Openwork jackets with knitting needles: Schemes and descriptions with photos and videos


Women's fashion returned knitted things. Bluffs, bolero, cardigans, scarves, caps - all these products made with threads are a dream of a real fashionista. Each woman seeks to be the most stylish and be in a trunk, but sometimes for the sake of this you have to sacrifice a lot of funds. Therefore, the most optimal option is to associate the product itself. This master class is useful to everyone who wants to know how to connect openwork jackets with knitting alone, easy and fast!

Openwork jackets with knitting needles: Schemes and descriptions with photos and videos

Necessary materials and schemes

For 36 size jacket it is useful:

  • yarn for knitting (10% wool, 10% mohair, 80% acrylic, 500 m per 100 g) - 200 grams of lingonberries;
  • Spokes number 3;
  • Hook number 2.

In order not to spend money on the threads in the store, you can dissolve from things that have already spoiled or went out of fashion. With a lack of threads, you can mix colors and textures, it all depends on the fantasy.

Schemes and job description look like this:

Openwork jackets with knitting needles: Schemes and descriptions with photos and videos

The paper uses different techniques. Rubber 1 × 1, which is performed according to the "thread behind the needle - thread in front of the spokes." An openwork is made according to the scheme one, consists of various types of loops.

It must be remembered that 20 loops associated with the size of 10x will be used to the flap of 10x. These data characterize knitting density.

Main steps

At the beginning of work it is necessary to proceed to the manufacture of the back. To do this, dial 81 loops and link 4 centimeters (approximately 10-11 rubles) with a rubber band of 1 × 1. It should look like in the photo:

Openwork jackets with knitting needles: Schemes and descriptions with photos and videos

When the gum will be ready, start creating a drawing of the product. Work on such a scheme as below.

The first row: 2 facial loops, 2BL, Nakda, then 5 facial, 2 IDPs, again Nakid, 2 facial and re-repeat the pattern. The second row: one inequate, 2 WPI, Caida, Pouring, again, Nakid, Nakid, 2 VPI, 2 Innown, then Nakda, Painted, 2 VPI, Parking. Repeat drawing to the end. The third row: 2 IDPs, Nakid, 3 facial, nakid, a complex loop (loop to remove as a facial without touching, make the front, then stretch the removed loop after the awaited), 2 IDP, Nakid, 3 facial, nakid, repeat the complex loop.

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Fourth row: all the wrong hinges. Fifth row: nakid, one complex loop, 5 facial, nakid, is a complicated and 5 facial. Repeat to the end of the row. Sixth: Nakid, 2 VPIs, 2IP, 2 VPI, Nakid, from V / d, 2 VPI, two outbreak, free, inside and so on. Seventh: 2 facial, nakid, complex, 2 IDPs, truck, 3 facial, nakid, complex, 2 IDPs, nakid, facial and continue. The eighth row: all invalid.

Repeat pattern from the first row to the latter until the height does not reach 29 centimeters. Then close the loops for the armor.

Closing loops can be seen in the photo:

Openwork jackets with knitting needles: Schemes and descriptions with photos and videos

Close the worships on both sides by such a scheme: three times three, then in each 2p: three times three times, two times and two times one. Next work strictly again in the drawing. At a distance of 44 centimeters from the start of the product. Close for cutting on the throat 28 loops in the middle. Loops, which remained, tie 3 centimeters, after which it is closed.

For the right shelf (before jacket), dial 51 loops and knit 4 centimeters with a rubber band 1 x 1, then continue the same lace. At a distance of 29 centimeters from the start of the jacket for the armor, close the rows: 3 times, then in each second row: two times, twice one. At a distance of 40 centimeters for the cut for the throat, close 14 loops and then in each second: 3 times 3, 11 times one. Close the shoulder loops at the backrest altitude. The left shelf knit symmetrically right.

Sleeves: 58 pieces and work in the openwork. At an altitude of 38 centimeters, close from two sides: once three and more in each 2 p: two two times, three times one, three times two and two times three times. At the height of the sleeve is 50 cm. Close the remaining loops. As all parts of the jacket are ready, it's time to start assembling.

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In order to collect all together, it is necessary to sew shoulder, side seams and suture of sleeves. Next to speed the sleeves, bottom to tie the crochet.

Small schemes by type hinge crochet.

Column with Nakidami:

Openwork jackets with knitting needles: Schemes and descriptions with photos and videos

With two cape:

Openwork jackets with knitting needles: Schemes and descriptions with photos and videos

Openwork elegant jacket is ready!

Openwork jackets with knitting needles: Schemes and descriptions with photos and videos

Video on the topic

Video on how to tie an openwork jacket with knitting needles:

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