Slingobuses do it yourself for beginners: master class with video


Last time, slingobuses are becoming increasingly popular - crocheted multicolored beads, which distract the baby from the hair and the jewelry of the mother. They soothe and take a child while he is in a sling. Various sizes and textures of beads help to develop a child's perception of color and shapes, as well as a shallow motor. A huge variety of species of this developing toy allows you to buy it for every taste. But it is much more interesting to make Slingobuses with your own hands.

In these video, it is shown in detail how to correct the beads and at the same time not to spend a lot of time.

The opportunity to make sling buses themselves has a number of advantages:

  • Choose high-quality and environmentally friendly materials that are not dangerous for the child;
  • Select the desired shape, view and color of beads;
  • decide what other elements will be present in the sling buses;
  • participate in an interesting and creative process;
  • Get the result that is limited only by fantasy.

Toy for baby

Slingobuses do it yourself for beginners: master class with video

Slingobuses are designed for young children and often find them in their mouths. Therefore, it is very important for their manufacture to choose high-quality and safe material.


The most important thing is beads. For their production use different material. The best, of course, is wooden. The main thing is that they are made of a whole tree, and not from pressed sawdust. And beads should not be treated with varnish, paint and some kind of spraying. Best of all juniper fragrant and environmental beads.

Beads can be plastic or acrylic. In this case, it is necessary to make sure that the material is in the absence of an unpleasant odor.

Silicone beads are an excellent option for a quick result. They are bright, like children and perfectly help when the teeth are cut.

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Yarn can only be cotton. This is a safe material with a wide color palette.

Slingobuses do it yourself for beginners: master class with video

What to drive beads

The most optimal option is a wax cord from cotton. He is very durable, and the baby will not be able to break it or spray it. Sometimes a satin tape is used if it is more suitable for the planned model.

Also need sharp scissors and a good hook suitable in size to threads.

It is forbidden to use for the manufacture:

  • metal parts;
  • small pebbles, beads, fiberglass;
  • Wire and other sharp materials;
  • fragile ribbons and cords;
  • Painted details.

So that the elements of the beads sounded, various fillers can use in their manufacture. For rustling sound, wrappers from caramels, a croup, thoroughly stitched in cold sacs. And the cereals placed in the lined plastic container from the kinder surprise, publishes beautiful rattling sounds.

Slingobuses do it yourself for beginners: master class with video

You can use a bell for ringing sound.

Recently, personal sling buses are becoming increasingly popular. For their manufacture, you need to purchase beads with letters. Useful lessons for beginners can be viewed in the proposed video.

Master class for knitting cord for Slingobus:

Lesson for tosing a ring:

Performances of this fun toy set. Slingobuses can be collected not only from beads, but also other elements attracting a child. It can be rided buttons, rings of different diameters, small knitted toys.

Schemes for knitting elements shown below will be useful to novice needlewomen.

Slingobuses do it yourself for beginners: master class with video

Slingobuses do it yourself for beginners: master class with video

Ideas for inspiration

Photo of an excellent version of Slingobus, as a thematic toy made in the marine style:

Slingobuses do it yourself for beginners: master class with video


Slingobuses do it yourself for beginners: master class with video

"Berry Outshirt":

Slingobuses do it yourself for beginners: master class with video

"Sweet couple":

Slingobuses do it yourself for beginners: master class with video

Making Slingobus has long been beyond the usual hobby. For many, this lesson has become a successful business project that is suitable to different categories of people. For example:

  • housewives;
  • Young mothers in maternity leave;
  • Students who have no opportunity employed;
  • And just creative people who enjoy the creative process.

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Approximate cost:

  • The price of consumables for performing some Slingobus is about 200 to 300 rubles;
  • Price for the finished handmade product will be from 700 to 800 rubles;
  • The time for the manufacture of some beads experienced master is about 3-4 hours.

Slingobuses do it yourself for beginners: master class with video

Profit from the sale of one product will be about 500 rubles. With the possibility of its increase. A serious approach to business and a clear business plan can turn additional income into good earnings.

Every young mother wants the best for his child. And what could be better toys made by their own hands, which invested all love and care of her baby. Slingobuses are not just fun for a small little man. These bright beads are small mamines of assistants who will reassure, entertain and teach the baby to something new.

Video on the topic

It is even better to get acquainted with the useful toy will help the proposed video.

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