Triple Fish Tail made of rubber on the machine with photos and video


Today we will learn to weave the triple fish tail from the rubber. The first way, which will look at is weaving on the machine. We will weave this beautiful bracelet as the photo below. The amount and color of the rubberry will be indicated for such a bracelet. You can already focus according to your color preferences.

Triple Fish Tail made of rubber on the machine with photos and video

Basics of skill

In order to rush a triple fish tail, we will need the following materials:

  • gum multicolored;
  • Machine Monster Tail;
  • Hook for working with rubberbers;
  • 3 Clips to end the bracelet.

Triple Fish Tail made of rubber on the machine with photos and video

The main bracelet - 42 light green gum Rainbow Loom. To perform the drawing, we take each color of 21 pieces: black, green, blue, orange, purple, red color.

The colors of our bracelet will be alternate. Black color, then green, orange, then blue, purple and red. And re-similar.

Take a black rubber, put it on eight on the first two columns on the left, as shown in the photo:

Triple Fish Tail made of rubber on the machine with photos and video

Now we do another 2 times the same with black rubberies:

Triple Fish Tail made of rubber on the machine with photos and video

Before us vertically eights, black gums are located, take a light green rubber, which make up the basis of the bracelet, and wear a rubber band on all three columns horizontally to the lower row.

Triple Fish Tail made of rubber on the machine with photos and video

Using the hook, we lower the gum just below, we do not remove anything and do not remove.

Now take gum green. We put on first vertically on the left column.

Triple Fish Tail made of rubber on the machine with photos and video

We hide the same way as it was with black, only eight to twist the gum is not needed. So repeat with the central and extreme on the right of the columns. We get such a result.

Triple Fish Tail made of rubber on the machine with photos and video

Repeat a light green gum horizontally down all three columns.

Triple Fish Tail made of rubber on the machine with photos and video

Now we take three orange gum and make vertical thrown on the machine columns.

Triple Fish Tail made of rubber on the machine with photos and video

Again on the bottom row of the machine horizontally wear a light green band of the base.

Triple Fish Tail made of rubber on the machine with photos and video

As a result, by this time we have 3 light green rubber bands of the base and 3 layers of transverse rubber on our machine. Now take a hook in hand. And begin to weave.

We pick up a light green gum of the base and throw off from all three stakes to the center.

Triple Fish Tail made of rubber on the machine with photos and video

Triple Fish Tail made of rubber on the machine with photos and video

Now you need to flip the machine and throw the lowest gum in the middle of each stack with the hook. In this case, black.

Triple Fish Tail made of rubber on the machine with photos and video

From another row of columns, you also need to throw out the same black gum. Before throwing it, it looks like this:

Triple Fish Tail made of rubber on the machine with photos and video

On the other hand, where there is no elastic band, it also needs to throw it. But now you need to do this from the inside. To do this, you need to start our hook inside the light green rubber bands, crochet pick up the bottom black elastic band from the column and throw off in the middle, to the center.

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Triple Fish Tail made of rubber on the machine with photos and video

Go to the second column. Similarly, we start the hook inside the light green gum of the base, we cling the crochet black gum, it is lower and throwing into the center. We also do with the third column.

Triple Fish Tail made of rubber on the machine with photos and video

Further we repeat the sequence of our actions. Now we take the blue color of the rubber band. We put on top vertically for all three pairs of columns.

Each time after throwing the vertical on the column rubber bands, we must throw a light green horizontal gum on the lower three stacks.

Triple Fish Tail made of rubber on the machine with photos and video

Repeat a light green gum again from all columns to the center.

Triple Fish Tail made of rubber on the machine with photos and video

Turn the machine and cling the green gum, we throw it into the center, and make it up with the second and third columns.

Triple Fish Tail made of rubber on the machine with photos and video

On the other side of the machine continue to work with green rubber bands. We start the hook inside the light green rubber bands of our base, pick up the lower green gum and throw off to the center. I repeat the same thing with two columns.

Triple Fish Tail made of rubber on the machine with photos and video

Now we have purple elastic bands. We throw 3 purple gums on 3 columns. Then the light green horizontal again and perform discounting, as shown above.

After purple, we have a red color of rubber. We carry out similar actions, and after it is black again, and so the colors will alternate further.

We repeat our actions until we get the desired bracelet length.

Triple Fish Tail made of rubber on the machine with photos and video

When the bracelet is drunk to the length you need, then it is necessary to finish it correctly.

To do this, let's drop the lower light green gum into the center.

Triple Fish Tail made of rubber on the machine with photos and video

Remove the lower gum from all three columns on the one hand, on the other hand, we remove, starting under the light green rubberry.

After our actions, we left on one side of the machine for 2 color gum, and on the other hand, there are also 2 light green gum.

Triple Fish Tail made of rubber on the machine with photos and video

Triple Fish Tail made of rubber on the machine with photos and video

Now the light green gum that is at the very top, take and remove. We will not need it. And the second light green rubber bands throw off to the center.

Now on each column we left two gum.

Triple Fish Tail made of rubber on the machine with photos and video

The lower gum will again throw off in the center, we have one elastic band on the columns.

Triple Fish Tail made of rubber on the machine with photos and video

Now we throw elastic bands on one side of the machine on the other side. And it turns out that on some columns we have two gums, and on the other side there is no gum at all.

