Cleaning an old cast-iron bath


All innovation of the latest proposals in the plumbing market is still unable to oust the cast iron proven generations. However, the hosts of the products from this material are often interested in what and how to clean the old cast-iron bath?

Cleaning an old cast-iron bath

To avoid the formation of mechanical damage to the bath, it is not recommended to use whitening and aggressive cleaning products.

After all, without a smooth surface of the bath, it is very uncomfortable, and, of course, I want a beloved relaxing and cleaning place that it is snowless clean.

Typical cast iron bath problems

Drawing of cast-iron bath.

And what problems can there? After all, in our time there are many all kinds of cleaning agents, for every taste and color. So what exactly is concerned about people?

  1. Old cast iron baths protective enamel was created using zirconium salts. This chemical compound is initially not sufficiently protected from the appearance of rust, which seeps inside the scratches and other similar damage to the enamel.
  2. Thanks to this lack after time, the cast-iron coating under the attacks of dirt, water and abrasive elements loses the snow-white shine and the smoothness of the surface. These features are sometimes so spoiled to people with the impression of their fonts that they decide to replace their bath.

Cast iron baths and new technologies for their production

Modern manufacturers upgraded enamel application technology, now instead of zirconium salts, titanium salts are used, but the remaining stages of production have not changed. This method will provide an initial shine and whiteness of even an old cast-iron bath for several tens of years, subject to the owners of courtship rules for her.

In search of a better cleaning agent

Cleaning an old cast-iron bath

Cleaning products that can be used for bath: Beer wort, chimney soot, acetic solutions, lying (sanitary) soap.

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This operation is expensive and requires a lot of trouble, for a large cast iron bath weighs at least 100 kg. Previous generations of owners also tried to find a reliable way of cleaning, applying everything at hand, so questions about how and what to clean the old bath, it was not particularly wondering. Cleared to all that was available and acceptable, wherein, of course, the abrasive particles are missing in the cleaning agent. However, there is one important nuance: enamel will hold the initial shine longer, if not used when caring for a cast-iron bathroom, containing chlorine, acid and drugs with abrasives. Then what is most suitable in this case?

  • Dusty (sanitary) soap;
  • Beer wort;
  • stove soot;
  • Acetic solutions.

But the necessary result came not always, or a temporary success was obtained. In most cases, it still arose roughly, in which dirt accumulated, and thus the pristine beauty of the bath inevitably went into the past. And the main reason for this was the enamel, or rather in its structure. In view of this, the proposal of more economical metal options bowed to people to acquire them. However, the situation interfered with a new coloring technology, which can restore the enamel layer at home.

Restoration of Enamel

This method applies the procedure for spraying a new enamel layer on the old cast-iron bath, which should have a flat polished and purified surface, it is necessary to prevent the formation of cracks in the new layer. This method has its own minuses. By and large, he does not completely eliminate the problem. After a mechanical cleaning, the surface glowed with a white color, and fresh enamel gave a sparkling shine. However, the price of such pleasure is close to the price of a new bath. The advantages of this method are just that it does not imply dismantling and installing the bath back. But if the restoration technology is broken, it can lead to not necessary monetary losses, since after the year of operation the appearance of the cast-iron bath will become even worse.

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Speaking of restoration, it would be correct to mention the technique of accurate copying of the enamel application - powder spraying, for the implementation of which it will be necessary to go through the following steps:

  • dismantling bathroom;
  • cleaning from the old enamel layer using a sandblasting device;
  • polishing the surface with corner-glasses;
  • drying and degreasing;
  • powder coating;
  • baking it at high temperatures in a special chamber;
  • Application of protective varnish (several layers).

Bathroom care

The main way to care for the bathroom is to maintain it constant dryness.

Bath device diagram.

Yes exactly! Due to the fact that the small puddle remains at the bottom, there is the likelihood of yellow spots and dirt. It is not allowed to launch such a bath. If you bought it, you have to follow the rules of care. Therefore, it is necessary not to be lazy and wipe wipe the bath from the cast iron to the dry state after each bathing. The result of such discipline will surely please the excellent type of your favorite font.

If the lazy is not defeated and the moisture is not deleted, it will soon have to resort to radical ways, which, if help, is not long. When applying to pollution, the bath can be cleaned by the following actions:

  1. Warm water is poured into a cast-iron bath.
  2. 200 ml of acetic essence is added (in small concentrations it does not threaten enamel).
  3. Everything is mixed and left for 3 hours.
  4. The water is descended and the bath is washed with ordinary water.

The conclusion is: the old cast-iron bath can be characterized as moderately expensive, prestigious and enjoyable thing. Main care - maintenance of constant surface dryness after washing and peeling enamel. It is not recommended to use any bleaching and aggressive cleaning agents, it is impossible to form mechanical damage.

An ordinary soap solution can be removed the lime flask, it must be done 1 time per week. You must not forget after such a cleaning thoroughly wash off with water and wipe the surface until complete dryness.

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