecessary details looks stylish and rich.
  2. Safety . Handles on the cabinets often attract the attention of children. Sometimes, games with furniture can lead to injury. The absence of accessories is the lack of increased attention to the child to potentially dangerous things. In addition to the safety of children, the lack of pens ensures both adult safety. After all, with small size of the room, the fittings often becomes the cause of abrasion, bruises and injuries.

No accessories on kitchen cabinets:

Protect boxes from the opening of children will help special locking locks. But 100% guarantees they do not give.

  1. Clean and durability . Frequently furniture opens with dirty or raw hands. This is especially true of the locker under the sink, where the cherished bin is worth. As a result, the furniture becomes dirty and stabbed. Especially affecting the facades the impact of moisture. Common LDSP, does not like the effects of water, but sometimes we have to open / close the doors of the boxes with raw hands. This reduces the service life of the furniture, bubbles appear. Furniture without accessories is equipped with a special opening system when pressed.
  2. No unpleasant sound . After a short time, the new kitchen set (classic) begins to make unpleasant sounds (sycles) during the opening and closing of the door. There is a need to periodically lubricate the loop, although in some cases the creak does not pass. There is no such problem in kitchen headsets without a handle.

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No accessories on kitchen cabinets:


Despite the above-mentioned advantages, kitchen headsets have a number of disadvantages that need to be considered when choosing.

No accessories on kitchen cabinets:

  1. Cost. The main and sometimes decisive minus when choosing furniture without familiar handles. The high-quality opening system is relatively expensive, so buyers often do not understand why they should give such an amount. But it is worth remembering that, acquiring a kitchen with a cheap system, you can buy furniture that will need to constantly repair.
  2. Purity. When choosing a facade, it is worth remembering that it will often touch the fingers and palms. And they, even clean, have sebaceous glands. Therefore, it is not recommended to choose a gloss in the presence of a furniture opening system by pressing.
  3. Random discovery. So, as the system will respond to any press of a certain force, there is a possibility of random opening of the boxes.
  4. Service cost. Repair of the opening system will require special skills, so when a breakdown there is a need to call the masters. This may require some costs.

No accessories on kitchen cabinets:

It is necessary to choose a headset with high-quality, proven systems from proven manufacturers.


Considering all the advantages and disadvantages, it can be concluded that the furniture without fittings takes place, and all the negative features that are attributed to those who are attributed by citizens are only unreasonable arguments. In European countries, such kitchens have long been not considered something new . It will take several years, and our citizens, making sure the experience of their friends, colleagues or just acquaintances, will begin to install such, still unusual for us, kitchen without fittings.

No accessories on kitchen cabinets:

Kitchen without a handle. All possible options (1 video)

No fittings on kitchen cabinets (6 photos)

No accessories on kitchen cabinets:

No accessories on kitchen cabinets:

No accessories on kitchen cabinets:

No accessories on kitchen cabinets:

No accessories on kitchen cabinets:

No accessories on kitchen cabinets:

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