Insulation of the balcony by penplex with their own hands: Technology, instruction (photo and video)



From any loggia or balcony, you can make a cozy and warm place for recreation, reading, sports or storage of useful things. To do this, it is necessary to insulate the balcony of the penplex or foam in compliance with the technology of work.

Insulation of the balcony by penplex with their own hands: Technology, instruction (photo and video)

Penopelex - waterproof plates of extruded insulation.

Penopelex is waterproof plates of extruded insulation, with a thickness of 2 cm and more. Consists of small, fully closed cells. Materials are not toxic, environmentally friendly, weakly, do not rot, it is easy to work with them in any climate.

During the insulation, the loggia or balcony is glazed, floors, walls and ceiling are covered with extruded insulation, and then finishing finish.

Works on the insulation of the balcony of the penplex do not refer to the category of complex and requiring the use of special equipment and tools. Any man can handle the drill and hammer in their hands. In addition, contemplating the results of labor performed by their own hands will bring much more pleasure than the work of the master.

Penopelex and foam - different materials, the last is cheaper, so the insulation of the loggia of the foam will help to save money.

However, despite the low price, the effect will be exactly the same as if you were insulated the balcony of the penplex.

What you need to work

Warf balcony We will start with the preparation of materials and tools.


Insulation of the balcony by penplex with their own hands: Technology, instruction (photo and video)

Foil polyethylene film is necessary for waterproofing when the balcony is insulation.

  • sheets of polyems or foam;
  • mounting foam (better than a universal, not containing toluene);
  • Foil polyethylene film - Penofol (for waterproofing);
  • selflessness, dowels-fungi;
  • antifungal agent;
  • mixture with clay;
  • wooden timber or metal profile;
  • Metal Scotch;
  • glue;
  • Mastica for waterproofing.

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For floor insulation, ceiling and walls, you will need the following tools and mechanisms:

  • Electrock with nozzles;
  • Perforator;
  • construction knife;
  • a hammer;
  • electrolovik;
  • level;
  • stairs;
  • Industrial vacuum cleaner.

Both penurex and foam plastic are universal insulation and are suitable for finishing all parts of the balcony or loggia.

Warm floor on the balcony

Insulation of the balcony by penplex with their own hands: Technology, instruction (photo and video)

When the balcony is insulated with foam, you first need to close all the slots of the mounting foam.

The first stage in the work will be a floor finish. Warving a balcony with foam, one should proceed from the fact that there is a cement screed on the floor of the balcony (by the way, it can be done with a clamzite). Mounting foam to lick all the slots. If there are chips or visible fittings, cement these places. Clean the floors from the garbage and dust with a vacuum cleaner or brush and treat with an antiseptic or antifungal agent.

Attention: the floor level with the finish finish should not be higher than the level of the apartment! Some wizards in front of the polystyrene trim, flood the floor with clay. It saves warmth well, so it can be used with Polyeplex, if the floor height allows.

In this case, the clamzite layer is first coated with a dense polyethylene film, and then poured with a mixture of sand and cement. Taking advantage of the clay, take into account that it is lightweight material and the larger load on the balcony it will not.

Remove the polystyrene foam in accordance with the floor area and laid on the prepared surface. Shakes Combine foam, her dried residues cut. The insulation is attached to the floor with glue.

Then lay the waterproofing layer - foam. The foil side should look out. It is not worth neglected by foamball, since it also has the properties of the insulation. The joints are sampled with metallized scotch.

On the floorproofing layer of the floor with self-draws, a wooden dry bar is mounted on, on which boards, focus sheets or other materials for the floor finish will be superimposed. In order to properly make a flat floor, apply the level.

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We make warm walls

Insulation of the balcony by penplex with their own hands: Technology, instruction (photo and video)

The extruded insulation that is attached to the profile is one of the ways of insulation of the balcony.

After the end of work with the floors, you can warm the walls. They should also be prepared, eliminating the gaps, cracks and defects of the coating. Then go over the surface with waterproofing mastic

Walls can be insulated in two ways. One of them: The extruded insulation is attached to the profile. Do with your own hands we make a crate. It can be both wooden and metal. If you choose your choice, do not forget that it has a bad thermal conductivity and will serve as a kind of "cold bridge". As a result, the effectiveness of insulation of penplexes can be reduced. Guide crates are located vertically and horizontally, and their width must coincide with the width of the insulation.

Polystyrene foam is attached. On his rhers there are peculiar steps for dense fastening. If this is not possible (for example, it does not allow the wall design), the seams are filled with foam.

The method of the second: expanded polystyrene is mounted on the walls with glue or dowels with a plastic hat. The attachment method is exactly the same as with the use of the profile. Some masters recommend that all seams of tape seal (in addition to the mounting foam).

The protection against moisture is achieved by mounting with their own hands of the second layer - foam. It can be glued with double-sided scotch. Avoid installing braziness. Shakes are squeaking with a scotch of aluminum. Watch carefully to ensure that there is no gap between the floor and the walls.

Separate the ceiling on the balcony

Insulation of the balcony by penplex with their own hands: Technology, instruction (photo and video)

Parosolation is necessary when insulating the penplex.

The ceiling finish will be the last stage of work on the turn of the loggia or balcony in the warm room.

First, the ceiling is prepared: the magazine of the slots and the treatment of antifungal agents. Then proceed to the ceiling trim insulation. Polystyrene foam can be attached to the ceiling plate with glue or dowel-nails in the form of an umbrella.

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If you chose glue, it must be applied to expanded polystyrene on the entire perimeter, and then tightly press in the surface of the ceiling.

Under the dowel, the hole is drilled first, and then the nail itself is driven by a hammer. His hat should deeply "drown" in the surface of the insulation. Each sheet requires 5 dowels.

Quite often, expanded polystyrene is mounted with a combination of both methods. All seams and gaps of the ceiling are filled with mounting foam.

When the balcony is insulating the penplex, do not forget about vapor barrier. To achieve the best effect, all the same foam, which was used to finish other balcony surfaces. Its installation with his own hands is carried out through self-tapping screws or bilateral tape, similar to the walls and sex.

After finishing the ceiling by polystyrene foam, it is fastened to it for mounting the ultimate cladding: drywall, PVC panels or MDF, etc. In addition, it will serve as a kind of air cushion finish and insulation.

If your own hands are performed correctly, the insulated loggia should be a single box, from the inside coated with polystyrene fiber and a layer of vaporizolation.

Insulated material expanded polystyrene foam does not require global restructuring of loggia and large cash costs. It can be called an ideal option for insulation of auxiliary premises.

Insulation of the balcony by penplex with their own hands: Technology, instruction (photo and video)

Insulation of the balcony by penplex with their own hands: Technology, instruction (photo and video)

Insulation of the balcony by penplex with their own hands: Technology, instruction (photo and video)

Insulation of the balcony by penplex with their own hands: Technology, instruction (photo and video)

Insulation of the balcony by penplex with their own hands: Technology, instruction (photo and video)

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