How to clean stainless steel sink


Stainless steel washers conquer in the kitchens are becoming increasingly popular and have almost pushed out all other shells.

How to clean stainless steel sink

In order for the sink sparkling, as a new one needs to take care of it and periodically cleanse from contamination.

What is this due? First, their undoubted strength and durability. Plus, because of its plasticity to molding, steel products can be given almost any form, which gives truly inexhaustible opportunities for designer solutions.

Nevertheless, stainless steel sinks, despite their resistance to external influence, is also covered with mud and bloom, like any other kitchen equipment. In order for the washing sparkling, like a new one, and gave the setting a clean and well-groomed look, it is necessary to care for it and periodically purify from contamination. And how to clean the sink?

Daily care for sink

How to clean stainless steel sink

Size diagram of stainless steel shell.

It's no secret that for any plumbing, and especially in the kitchen, you need to care constantly. By virtue of its contact with water, fat and other pollution, quite natural in any kitchen, stainless steel sink, despite its seemingly resistance to mud, can very quickly be covered with a raid and spots and take a non-view. The glossy stainless steel surfaces are very susceptible to any fat stains. Even simple fingerprints are visible on them very clearly. And in order to maintain the constant purity of the sink in the kitchen, it will take quite a bit.

Daily care products:

  • Means for cleaning surfaces from stainless steel (or any dishwashing liquid);
  • Sponge for washing dishes or napkins for cleaning the kitchen;
  • Gloves.

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How to clean stainless steel sink

Daily care products: Stainless steel surface cleaning agent, gloves, dishes or napkins for cleaning the kitchen.

So, the daily care of the washing of stainless steel is extremely simple. After washing the dishes, the sink from a stainless steel should be sprayed with a cleaning agent, clean the sponge and wipe on a wrapped wipe. In any economic store now sells many care products from stainless steel surfaces. If for any reason it was not possible to purchase a special tool, then it will be perfectly replaced by any dishwashing liquid, which will finish fat stains and fall.

Just with napkins. There are many inexpensive and different rags for cleaning on sale. They are divided into napkins for dry and wet cleaning, as well as to eliminate moisture. That's it precisely the moisture napkins dried fresh washing, which will exclude the occurrence of traces and spots from dried water. Well, for the absence of these, the sink can simply wipe dry with any soft cloth.

Purification of the darkened shell

Stainless steel surfaces are very susceptible to different oxidizers, and therefore dark spots appear often on them, which are not daily prophylactic cleaning. How to clean the sink if she has spacing and covered with dark spots?

Funds against black

  • soda;
  • vinegar;
  • starch;
  • bleach.

How to clean stainless steel sink

Funds against black: soda, vinegar, starch, bleach.

Black in stainless steel occurs quite often, and it is difficult to fight it. You can try some kind of one tool or different ways in the complex. Very popular method of cleaning with a simple bleach. A small amount of money is applied to the sponge and the dark spot is wetted. The minus of this method is that it is this place that can add and start stand out. So that this does not happen or was not so noticeable, after cleaning from dark spots, the whole washing is rubbed with vinegar and leaves for 20 minutes. After that, it is washed with ordinary detergents, as described above.

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Less serious darkens can be cleaned with drinking soda, but it requires a certain application of mechanical effort. On the abrasive side of the wet sponge, a certain amount of soda and dark spots are drawn up to complete disappearance.

Interesting method of cleaning with starch. Any stainless steel products can be lit with potato starch or water in which potatoes were cooked. This water is saturated with starch and, while hot, almost necessary whitens silver and steel. You can pour with such water to the darkened sink or rub the starch black stains as well as soda. And if suddenly the washing has been soooed, that is, it makes sense to make potato mashed potatoes, and use water for cleaning.

Capital cleansing of strongly polluted shell

It happens that the sink is so polluted, which has an absolutely unsightly appearance, and it seems absolutely impossible to clean it to the perfect state. Fat and salt raid, dark spots, black and ingested fat on corrugated places, scored drain and putrefactive smell ... pollution may be serious. What to do in such cases and how to achieve cleanliness?

What will be needed for capital purification

  • Toothbrush, sponge, rag;
  • dishwashing liquid or tablet for dishwasher;
  • soda;
  • vinegar;
  • salt;
  • ice.

First of all, it is necessary to clean the main pollution, fat and salt fenders. To do this, the drain hole is closed and the full shell of hot water is recruited. A sufficient amount of dishwashing liquid is added and left before cooling. You can use special tablets for dishwashers. The tablet rushes into hot water and stirred before dissolution. In cooled, the water descends, and the softening dirt on the surface of the washing is perfectly repulsed by a rigid sponge.

Now it is necessary to take care of pollution on hard-to-reach and corrugated surfaces. To do this, with the help of an old toothbrush, moistened with soap solution or soda, these contaminants are cleaned mechanically. You can pre-process them with a cleansing agent and leave for a while. The soaking of the soda-salt solution of minutes for twenty also gives a good effect of softening the salt stone and the old fat.

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After cleansing from the main contamination, the entire washing is wetted by vinegar for shine and disinfection. It is maintained for some time and is rinsed with water. Now it is necessary to take care of cleansing the drain hole. If you do not take into account various chemicals for plum type "Mole", etc., then there is a fairly simple and accessible way to clean drain pipes. To do this, half a glass of soda falls asleep to the hole (the best calcined, not food) and the same amount of vinegar is poured. The chemical reaction will cause hissing and foaming, which dissolve fatty deposits in plum and pipes. Five minutes later, you need to pour the kettle of boiling water into the sink to wash out the foaming fat and dirt.

Now you can make a deeper cleansing of corrugated places and elements in the pipeline. The sink is falling asleep a large number of chest ice or ready-made ice cubes. The top of the pack of a large table salt is poured on top and the cold water turns with a thin ridge. The resulting water-salt substance well flips pollution and sediment from the bending of pipes. All these simple measures will help make stainless steel sink in the kitchen again clean and hygienic.

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