How to make the head of a pupae of polymer clay


How to make the head of a pupae of polymer clay

How to make the head of a pupae of polymer clay

A few years ago, the Hand Made community was literally blown up by the appearance of polymer clay. This material incredibly expanded the horizons of activity carried away by the manufacture of unique items of people. Now at the fairs of folk art in the eyes of Pttold from fantasy jewelry and bright souvenirs from plastics.

Polymer clay dolls

But in a special row there are exclusive Polymer clay dolls - truly wonderful material. Of course, such a stunning skill, which show nohal Cruz, will not achieve every handmadeist, but it seeks this. Moreover, noel dolls are sold like hot cakes, at the price of the whole bakery with the staff!

Doll Cher Opel Cruise

How to make the head of a pupae of polymer clay

But even very simple, but original and stylish dolls, use good demand. You only need to add your niche. Here, for example, American Maureen O'Dvaier began to sculpt the funny parody figures on her brother and his friends of poker. And completely unexpectedly for the girl itself, players began to order these dolls, arguing that crafts help winning in living poker tournaments. Now Maurein purchases clay with packages and works above the dolls without tired.

In general, polymer clay is more or rather called plastic, since there are no natural components in this material. If you make the very first steps in the modeling of plastics, it is better to take Promat, Sculpey, Kato, Premo, Pardo or our "Flower".

The most complex in the manufacture of dolls is the pushing of the head, so it is necessary to study this process carefully. Let's try to make a simple enough, but a cute toy head. When you understand the principle of work, you will quickly learn how to create your own original images.

For the manufacture of head pupae from plastics you will need:

* plastic;

* paper napkin;

* foil;

* Special stacks for modeling;

* Cooker with water;

* Tassels;

* Several types of sandpaper (with enough small grain).

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Since the head of the figure is disproportionately large, it is necessary to make it easier to make it possible. To do this, make a blank-blank of a lump of a paper napkin, wrapped it with a foil. Ride the lump on the table to compact it and give the necessary form.

How to make the head of a pupae of polymer clay

Calm a piece of plastics, remember in your hands, like dough or plasticine, for greater plasticity and comfort in work. Make a small pancake and put a blank for your head into its center. Wraping a lump made of foil into a pancake from plastics, make sure that the material lay down without air bubbles. Otherwise, when baking and further exploit the toy, her head can crack.

How to make the head of a pupae of polymer clay

Lying the head of the doll, lay all the folds and cracks with wet fingers. Choose the side for the face and press the depressure under the soccer. From a small piece of plastic, roll the ball and tell him in the middle of the future face. From this detail, try to carefully cut out a tiny rosisome spout.

How to make the head of a pupae of polymer clay

Smoot the tassel to the details so that there were no burrs and irregularities. Skate a small roller out of clay and be subject to it under the nose.

How to make the head of a pupae of polymer clay

Priminate, separate the superior, right up the upper lip with a stack and smooth the wet tassel. Then then do the same with the bottom lip. You can think of them for themselves - a bows like a frog, ajar, etc. Then take a blank ball for the chin and work with it. The result of your work can be great from these photos, but it is even good, because the dolls should be exclusive!

How to make the head of a pupae of polymer clay

If you want to blind a doll with round brushes, add the volume with two layers of plastic. Raise the tip of the stack corner of the lips of the doll to make a smile. Carefully check all your actions on the head of the head - you shouldn't forget this angle! The symmetry of the lyrics can be checked with a mirror.

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How to make the head of a pupae of polymer clay

Of the two small oblong balls, blind eyes and insert them into the groove. Smoothing them or not, to solve you. In this case, the eyes are not too convexed and smoothly kneaded in the eyeball. Stack draw eyelids. Act carefully, as it is very difficult to make eyes the same. To facilitate the task, you can pre-draw the details of the pencil.

How to make the head of a pupae of polymer clay

For greater expressiveness of the eyes, form from thin rollers of the eyelids and carefully lay the upper parts. In profile, the top eyelid can perform stronger the eyeball. If you do and the lower eyelid, then it should not be so convex.

How to make the head of a pupae of polymer clay

Screw the doll head in your hands and finish forming a person - something can be increased, for example, make forehead more convex. When you finish, leave the workpiece for a day to push. Then remove the imperfections with shallow sandwich and polish the wet cloth.

How to make the head of a pupae of polymer clay

If necessary, you can separate two ear to cut out and then stick them to your head. It is not necessary if the dolls will have lush hair.

Let the workpiece lie still a day. Then she will become easy and hard. To put on the head on the neck of the figure, you need to do the hole. It can be done manually using the drill of a suitable diameter. Through the resulting hole with knitting hooks, remove the lump of the foil from the head of the doll.

How to make the head of a pupae of polymer clay

Now the face of the doll needs to be painted. For this suit: acrylic, temperatures, watercolor, watercolor pencils and even markers. Nobody limits your fantasy!

How to make the head of a pupae of polymer clay

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