Rogging bending from newspaper tubes: master class with video


Today we consider the vase weaving by the method of bending rose from newspaper tubes. Let's go to the master class.

Getting to work

Rogging bending from newspaper tubes: master class with video

Rogging bending from newspaper tubes: master class with video

To form a good rack pattern, you need to do quite long. We turn to a certain level.

Rogging bending from newspaper tubes: master class with video

Lock fixing form and abundantly wet the water of the railway to give them the necessary elasticity.

Rogging bending from newspaper tubes: master class with video

Under the rack, we install an extra tube and bend it for the next rack.

Rogging bending from newspaper tubes: master class with video

2nd and 3rd rack bend in the same way.

Rogging bending from newspaper tubes: master class with video

We return to the first rack and bend it for the 5th. At each photo you can see a detailed execution.

Rogging bending from newspaper tubes: master class with video

The 4th newspaper tube also bended for the 5th.

Rogging bending from newspaper tubes: master class with video

2nd wrapping for the 6th.

Rogging bending from newspaper tubes: master class with video

5th add there.

Rogging bending from newspaper tubes: master class with video

The 3rd and 6th bend for the 7th, 3 pairs of tubes are obtained.

Rogging bending from newspaper tubes: master class with video

We proceed to the next tubes, the technique is the same.

Rogging bending from newspaper tubes: master class with video

After all the tubes were braided and one rack remained, we begin to refuel the tubes.

Rogging bending from newspaper tubes: master class with video

Instead of an additional tube, fill the bottom.

Rogging bending from newspaper tubes: master class with video

Rogging bending from newspaper tubes: master class with video

There are also refilled and the remaining rack.

Rogging bending from newspaper tubes: master class with video

It turns out 3 pairs of tubes. 1st tube 1st pair Turn in a loop.

Rogging bending from newspaper tubes: master class with video

With the help of metal spokes, you can easily tighten the tube.

Rogging bending from newspaper tubes: master class with video

Now the next tube will also get into the gap.

Rogging bending from newspaper tubes: master class with video

And also the 3rd.

Rogging bending from newspaper tubes: master class with video

Rogging bending from newspaper tubes: master class with video

That's ready "bending".

Rogging bending from newspaper tubes: master class with video

Now proceed to the formation of links. Also add an extra tube to the rack and bend it for the neighboring.

Rogging bending from newspaper tubes: master class with video

And in the same way all turning all the tubes of the row.

Rogging bending from newspaper tubes: master class with video

Extra tube pull out and stretch the last tube of the row.

Rogging bending from newspaper tubes: master class with video

That's what we do.

Rogging bending from newspaper tubes: master class with video

Similarly, bend another row, only now we change the direction.

Rogging bending from newspaper tubes: master class with video

Rogging bending from newspaper tubes: master class with video

And the last tube is fixed instead of additional.

Rogging bending from newspaper tubes: master class with video

It is possible to stop the bend as long as allows the length of the tubes.

Rogging bending from newspaper tubes: master class with video

Now it is necessary to fix each rack with the help of glue. I turn over the product and sample PVA.

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Rogging bending from newspaper tubes: master class with video

And just carefully cut the remaining tubes.

Rogging bending from newspaper tubes: master class with video

Several rows give the volume of the product.

Rogging bending from newspaper tubes: master class with video

Rogging bending from newspaper tubes: master class with video

We complement the product with the necessary details.

Rogging bending from newspaper tubes: master class with video

And the kitchen vase is ready.

Rogging bending from newspaper tubes: master class with video

Consider another master class of weaving rose.

Rogging bending from newspaper tubes: master class with video

Having reached a certain size, proceed to the bending.

Add an extra tube and bend the rack for the adjacent tube.

Rogging bending from newspaper tubes: master class with video

And also the following 3 racks.

Then the first for the sixth.

Rogging bending from newspaper tubes: master class with video

And the fifth for the sixth.

Rogging bending from newspaper tubes: master class with video

Next, the second for the seventh and sixth there.

Rogging bending from newspaper tubes: master class with video

Rogging bending from newspaper tubes: master class with video

And so until the end of the row, as in the previous description of weaving.

Rogging bending from newspaper tubes: master class with video

After the bending of the double tubes.

Rogging bending from newspaper tubes: master class with video

Cut each rack of the same size and glued to the main weaving.

Rogging bending from newspaper tubes: master class with video

Rogging bending from newspaper tubes: master class with video

This is such an unusual fruit basket.

Rogging bending from newspaper tubes: master class with video

At first glance, it seems that weaving from newspaper tubes is enough serious occupation and not everyone will master such a kind of needlework. In fact, nothing complicated, you need to practice a little on simpler versions, and everything will succeed. The main thing is desire and patience, good luck in future endeavors.

Video on the topic

We provide a selection of video weaving bending rogging from newspaper tubes.

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