How to wash and operate a cast-iron enamelled bath


To this day, the baths made from the cast iron with an enameled coating remain the most sought-after, because they are strong, they are well kept heat, stable and when they gain water, there is no noise and vibration. In addition, such modern baths are distinguished by the difference in forms and convenient embedded handles. Under the condition of proper care for these plumbing equipment, its service life can last up to 50 years and more.

How to wash and operate a cast-iron enamelled bath

The most durable and durable bath is cast iron bath.

An important advantage is that if suddenly the enamel will deteriorate, it can be renovated. But, since methods that give one hundred percent guarantee is not yet invented, it is better not to bring the situation before. Compliance with a number of rules and guidelines for the care of the bathroom will help to avoid this and, thus, will extend the life of enamel. So, what to wash the bath with enameled coating and how to operate it correctly?

Tools and materials

List of necessary items for the proper care of the cast-iron enamelled bathroom:
  • sponge;
  • soft cloth;
  • latex gloves;
  • Kapron brush;
  • soap solution or other special synthetic detergents;
  • ammonia;
  • vinegar;
  • Washing powder.

Useful Care Tips for Casting Enamel Bathroom

How to wash and operate a cast-iron enamelled bath

Bath sizes.

First of all, it should be remembered that it is impossible to recruit too hot water into a cast-iron enamelled bath. For such a plumbing equipment, its recommended temperature should not exceed 75 degrees, otherwise microcracks will begin to appear, which will lead to the roughness and loss of gloss enamel. Also should not overload the bath, as it is designed for the weight of water and man, and this figure is usually equal to 180 kg. Drain in a bath of various chemical reagents will quickly lead it to disrepair, so it is categorically prohibited.

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After each use, the bath should be washed with a soap solution, which adds a small amount of ammonia alcohol. Do it better with a soft sponge. The soap solution can be replaced by the usual washing powder or special detergents. It is important to consider that they should not contain abrasive substances (abrasive cleaning agents contain in its composition the components of solid particles, due to which the cleaning process is facilitated. As deep scratches may appear due to solid particles) or other aggressive chemicals, for example, such as acids. Then the cleaning agent must be flushed with strong water pressure. It is convenient to use a shower for this. After that, the cast-iron bath must be wiped dry with a soft flannel cloth. This will prevent the formation of grayish and yellowish spots on it, which is a consequence of deposits of mineral salts, which are contained in water.

If such stains have already appeared, it is categorically forbidden to scroll or rub them with hard metal brushes or other similar items, since this can damage enamel.

It was mentioned above that washing the cast-iron bath with acids is prohibited, but vinegar (not clean!) Is an exception and in this case it can be used to dissolve such stains. For this, the rag moistened in it is superimposed on the damaged surface. After about half an hour it is removed, and the bath is washed with running water. If the desired result is not achieved, then the procedure can be repeated.

How to wash and operate a cast-iron enamelled bath

After cleaning, it is necessary to wipe the bath with a dry cloth, it will help save the whiteness of the bath for a long time.

Often, rusty spots appear on the bathroom, which are very difficult to wash. In order to avoid their formation, the release cover is better to fix not on the metal chain, but on the usual fishing line. In addition, due to a faulty mixer in a bath, a constant draining of a small weaving of water can be carried out, which will definitely lead to this trouble, so it must be kept in health and ensure that the taps in it have always blocked well.

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If all the rusty stains were formed, they need to mix turpentine to remove them and salt in such a way that the casczyce mass is obtained, which polluted places are rolled. Then this mixture is left for several minutes and after flushing with running water. Skipidar can also be replaced by acetic essence. To remove various kinds of spots, it is strictly forbidden to use the solvent.

In order for the enameled bath for a long time, it should not wash metal and other hard items that can leave the chips on its surface, since they subsequently begins to form a rust, which will gradually ruin all enamel. Therefore, if this happened, they must be elapsed. To do this, the damaged place is cleaned with fine-grained emery paper and then washed well. Next, a mixture of dry zinc blees was applied to the chole into several layers, a mixture of dry zinc blees was applied, which must be mixed with BF-2 glue. The layers are applied with an interval of 1-2 hours until the damaged surface is completely compared with the entire surface of the bath. At the same time, about 3 days it is impossible to use it.

In conclusion, it should be noted that if the enamelled bath is constantly in dryness and keep the rest of the recommendations, it will last dozens of years, and at the same time its surface will always gline and will not lose its original color.

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