Triple Fish Tail made of rubber on the machine with photos and video

Now we take the fastener to end the weaving and throw on every 2 loops on one fastener.

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Triple Fish Tail made of rubber on the machine with photos and video

Triple Fish Tail made of rubber on the machine with photos and video

On the other hand, our bracelet find black gum and wear the same fasteners on a pair of black gum.

Triple Fish Tail made of rubber on the machine with photos and video

Triple Fish Tail made of rubber on the machine with photos and video

Our bracelet is ready!

Weaving on forks

Now consider the second way of weaving such a bracelet - on forks.

The principle is actually the same as we looked above. But for weaving instead of the machine we will use two forks. We can be guided by the number of elastic bands that were calculated for the first bracelet.

In this lesson, we will need 42 black elastic bands and 6 colors for 18 rubber bands of each color.

Triple Fish Tail made of rubber on the machine with photos and video

As in the first method of weaving a triple bracelet, we throw three elarms on the cloves of the fork eight. On the extreme teeth of each plug on the central 2 teeth on each side of the eight eight and the remaining two teeth more eight eight.

Triple Fish Tail made of rubber on the machine with photos and video

Now we take one black gum and put on the 4 teeth of the same fork horizontally.

Triple Fish Tail made of rubber on the machine with photos and video

Now we wear purple rubbers on the teeth. There will be three of them, just like black, but already eight we do not turn them. We will wear right. From the edge of one clove of each fork, and from the center of 2 cloves per elastic band, and again from the edge of 1 to the tooth of both forks.

Triple Fish Tail made of rubber on the machine with photos and video

Again a horizontal black gum on 4 cloves of one fork.

Triple Fish Tail made of rubber on the machine with photos and video

We wear 3 gum of lilac color.

Triple Fish Tail made of rubber on the machine with photos and video

And again a horizontal black elastic band for one side, as already done twice. Now we take the hook and will prone rubbers.

On one side, the fork find the lowest black gum, which was dressed horizontally on all 4 teeth. We subvew this gum and remove it to the center.

Triple Fish Tail made of rubber on the machine with photos and video

Turn the plugs on the other side. And we throw off the lower row of rubber bands from all three teeth.

Triple Fish Tail made of rubber on the machine with photos and video

We turn the forks to the other side again. We need to remove the lower black gum, but the two horizontal elastic bands are interfered with black. You should enter the hook to enter them, it will be more convenient to delay them with your finger and then calmly remove our black gums from all the teeth to the center under them.

Triple Fish Tail made of rubber on the machine with photos and video

After the lower gums removed, black, which were pulled by a finger, just let go. They remain in the same place.

Not turning over work, on the side where we have black horizontal gum, add a new color.

Triple Fish Tail made of rubber on the machine with photos and video

Back from above, we throw a horizontal elastic band of black.

Triple Fish Tail made of rubber on the machine with photos and video

Now on the side where we have three black gum, we will remove the lower horizontal black gum into the center.

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Triple Fish Tail made of rubber on the machine with photos and video

Turn the forks and remove the lower purple gum into the center.

Triple Fish Tail made of rubber on the machine with photos and video

Sometimes gums on the fork can vary in places, so it is better to remember what colors we have, so as not to remove those gum.

Now turn the forks again, we need to remove the same purple gums on the other hand, while we have already done, pull the black rubber bands with your finger.

Triple Fish Tail made of rubber on the machine with photos and video

After removing the purple gum into the center, the blacks that we pulled a finger, just let go.

On the same side add pink gum.

Triple Fish Tail made of rubber on the machine with photos and video

We add black horizontal again.

And begin to throw off. First black horizontal bottom.

Triple Fish Tail made of rubber on the machine with photos and video

Turn the forks and remove the lower light purple.

Triple Fish Tail made of rubber on the machine with photos and video

From the reverse side, the same color is removed by moving the black elastic bands to the side. Add three light pink gums. And again black horizontal.

Remove horizontal black gum. Then turn the work and remove the lower row of color, turn to ourselves again and, pulling away the two black gum, remove the lower row of the same color that they removed on the side. Now add a new color and horizontal black gum again. And so work continue further and further. Web in the same way that we did higher. After time, we will have such a result:

Triple Fish Tail made of rubber on the machine with photos and video

In order to finish the bracelet, black needs to do such actions.

When we have 2 horizontal elastic bands in black and two colored, the bracelet will already be the length that we need. We will add 3 black gum, but not horizontally, as we did with elastic bands, but we throw these three forks on the teeth of both forks. And then immediately remove one horizontal black gum into the center.

Triple Fish Tail made of rubber on the machine with photos and video

Triple Fish Tail made of rubber on the machine with photos and video

Triple Fish Tail made of rubber on the machine with photos and video

We remove immediately and the second horizontal black gum. Then the bottom pink gum remove. And immediately remove on one white gum into the center. Then we turn the forks and do the same from the reverse side.

After these actions on each fork, we left 3 black loops. We need to translate the loop from one fork to another, so that there are no loops on the same fork, and 2 black loops remained on each tooth.

Holding the loop with a finger, gently translate one every loop onto the second fork.

Triple Fish Tail made of rubber on the machine with photos and video

So that the bracelet does not dismiss, remove the bottom loop black to the center.

Triple Fish Tail made of rubber on the machine with photos and video

We cling the latches on each side, and the bracelet is ready!

Triple Fish Tail made of rubber on the machine with photos and video

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